Can't access Crafting Orders

Agreed, we could use some communication about this, like a reason and the time it will be off at least,

:joy: sheesh, calm down.

still down :frowning:

the problem is not that the system its down for like 12h now or so … its that we literally have 0 info from blizz about this … such a letdown yet again from their part , but nothing we didnt expected from them lately


I support the consortium strike.

They should be paid more than minimum wage to support a smooth operation.

I hope negotiations are swift and the system will be working soon.


yea and that gives me the impression that they are not even aware wich in turn gives me the impression they are understaffed as hell. Very disappointing

I tried recrafting a 415 dagger to inspire procc and it ate my Concentrated Primal Infusion reverting the item back to 405ilvl dagger. This happen around midnight and I assume this bug is why they closed it.

I made a ticket and it was auto closed 5 hours after. Made a new one now hoping for a human answer…

You’d have hoped a Blue message would’ve arrived by now to at least acknowledge that theyre aware of the issue. Sad times.

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ive made 2 tickets about it and forum posts. and they not even acknowledging the problem

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Still doesn’t work

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still down

Still down on Ravencrest EU.

High time someone at Blizzard “support” got off their backside and issued an explanation as to why this is occurring. Speculation is that an exploit has been found and they’ve simply disabled the feature.

No mention of the issue on any SM channels. Nothing on the home page. No blues. Nothing. Blizzard sure do chew the big one on their communication to the playerbase!


On one side the corrupted textures, on the other this.
I just wanted good shoulders.

This is the only thing that stops me from progressing my gear. atleast we deserve to know that blizzard acknowledges the problem is working on a fix. not even that they can do


A criminal mind - most likely a goblin or a gnome - maybe even a Mafia Kartell have secretly infiltrated the Artisan Consortium. They bribed the officials to look the other way and made extorted millions of Gold out of normal denizens of Azeroth (and other timelines).

The dragons have stepped under force of breath and forced the Artisian to shut down operations and imprisoned the high ranking officials.

But they cannot make a public announcement so other Kartells cannot copy the methods used.

Nobody will reimburse the crafters for their lost work orders.


Attention Blizzard “Support”.

You have left me with no choice. I now have a large number of baby murlocs being held hostage.

Until such time as you:

a) fix the Crafting Orders system
b) issue a statement outlining what seems to be the issue with an expected time of fix,

I will be forced to execute one baby murloc each hour, on the hour.

Let their deaths be upon your conscience!


Fix it its been down for almost 24 hours

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Other Theory would be that rogue crafters have take Artisian Consortium personal hostage - demanding proper payment for their services. No longer shall 1 gold orders for epic crafts that require determination, gold and sweat be allowed.

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Since 16 hour ago we could with a friend not order anything or see other order in our crafting log. Why is there no news about it ? :c

To be fair, this is the most likely outcome.

I saw some proper cheapskates trying to get things that sell for upwards of 50k on the AH for a fee of 1s.