Can you nerf tyrannical more please blizzard

i think its rather hard.

a utter troll detected :smiley:

dos failed 1 time insta not in time. tyrannical is a joke


he is not wrong though taking into consideration what devs do with this expansion.

Considering the class balance is Druid/rogue/fire mage as a dps and only holy paladin as healer and DH the rest of the class balance is not there 1 bottom go go Classic people won with their ability removals now we back to 1 bottom spam.

and raids rewards nothing at all that you can even think about that is an upgrade compared to BFA the raid trinkets are pure garbage.

If patch 9.1 is not about 3 A sides with reworks and buffs to classes to make them on par with fire and druid Rogue then we might as well all reroll to be those specs

Why take a Survival hunter Arcane mage shadow or holy priest or a ret paladin as dps/healer when you can stack two druids that needs convoke or 2 mages that only needs flamestrike or a diciplin priest/holy paladin that soak damage :stuck_out_tongue:

Tyrannical needs to go and so does this expack worthless class balance

I play daily with a survival hunter and ret paladin in M+. What is wrong with them?

not 1 bottom to make 12k dps on aoe pulls.

It more looks like they lack some single target damage. 12k dps on aoe trash pulls they are certainly doing.

But well, this community perception is how i play with a 75th worldwide player in my group. And we are also KSM and further with those ā€˜memeā€™ dps classes.

Fun fact Iā€™ve yet to see Arcane mages Ret paladins Survival hunters Sub rogues Assasi Rogues but not here to talk with a troll.

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With a troll? Look at my page

Mouseover my M+ runs.

Oh yes, also an arms warrior and a demo lock. they all seem to be garbage too. But we just combine all those and make it work.

and no arcane mage.

Now you are the troll.

or holy priest or shadow priest in those clears you were healing :slight_smile: but good for you.

It is mostly community perception that these classes are awfull. They are maybe not the same super duper good as the meta. But they are not garbage or bad or awful. Even the demo lock not, which is totally at the bottom of all statistics. (yes, below arcane mage)

We had the talk about making indeed a full meme group last week :joy: Our ret already has a holy priest anyway.

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Well I love to see you try 3 arcane mages or 3 shadow priest or 3 Sub rogues/assasi, holy priest and a warrior tank-

Do that with 3 arcane mages and i wont laugh in time.

hahahhahaha god 1

It is a weird suggestion to stack 3 of the same specs and then fail because of so much missing utility and then make the conclusion based on that that the spec is ā€˜garbageā€™. Taking 5 different classes means a lot of available utility.

Best way to deal with tyrannical bosses is get 1 fire mage and 2 convoke arcane chickens and watch bosses get deleted from existence in few seconds.

Convoke should be removed and fire mages too along with tyrannical and blizzard hQ balancing crew


est way to deal with is not to deal with :slight_smile: if every player would skip those weeks they would nerf it very fast