There’s a fix for the launching after several minutes of hitting the play button and it involves blocking a range of IP addresses on windows firewall, after blocking those the game started launching almost instantly and when I tried to watch a cinematic it instantly threw the error “the cinematic is not available” instead of the game freezing with a black screen and outputting that message after a few seconds.
My guess is that those IP addresses responsible for the decryption keys , and since they cant create an instant connection instead of waiting for a server timeout and freezing the game it outputs that message instantly, ill try to input some of those IP’s to use in the router setting, perhaps it might help.
So I’m experiencing the same issues (long launch time, cinematic not available). Also from Israel, also Partner. VPN solves both issues. The firewall CIDR block setting does fix the long launch time, but obviously cinematic issue persists.
I’ve spent about 30 minutes on the phone with them, passed around between 3 representatives. They claimed they do not block any IP or ports of any kind on their end, and cannot help unless someone from Blizzard can tell them what the exact issue is
Is there any way we can get a Blizzard representative to investigate this issue with us? Seems to me like Blizzard ↔ ISP issues can only be resolved between them, and not with a low level tech support people from Partner
hi, also in partner. i just wrote a support ticket to blizzard a while ago with all the details. i hope they will take it seriously and investigate on their side.
When I wrote my previous comment, I also submitted a support ticket to Blizzard detailing the issues and explaining that Partner ISP had no idea what they need to do. I got an automatic copy-pasted response of “do these steps” to the ticket which was of no help of course
So yeah I’m just hoping someone will see this thread and help us, I really don’t want to pay to use a VPN just because cinematics in game aren’t working and it takes 10 minutes for the game to launch
same, and now it’s the second time they resolve the ticket and give me some steps to check, even though it’s a problem with the isp and not one of my devices (like firewall).
they tell me to keep posting in the forum or ask the isp to solve the problem and ignore my request to investigate on their side.
i will try to talk to partner a bit about this, if it’s a dead end i fear i will have to change isp.
i have a solution, the problem happens when connected to DHCP, after changing to PPPOE connection, the routing works and the game starts instantly. i will ask them next week to investigate why there is such difference.
you call the tech support, tell them that you want to change to pppoe. the internet will disconnect as dhcp doesn’t work anymore. then you enter your router interface and change the wan connection type to pppoe and insert and username and password that they will give you. there are guides for many routers on the internet and also tech support can instruct you.
boosted my first char and already the first video right after loading character didnt work, and I dont even know what video was that, anyone has an idea what it was?
I experience the same thing and just uploaded to the WoW forum to maybe find some help.
I’m also from Israel with Patner and it all started when pre patch of TWW dropped up until now.
I tried everything and sadly nothing works, Idk if I will use a VPN just to watch a cinematic, Ill just watch it through YouTube.
For me the 2 dalaran cinematics actually worked fine. I just encountered this problem in the ringing deeps though. I am actually with Cellcom so I assume the ISP is irrelevant.
I’ll try to contact them about it today, sounds a bit rough having to go through that but maybe it’s not that bad, it hasn’t been a problem for me with partner until the war within, thanks though appreciate the explanation.
I wrote them a few times, only getting an automatic reply… It’s really frustrating. do they still have live cha with support? I’m thinking maybe I should send them a link to this post so they can see more than one person has the issue
I was just thinking about something for the Israelis with Partner ISP encountering this issue.
Can this solve the case if we are whitelisting Blizzard Range of IP’s ?
I can’t see any other solution that I can work by myself.
I have no patience calling Partner to solve this.
Moreover, this change is brand new, because in DragonFlight I never had this issue and I played until the last raid