Can't access Crafting Orders

Cool idea, though they should keep this to RP realms :smiley:

Thanks for this thread, was looking into orders for the first time after being given a quest only to get the message telling me they were not accepting. Thought it was some weird joke.

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Dear Blizz, please give us some information about a) what’s going on an b) approx. timeline until you try to fix it.
You gave us this great new feature and now you broke it for knowing how much whine you will create :wink:
Keep on whining folks, i want my crafting order system back :slight_smile:

Your work on the fix is very much appreciated :wink:

Bump, Crafting orders on Kazzak-EU unavailable since yesterday

knackered on Silvermoon, can’t progress anything.

Come on Blizzard, it has been over 16 hours that the crafting order system is down. At least give some informantion or confirmation that you know of the problem. The lack of both is frustrasting.

Last night I sent a recrafting order for my main character’s weapon. Posted it for 12 hours. 12 hours passed the order did not get cancelled and I cannot cancel it. We hired people so they could stand in for us IRL so we can raid in peace and now we just have to cancel so we cannot play a game we bought and are paying subscription to with no response from the company to what is happnening… Once more you screw us over and you are not going to even add a day to our subscriptions or show an act of apology. Fed up with those “thank you for patience and understanding”. There is no patience and understanding at this point… Only constant eyerolling.


Same. I had to unsign from tonights raid. The system ate my Elemental Lariat and one of my weapons. Cannot cancel the order to get my weapons back, they were sent for recraft. This has screwed me from raiding and i’m furious. Blizzard hasn’t even had the decency to explain wth happened and how long this is going to take. But for now, I’m being forced to not play, you can’t play with multiple items being missing in the order system.


Same thing here, my Elemental Lariat is stuck in a recrafting order to a system that is unaccessible, can’t cancel my order to get my necklace back.

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My Elemental Lariat is been held hostage for 20 hours now, i can’t raid tonight because i can’t undo the working order. 10/10

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Its still broken wtf… Can you not do anything right Blizzard?

I accept the suggested compensation of having our orders filled instantly when it’s over, for free and at maximum quality.

Thank you.


How can a NEW MAJOR SYSTEM just be OFFLINE for 12h+ and the is NO COMMUNICATION about it? People surely want to be in the know if and when they are able to craft and or upgrade their Items. Economy also effected. Thursday is also a popular Raid night and not being able to blast with new Weapons is a turn off.

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i have same problem i wana creat tinket but i cant make offer for this

The OP here, i even opened a ticket after i created this thread.

9 hours ago i received an automated generic reply that is not addressing the issue whatsoever…

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Not able to blast with new Weapons is a turn off.

New? Think about people getting a primal infusion done yesterday and wanted to upgrade their necklace / weapon / … It is stuck in the system and they are about to fight naked.

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9 hours ago i received an automated generic reply that is not addressing the issue whatsoever…

Don´t have issues that the other 90% have, that can be answered with a Q&A. Miss the old days where a GM would actually read the ticket and they would do a personal 1:1 communication if things were unclear.

The idea with this kind of quality is to discourage people from opening tickets - and playing the game on the long run.

Also the community is amazing as always, before i created the thread i asked in Trade chat if anyone else is having the issue or its just me, so i can rule out it being an individual issue.

My question was: “Anyone else not able to access the Crafting Orders ?” and i got 2 replys talking about my mother…

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Yesterday about 2:30 Work orders was online i made a personal order for a weapon 418 and now it’s down and no materials and weapon are on Mailbox does this happened to someone else? Can’t even m+ or raid now sadge with so many billions to not fix this damn game.

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This is ridiculous! We still haven’t heard a single thing about it. And even things that they call ‘our top priority’ take days to be fixed (transmuting has been disabled for like 3 days)