Can you stop supporting toxicity blizzard

I’ll decide when to leave… Why are you even here lmao? 1‰ he says… Remove pvp… Do you even know what that means? Pvp servers removed etc… Lmao 1%… Dense… Oblivious… Hmm

This isn’t classic this is season of discovery

It means we have less complainers on the forums and less players harassing those that are just trying to go into a dungeon portal and/or low levels that just want to play.

Only good things can happen if you remove PvP

Just play on a PvE server? what kind of argument is this.

Every post is the same BS of you saying the game would be better if PvP was removed. Or go play a different game and not an mmo if you want PvP.

Firstly, stop trying to dictate how someone can enjoy the game. Not all of us think slaying the same scripted dragon encounter for the 500th time is peak game play. Let alone one in a 20 year old version of the game. PvP is the only true experience that is different everytime. Yes fights are very scripted but player skill exists. Boss skill does not.

Stop commenting on PvP topics if this is the only response you give. We get it you’re a care bear that does not like it. Please stop trying to dampen other peoples enjoyment of the game at every beckoning moment you have spare. Just play on a PvE server and your problem is solved stop chiming in on pvp topics you clearly have 0 interest or knowledge to be doing so.

You honestly think you would have less forum complainers? Lmao. It will just be “Why isn’t my class as strong as X class” “Why does X class do more dps than me as a hybrid spec” “Why are melee ahead of casters in raid?” If you think forum complaining stops at PvP you will be very much mistaken.

Did you forget how many people were crying that warriors were doing damage for the past 3 phases when “They were the best class throughout classic wow and the best again now, we didn’t want classic to be a 1:1 repeat of itself and here we are again” “What happened to “Make everyone OP” and not just warriors?” Or crying about xyz hunter nerfs. Or rogues couldn’t get groups in gnomer because they didn’t bring any “Utility”. You really don’t spend much time on the forums outside of cherry picking pvp topics to interject your bollocks into if you seriously do not think people complain outside of the pvp side of the game.

TL:DR Don’t like PvP? Join the damn pve server and stop complaining about it being a thing in your precious mmo when you have the option to completely avoid it when you begin to play the game.

Actively seeking out these topics to complain on them is fried.

I dunno why you wanna settle on classic wow of all places, there are way better PvE games out there.

See how retarded this is?


I do, Have done since 2019

It would be.

That would be ideal yes.

Just trying to remove the people who are bad for the game and make the experience for other people worse, Remember blizzard had to open free transfers away from PvP because people were abusing everyone during incursions, How is this normal or good behaviour to you?

It’s fun tho, to poke you and tell you this.

Yeah… ofc, You and your 20 buddies vs 1 level 20 is definitively enjoyable right?

But it’s fun, Just trying to imitate what you are doing to other people in WPvP.

It’s just my way of giving back to you all after the treatment you give to other people.

A little less at least :slight_smile:

Just like you seeing out 20 people go go against 1 is fried, But you do it any way.


Because the ease of classic especially SoD is perfect, Retail or cata is too complex, Final fantasy is far too complex, same with Lost ark, Black desert is just mob grinding (this is a PvP game for you)

Blade & soul does not have raiding.

Nice whole lot of assumptions brother. I don’t gank lowbies or people outside of Dungeons, unless they are being morons elsewhere and warrant me to do so. You camp people at flight path and i see you outside UBRS? Yes im killing you. Random lvl 54 outside brd waiting for group? no. Attack me with your friend waiting outside? Yes. Actions will have consequences but I’m not out here griefing people. I just enjoy PvP in the world and in BG’s

Also I play on a server that alliance was the faction that was constantly being griefed all throughout p3 during incursions. And guess what, All those people camping the NPC before the guards were introduced made my Kill on Sight list and if i see them out in the world I make them play run back simulator instead and give them a taste of how it was during p3.

I play retail for “serious” pvp but it doesn’t mean i cannot enjoy it in SoD also, even if i know it is gimmicky and unbalanced.

All of these games you listed have infinitely better PvE content than what classic does, if they are too hard then that is a skill issue, not a flame just is what it is, I’ve played all of those games besides BDO but considering the nature of KMMOs I will pass on it.

This is in the exact same aspect as you saying there are better games out there for PvP but none of the MMO’s you listed above besides BnS actually had good PvP inside of it. I’m ignoring BDO because every other part of the content is not an mmo but a credit card game. The same as lost ark. PvE great, PvP pretty much garbage and dead, every other aspect miserable because its a full time job or you swipe your card.

I would play the other tab target mmorpgs with PvP since that is the game genre I WANT to play. But there aren’t any that are actually good. It’s been wow for the past 20 years and more than likely will stay that way. I’m not avoiding these games because they are hard it just doesn’t offer PvP in an mmo that isn’t straight trash. Now actively playing both retail and classic since arena season will be starting back up.

So I will say it again. Please stop injecting yourself into topics about PvP when you are playing on a PvE server and don’t have to deal with these issues you bring up yet want to make out like it is still a problem for you. People have the option to join PvE servers from the login screen before they make their character. This isn’t a new concept that people have just found out about, the risks of playing on a pvp server have been apparent for 20 years now. Anyone who played in 2019 and spent 1hour corpse running going from thorium point to MC fully understands it can be bad. People will always be jerks, even on pve servers. You just get griefed in a different way. Mob tagging, taunting and bug evading npcs, leashing npcs from high level zones to low level zones, leashing guards. Just the griefing is more than likely from your own faction instead of the opposite.

We still pay the same sub fee as you to enjoy the game albeit in a different way. We still enjoy the world and the things inside of it just as much as you do. We just enjoy the thrill of a PvP server and what comes with a hostile faction out in the world full of resources. It keeps things interesting when it would otherwise be very much 0 threat.

We aren’t coming into your threads derailing it saying the game would be so much better if they stopped focusing on PvE and focused on PvP instead. We just try to give feedback on the one official place to do so. The forums. For a season that was advertised as “Having some focuses on PvP” before launch, us having events such as Ashenvale, STV bloodmoon, BRM Event. Giving feedback providing it is actually constructive and civil isn’t a bad thing to do. We would LOVE if they put more resources into PvP but any of us that have been here long enough fully know that isn’t likely to happen. But we can give suggestions in hope that during balancing passes maybe some things get addressed. Something LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to do in the actual classic version of the game. Because #nochanges is a thing.

This is the one chance we actually have in a classic version of the game to have a different meta from what has been set in stone for 20 years, Let us enjoy it and advocate for changes and voice our concerns in regards to the content we enjoy to play. We cannot do this in era even if we wanted to. So we will do it in regards to SoD where the possibility is actually there for things to get changed.

Even if you don’t like it. You do not have to comment on every single PvP thread and resort to the same old “The game would be better if pvp wasn’t a part of it” It isn’t going anywhere whether you like it or not, neither in classic or in retail. Just accept that and move on. You have the option to click on these threads, to read them and comment on them the same way you do for joining a PvE or PvP server lmao. Just stick to the PvE threads unless you actually have something constructive to say regarding the topic at hand.


you always say that wherever you see “PvP”, you are probably the most funny on this forum

let’s remove PvP from Warcraft 3, League of Legend, Call of Duty, FIFA, NBA etc… and Chess too !

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

World of Warcraft is a medieval-fantasy martial-art game, you picked the wrong game

Moba & FPS are the games for PvP.

i understand you in the way where PvP is corrupted by botters and hackers abusers of the system, psychopaths gankers.

but WoW is born from Warcraft 3, that been extremly popular by the PvP mode

WoW = Warcraft 3 = PvP

Just re-read what i said above.

I just don’t like the way your kind treats people in the open world, It’s very abusive.

When someone say they are a PvP-er, I envision them being in the 40 vs 1 level 10 crowed, That’s why i dislike them and everyone who engage in this game mode or say it’s good

yep for sure, i don’t like this too.

As a good PvPer myself i choosed to go on PvE server and just doing battlegrounds

because the psychopaths were chasing me 24/7 on PvP server, just because i killed them 1v1, they puted a price on my head a few times, i’m not part of discord community or else so i prefer chill on PvE server and doing BGs

human nature is bad, don’t fall in this bully stupid behavior, be respectable

the 40 people you say have lost, you win


What’s your (permanent) concern about a game feature that you don’t play anyway?

Parents, please, give your boy the attention he needs!

1 Like

Thanks. Exactly the way I feel.

I wrote that to 2 different people already but…

If you can’t scroll up 2 comments

I read what you wrote. Still you don’t suffer from that kind of behaviour on your PvE server.


your phantasy, doesn’t make the majority of PvP’ers.

I even bet that the ppl you are referring to have hardly seen any BG, but they just use the power of their higher level to do with low levels what they can never do eye on eye with a same level. Pi$$ers, nothing else.

On the other hand, everyone can kill everyone regardless of his level on a PvP server. I am aware that anyone above my level can send me to Bob and if he goes his way afterwards, I don’t mind. Ganking and griefing is another thing which not many players do. Personally I don’t even kill low levels/greys as long as they don’t start (which they sometimes do :flushed: ), but I might fear them once when they come too close.

Even though I am not the best in PvP I’d not choose a PvE server if I started new. I do enjoy the risk and excitement even if I am the “victim” most of the time because eventually I’ll stumble across someone who plays worse than me or I am lucky to defeat one who’s even or better.

Yet it keeps happening.

I am gonna campaign against this mode until it’s removed or until they change to war mode, so all servers are PvE, so people can switch out of the abuse without spending money or leaving friends/guilds.

It’s a bad game mode.

cry me a river.

please just quit the game if you can’t handle it.

how much gold or RMT consumables do you spend per month?