Can't launch game

After an update earlier today I can no longer launch the WoW app. I get a message about a .dll file being missing from my computer. I’ve tried several restarts.

I had no problems yesterday.


have the same issue here lets hope it will get fixed soon…

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I’ve got the same issue. I’ve reinstalled the game and updated all my drivers, but I still get the same message about the .dll-file.

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guys i fixed it by addidng the dll fine in my pc registers using command promt

how did you add it? Can you please explain step by step? Many thanks in advance!

https :// www. dll-files. com/download/afe0f511a73dd2d3c1137fc8641f6e60/api-ms-win-downlevel-kernel32-l2-1-0.dll.html?c=RXE0WThSMTJWNzdxa3loTmRGZ0x0UT09

My antivirus is blocking the content as its marked as dangerous… :smiley:

because it edits your windows registers

Ok I downloaded it, but when I move it to Command prompt it gives me error “This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.” :frowning:

oh i dont know then :frowning:

Hi, On witch operating system You have a problem.
I’ve got Win 7 and have same issu.
Best regards.

I have the same problem and I am using win 7… still no info/help from blliz…

Just to bring in the DLL names into this post.

I got the error, that api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0.dll is missing.
I tried to fix it by installing VC_redist.x64.exe from Microsoft but it didn’t help. The file not installed.
I tried to download this files from a random DLL website and add them to my *c:\Windows\System32* folder and restarted Windows.
Afterwards I got a another missing DLL: api-ms-win-downlevel-kernel32-l2-1-0.dll
This second one is the DLL, which Drtit was referring to.

So is it working now for you? Because I tried to copy those dll files in different ways and still don’t work. :frowning:

Same issue . Using windows 7 . Last night i played with no problems but after prepatch the game wont launch and I am getting the same dll missing! Hope i can try the prepatch soon…

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Unfortunately not. The game just crashes without any information about and DLL. I am playing around with different sources and different folders. System32 and SysWOW64

yeah same lol… nothing works for me :frowning:
If you manage to solve it, please let us know! I kinda gave up on Bllizard lol :smiley:

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This is a Windows 7 only issue. Blizzard will need to fix it in their code. Someone made a mistake by not reading the docs.

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Glad it’s not just me! I’m also using Win7.

I’m not particularly tech-savvy, so I’m a bit reluctant to start messing around with PC registers. And why should I have to? I pay Blizzard for a service - I expect them to fix problems like this [or, preferably, not cause them in the first place].


same here

as a ton of work programs are tied to my Win 7 build either they fix it or the WoW playing has ended today