Cannot log into any realm WOW51900328

Awesome, it actually works for me too.
But " sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=80 " does not persist after reboot.
Is there any way to make this permanent?
Should we?


You can add net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=80 to /etc/sysctl.conf to make the TTL persist.

(Thanks to


Making it permanent would be:

echo “net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl = 128” |sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl.conf

at least if you do have a /etc/sysctl.d, otherwhise just append net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128 to /etc/sysctl.conf

I have made it permanent for now, as soon as it’s not necessary anymore I’ll delete the file and be done with it.

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Any idea what i can try to solve this for my windows 10 unit?

Spoke on a live chat and all i got was " We are looking at the issue" 

Also looking for windows 10 fix.

You can try ipv6 tunneling, like any ipv6 broker. As per how to set up those, very sorry, but am no windows professional in any measure; contact your wiki (or whatever windows guys use for tech information).

Changing TTL in regedit from 40 to 128 ( Decimal ) helped me! win 10, 64

For Linux user, the TTL change method described here perfectly works

I can confirm that

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=80

worked for me.

Blizzard’s anti-DDOS hotfix is really not that strong


The ttl fix works on windows 10 for me:
press the windows button and type ‘regedit’.
On the left side navigate to
Select that Parameters folder and on the right side there should be a key named DefaultTTL. For me it had value 40. Edit it and give it value 128 and select Base “Decimal” then press OK.
After restarting the system it worked and I could log in to my char.


THIS works (and feels more sane then the fix I saw with just echoing something into a config file). Many thanks!

This works, thank you

Steps to fix this for WIndows 10:

  1. Run CMD as administrator.
  2. Run this command " netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=128 "
  3. Enjoy the game! Thanks to @Arekosandoru for sending me in the right direction to solve this.

That is because the other method is for Linux.
Wine does not honor the DefaultTTL registry parameter.

Same error message for me, I live in UK, Use the O2 network, (tether of a Android Sony phone), worked perfectly before the weekend. now wont let me get onto the char selection page.

Ye, Android tethering seems to modify the TTL. You’d have to change that on the phone, which must be rooted and you’ll need to know what you’re doing there.

Following instructions haven’t helped me to fix the issue!

I raised a ticket and have been assured this issue is generalized and is being worked on asap, as soon as there is an update they will post in all the usual places
 hold tight ppl it sounds like Blizz are fully aware and doing what they can.

Could you ping form your command prompt. let me know the number that appears at the end of each line. It should be 128 if you followed the instructions correctly.

i get 128, but still cannot connect to any realm