Can you nerf these classes please?


So how do you expect anyone to argue with you? :slight_smile:

You just read there what you wanted to read, calling it a prove.

I obviously did you honk.

Yeah, that is the thing with sharing opinions, you know? Welcome to a forum. But historical data supports my opinion of Rogues, especially in RMX, were broken most of the time!

And that is, what this thread is mostly about.

All you did there was proving, that you read from it what you wanted to read from it.

And from now on, you will be the 3rd person I am spending an ignore. Happy eastern.

that’s crazy, now anyways I will be clumping all 3 specs together if I have to.

at least we can agree that BM never has to work for their kills. and yet that acorn does not fall to far from the tree.

This title belongs to us mathematicians not you Feynman!

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I thank you for the tools you make for us, and happy to show you that your tools work in the real world too :smiley:

How does it feel to live in Hilbert Space?

He is so boosted. I realize my previous message was removed - it may have been unnecessarily aggressive. But long story short, he bought every PvP achievement he has. He has tried to deny it for a long time but he KNOWS that some people hold proofs. He even used to talk respectfully to me despite my obvious dislike because he knew I had (still have even) proof and he was still trying hard to deny it. Then he admitted publicly on forum that he bought all of this, so I assume the need for respectful talk has vanished, hence the attempts at personal attacks he makes lately.

But yeah. Boosted. Much. The only way you don’t know is if you’re rather “new”, but he used to be sort of a running meme regarding that, as everyone knew he was being boosted because he didn’t hide it well at start + some people have stronger evidence (hehe), and he was still like “guys no I magically got from 1800 to actually highest Warrior on EU because I played with my very good friends multi r1 and with them I play good oh and hey I deleted my char that was highest warrior EU as soon as it (it and not I, because hey hey, guess what Rakar did now legitimately make it there by himself) hit a spot high enough to sit, that’s totally not to hide it and character restore at the end of the season guys please guys trust me”. That was really funny back then.

Yeah. This “I changed” is the biggest scam. No change, still rude, still downtalks others despite not having achieved anything himself, yes yes yes.

I haven’t played RMX this season yet here I am. Explain ?

Unlike you I have enough self respect to not display my real life self on a wow forum, so, you should really chill with the attempts at personal attacks like that when you have zero idea, negative ideas even, of what I do and how I am outside of the game. In most cases - like here - blind assumptions end up being completely wrong and one day you’ll find yourself on a situation where there are consequences. Try to avoid that, it’s wiser.

Why would I need to defend a comp I haven’t played since last expansion ?

Really LMAO I love the fact that some people hate me enough to have such rumors about me. This is 100% Rakar made I assume, since he alao recently tried to lie about me saying X guy had played with me and decided I was bad even though, as I said, I have only played with the same handful of friends for years now, and no one else. THE MALDING IS REAL!

However, sadly (and I am sorry to dissappoint) I have played with the same two friends of mine for the entirety of SL as well as late BfA (something that could be seen for as long as arenamate was active, so I am not sure how these rumors came to be in the first place since 2 clicks showed it was wrong but anyway), and two others I met along the way. I haven’t pushed in any single season with anyone else, and did this one DF season without playing RMX with one of the two I met in SL and a friend of him. As far as I know I haven’t been paying my own friends, these past years, which invalidates the rumor. Sad times ! Maybe I should have let this rumor go on. Much fun to see the seeds of discord Rakar throws around !

boosted rakar isn’t gonna stop so just ignore the troll.

he is one of the reasons why Blizzard developers and Customer Supporters don’t step in here.

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You are most likely right.

your opinion is rejected and invalid since you are a ret. imagine crying about demo as a ret. its a you problem if you cant handle a demo as a ret.

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Ooooh, you just started playing as demo, thats why you say that x)

obviously this is a alt and ret is disgusting yes but so is demo both specs are a disgrace :slight_smile:

Gehirnwäsche-frostwolf demo warlock haha

Man if you are getting blasted on UH dk you are doing somthing seriously wrong I play UH and it feels strogner than some tanks kek

dont deny that assa is broken into casters please

Right now it’s not broken into anything. That is what happens when you get nerfed 8 times in 3 months.

Casters are the good match-up though, Assa has always done better into casters than into melees.

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still broken into affliction

That’s not how “broken” works.

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