Can you nerf these classes please?

Just a question, you do know Ràkar bought his r1’s? Its quite easy to understand if you look at him even saying he did on his forum history. Hes never actually been a glad without his wallet.

At this point I think Lillydot must be an alt of Ràkar, and he is just purposely typing bad on Ràkar to make it believable that they are not the same person, then he can use Lillydot to argue and Ràkar as “the evidence”.

I heard the rumors, but some rumors say that Shadenox is paying people to play RMP with him and to upvote his forum posts. So I don’t think too much about rumors.

I simply don’t know if he got boosted or not, but even if he did, he still had to play his character, didn’t he? Boosting is a despicable thing and should always result in bans, nevertheless if the handicap is too big, even top players couldn’t compensate it.

Getting boosted to r1 is anything but easy.

Sad to say but he literally said it himself. So if its “rumors” then its “confirmed rumors”.
And from all his alts ive seen so far, hes only gotten to 1800 in solo shuffle or 3s, so the question becomes then, if hes REALLY a glad, why hasnt he gotten higher? Before 10.0.7. and hes 1700 with his ret at 45 games apparently.

I can kinda see that you havent rly looked into boosting and other things… Theres been streamers like Maldiva who have carried his friends to R1 and they were pretty… bad. He got banned since they thought that guy payed him but got unbanned afterwards. So dont overestimate how “hard” it is, all you need is a wallet. Atleast for past seasons, dont know too much on this one.

Well, unlike you I am not an expert in getting boosted. :wink: But beside that NA is very different to EU, you obviously didn’t read correctly. I said it’s quite impossible if the player handicap is too big!

I would also love to see where Rakar confirmed that he got boosted.

Im sorry but, now you are just being plain stupid xd

Damn, you changed that question real fast. Almost like you figured out how stupid it sound.

Im not an expert, but if I am interested in looking things up just due to curiosity, I will do it. Doesnt mean I fully involve myself into getting boosted in PvP like you think ppl have to do, quite funny!
Its almost like you try to bring in “facts” with being “ironic” at the same time, sorry, doesnt work x)

Look into his history activity, its not my job to tell you exactly everything when I can point you towards it. Unless he went back and removed them which would make it quite funny since alot of ppl on this forum today were writing with him when he did it.

And im saying its not, you cant prove it, I cant prove it. So who cares in the end huh?

In terms of boostings, its not that much difference between them, unless you can show some proof of it?

I think you sound stupid, but I wanted to be the nice guy for now.

So everything you say is pointless? That’s good, then I can skip the rest.

You claim something about another person? Then It’s your job to prove it, otherwise its just a rumor.

Nice guy? No way?!

Just the same as what you say without proof then xd

You can read w/e u want in there, I understand you want to defend him hard, but its quite funny on how hard you go for it (unless you personally know him? Then I understand.)

And if you are going to prove things you say, from now on, ALWAYS provide proof and dont go around saying “trust me bro” lol.

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to be fair rets just hardcounter rogues so hard right now. Assa/sub was still pretty good even after all these nerfs in 10.0.5 its just that this new ret meta completely destroyed rogue…

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You mean the part about the 1800 rogue and Rakar?

Here you go:àkar

You call that a prove? I mean, yeah you can interpret it that way, but you don’t have to. A real confirmation would have been him literally saying that he got boosted. Anyways, we could just ask him.

Yo Rakar, are your R1 titles boosted?

T-R-A#1793 lets talk here dobt wanna talk here w all the haters

And what does that prove exactly? You want me to give random links and say its proof of something? Want me to link armory and say its proof? You rly seem to have the thought of w/e u say is proof, but when someone else says something its not proof. Weird right?

I can see you didnt read anything in there, which is not MY issue, its more of a YOU issue. But yea, its funny how its quite clear but you still defend him.

LOL, this is just too funny. But have fun with your “trust me bro” :joy:

“Dont want to talk here” tells alot :joy:

The one guy is a 1800 rogue, the other guy a r1 warrior. Nothing else I claimed.

I read the statement, but I see 3 different ways of how to interpret it. You ask how? Well, how about:

It never took me longer than 8 hours to boost someone

Another option could be him joking around. I mean, what fool would say that he got boosted like this in public. Maybe it was just a joke and you just don’t get it?

But I agree, I only read his statement you linked, nothing else.

When I talked about your proof, it were more on the line with everything you say next, has to come with proof otherwise its just “trust me bro” statement. So can you prove you didnt claim anything else?

That explains everything. You fine read the things you want and argue based on it, I guess some ppl are entitled to ignorance.

I just flexx w the title dude listen to the forums kekws im just a boosted ape such as everoyne playing ret now and every rmp player that was legion challenger and 1 s later Gladiator must have been improved right or rmp is just free.

If u wanna talk hit me up on discord.

I just tell ppl what they wanna hear is less stress :slight_smile: in here atleast cause they all just wanna flamen one another in here vesides discuss like they should.

also here are some ppl they suddenly pushed s2 from sl from 2800-3k in the offseason :slight_smile:

So that means you actively lied to your friends even more? Oh man, the statement you did were all a lie aswell then? Geez, thats quite the hardcore!

First of all, read my statements again

You literally said that you aren’t an expert, so all you say could just be wrong in that regard. I never claimed to be an expert there, I literally said I am not. But you were the one who said its super easy.

I also said:

When you claim something about another person, you need to prove it. Therefore the armory links of the two persons I claimed something about.

But you obviously don’t need to prove your opinion. You can support it with facts for example, but how do you want to prove it?

And you don’t? Lmao!

Just saying :slight_smile:

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Say where I have not read everything x) Wheres the proof?

You have to link it. Its not my job to prove it, its yours.

Just the same as everything you say can be wrong. You saying its hard but cant prove that either, so where does it end up? You keep arguing only your “trust me bro” is correct?

I did prove it with the link to his statement. But its not my job to quote everything just so a lazy person can just read and then argue based on 1-2 words in it.

Its almost like you are in a sort of, fairy tale where everything you say, has to be correct but you dont have to prove anything, and when someone tells you something with links or w/e, you seem to ignore it and continue with your “trust me bro” option.

You might actually be, the first person on the forum that I will put on ignore. Since talking with an ignorant person who fine reads, asks for proof but arent willing to read it but STILL say “trust me bro” whenever you say something… I dont want to go down the line and make myself more stupid, so this is the last thing. Goodluck.

Yea, im starting to go down that line aswell. But thankfully already ignored so I dont have to deal with that insanely ignorant person. I can argue with ppl who are angry, sad, anything except for insanely ignorant ppl who fine reads and only comes up with “trust me bro” as proof but demands proof of everything.
Meaning, ppl who always believe they are right and never wrong and when proved wrong they are still right.

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