Can you nerf these classes please?

all of them need nerfs and demo too

it wasn’t nothing has ever been on the level ret is now demo isnt far behind though

Thank god rmp or rogs dominated pvp for 3 decades.

Now its time for rmp to be awful 3 decades.


as a healer, fighting RMP is so annoying, because it feel like turn based game, where they have their go (usually more often than your team, with easier and longer control) and then they try to hide while you try to do damage (usually succesfuly, or they simply trade one of many defs or spam CC like poly on dps to survive)…’

so essentialy they’re immortal and they try to one shot you often, eventually possibly succeeeding…

there’s never been more frustrating thing to fight against… I honestly will rather face Rets in their current state for 3 decades than RMP

RMP design is so broken, it’s unbelievable

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RMP shouldnt be as strong next season though, but the question also comes if they are rly going to let Cheap shot still be 4 sec stun while they reduced duration on majority of CCs…

First of all, I never tried to claim this. Second, an increase in Rets in anticipation for a rework is to be expected hence likeness between 7 and 14 days which lands slighty before release and third, again, no, you don’t even understand them.
ALL category columns correlating with those of recent activity means recent activity is skewed way too heavily towards the meta classes. We’re not even talking about players below 2000 rating who just can’t make some classes work in this imbalance.

And you’ll continue losing to them

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But classes not playing, even though they could make it work, we take into consideration? :slight_smile:

I think you just don’t understand them or lets better say, you want to understand them in a way they prove your point.

Tuff words for a 1800 rogue against a r1 warrior. :slight_smile: To be fair though, I am not sure if he was boosted or not, but still, you aren’t in a position to say something like this.

As a hunter main, yes, we’re still broken. But so are rets, warrs, dhs. I guess many are broken. Healerwise, priest is still top, mistweaver is OP af atm.

Still waiting for Lillydot’s main class.

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Was actually quite funny to read when I checked his history posts considering he promised to better himself, but instead looks down on ppl who didnt boost. :joy: Im sure he has more alts, but only got 3 arms warriors, 1 retri and 1 DH so far =(

Lmao, somebody got bodied by an MM in arena.

MM is nowhere near OP, it is decent, but since DT removal we lost our cheese burst, it has decent damage overall but nowhere near the lvl and ease of execution as BM.

And shooting from the end of arena can only be done by Sniper Shot pvp talent, which no serious Marksman takes in arena because it is almost 3 second cast time.

MM is a noob stomper, but it cant even do that with how broken ret is.

So yeah, don’t clump MM and Survival together with BM, thank you and bye.

OP just means that it is above the mean power level. If we talk about IQ, having an IQ of 101 or an IQ of 200 are both technically considered OP IQ levels.

I agree that in terms of MM hunters, they are closer to “101 IQ” than “200 IQ” BUT they are definitely slightly overtuned on the damage front. The biggest difference I have seen this do for the mechanics of the MM hunter, is that the MM hunters will only kite if they are attacked by an arms or ret that can out-dps them, but I have seen plenty of MM hunters just straight up tank other dps’ers because they know that they will 100-0 them before they can 100-0 back.

This to be speaks for a slightly overtuned damage of the MM. The class needs to win on kiting, but lose to melee getting time to wack at the hunter. Otherwise you could as well consider the hunter a ranged melee class at this point.

Only against mage it does feel really oppressive, which is not such an offence because hunters have historically countered mages, and slightly oppressive to leather wearers.

MM hunter can’t win on kiting alone because, unlike BM , it has to plant itself and cast for a big chunk of damage. In fact, knowing then to stop kiting to afford some counter pressure is one of the things that sets good MMs apart. And while kiting is the essential part of hunter’s survivability, MM and Survival both have weaknesses in this way - MM has to stop to do damage, Survival needs to go melee for, both exposing them selves to getting trained, unlike BM who just PvEs without stop + pets.

MM can pump that much damage only during Trueshot, which is a 2 min cd. I am talking about pumping while being focused, due to fast cast times. The problem I’ve seen since DT has been removed is that people don’t know when to disarm / cc the hunter now.

I can see what you are talking about only when there is heavy RNG involved via Kill Shot procs, but by far and large, MM needs setup to kill, which is almost impossible with current meta specs and the reason why BM is preffered.

shadenox just mad that rmp isnt carry him anymore wow.

shadenox i give u a free gym membership so u can get ur fat belly in shape come to germany.
one of my best friends opens one in october.

The only way you can see this is because you decided it was the explanation that suited you best.

We cannot progress this conversation further because we are just two hunters with opposite opinions. And yes, I have a fully conquest geared hunter, so I am not talking about lvling bracket here.

SkillCapped mentioned hunters as one of the strongest solo shuffle picks at the start of 10.0.7, with BM hunter being S tier and MM hunter being A+ tier (source:, but it is perhaps currently hard to see the, in my opinion, high damage throughput of the MM hunter when most shuffles are currently ret paladins with arms warrior right behind, which are two speccs that both dwarf hunter in terms of damage throughput. It is, however, very apparent in BGs, where you have more fights vs other classes.

In reality, 10.0.7 has split the damage throughput of classes so much, that it becomes a hard discussion to have. Some classes have almost twice the damage throughput of other classes. Take a single target outlaw rogue and compare that to a single target ret paladin and you clearly see how skewed the balance here is.

However, SkillCapped has mentioned that they consider B tier the baseline, so any class that are above that line is considered by them as OP. Now to what degree we consider them OP, that is another discussion.

Oh the irony, all the while you’re speaking on rogue that you’ve showed you know nothing about. And I don’t just play rogue but warrior, priest, warlock and hunter aswell this season and several specs that come along with them. 17 years exp aswell, so if that doesn’t put me in a position to speak on things, how many here can? Current rating on one disadvantaged class matters little. Watch Pikaboo’s last video rogue lock in 2s and how well he has to play to win at 1600MMR. If you can even appreciate the gameplay without being completely lost on what’s up. On top of that, some of these win conditions are permanently removed in the 10.1, making Blizzard’s silence on rogue changes even more concerning. And I am completely fine with my position on the ladders, I go for 2k each season or even just get the now 1800 mogs for the classes that look cool then I chill or push my main for the season. There’s a lot more people like me than there are people like Shadenox or Pikaboo, who are so good at anticipating and reading the match, that they can make things work with less dmg output. So you want the majority to shut up? Imagine the situation for rogues below 2k when top players complain too.

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Bingo. The guy wants to nerf mages and rogues further because the top pvp’ers are good at playing RMX, a very skill intensive composition, and wants to ignore the majority of the subscribing players.

Thank god Lillydot is not in charge of these decisions, he would be fired on the spot for making the biggest dent on subscription numbers in recent history.

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yep legit really hard to comprehend the basic “keep dots up on everyone and use bite”
oh wait… dots are all instant and feral is running like a ferrari… still hard because surviving requires kiting and sitting in bear… wait… kiting when u’re ferrari is simple and there is no need to sit in bear because nobody can touch u if u dont want them to… mhm… feral still hard though, it just happens that all instant casts can now be made in cat form and the only reason to reshift is to remove novas(hard btw) or to clone and oh wait u need to fake cast yeeeeaaaah thats where the skill comes wait every caster have to fakecast but if feral gets locked its time to shift back into cat to do 100k dps wroom wroom still hard though because… rets?

dude lock rogue is a meme
u just have to deal with some comps being meme

yes i played that comp a lot on privates(wotlk/tbc) and shadowlands up to 2.4 s2 because i couldnt care less about 2s and couldnt stand playing with healers but lol using lock/rogue as an example of skill required xddd
lock rogue is by far the easiest comp to play but it doesnt mean that its strong

also watching NA gameplay LUL

No idea, I have him on ignore for months now and every time I press on hidden reply I kind of regret it instantly. That is why I usually don’t spend any attention to him.

He is this kind of rogue that defends his usual op class and this usual broken trash comp no matter in what state it is. Now that it is just average he is probably crying a river. But with the recent judgement nerf, rmx got a passive buff.

Aren’t I in the best company with you then, as you dare to talk about things you don’t know anything about? :slight_smile: I mean

How can a 1800 rogue trash talk to a r1 warrior that he would keep losing to RMX when it’s awful, when he already beated 99.9% of the RMX teams out there when they were somewhere between very good and broken?