Have all the same things you have and I am getting the same responses so at least we know we are not alone
Entering game server fails with WOW51900328 after approx 2min wait.
The tcpdump spell shows issues while connecting the with tcp:3724 - remote end never answers.
Also the traceroute spell show things stop at (or if tracing route from another location) with no packet loss prior that hop.
Dear Blizz, please fix this or at least provide us with some ETA.
I was on Flight path, Dropped in sea with fatigue ask for a move as unable to move myself and was given a resolved ticket twice even tho its not resolved and I now cant connect to to realms as I get disconnected.
Same problem, switching realm and no longer able to get back into game!
100% the ddos thats been going on
same I get too realm list and disconnected is the only ip of the 3 for eu which is not reachable for me.
Also, webticket cannot be submitted. Button is always disabled.
Just standing in Undercity. Suddenly I got disconnected and now I am trubbled with the same issue " WOW51900328" after selecting a realm to connect to. Tryed it on 2 other machines. One is working fore unknown reason, the other doesn’t. So issue occures on 2 of 3 maschines in our house.
This is so frustrating 2 hours and no response from support - makes us go through all the nonsense of renaming folders, disabling firewalls etc. - just an acknowledgement in 5 minutes will set us on the right track and wait …
if someone has another pc available, try the other one, it may work : )
renaming anything probably wont fix it, just every 20 mins try log in, if its to do with the ddos will probably be a fair while longer, sit tight
yer but seriously loads of us not able to log in wouldnt hurt to put a tiny little message here and say sorry guys working on it stop futialy trying stuff that wont work
No point in renaming folders or clearing the cache or whatever else. The issue is at Blizz side as I see from tcpdump, traceroute and others and clearly the only way to get back is to wait until Bliz fixes this. Unless you got IPv6 and can bypass that issue we are facing atm.
And also it don’t looks like DDoS problem btw.
you dont think? not ddosing directly but linked
Exactly !!
[SOLVED] (for me)
I just cleared all my network caches and disabled my network adapter. Then turned network adapter back on. Now I can log into a realm again \o/
On Ubuntu:
sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches
sudo service network-manager restart
On Windows:
ipconfig /flushdns
and toggle network adapter off and on
Frankly I don’t care if there servers sank in the North Sea - just a simple “guys we have a problem - don’t adjust anything on your side” would be great !!
Yes same here on Spinebreaker
tried logging 2hrs ago… still having this problem, raised ticket, got a call from work when blizz called and then they closed the ticket as resolved… its certainly not resolved… rubbish day at work, wanted to wind down but can’t!
also… tried all the FAQ bs… nothing working
I have same problem can’t get past realm select on my desktop PC but I can get in on my laptop using same router. No idea why.