Can't log in - Character stuck at loading Screen

As the title says.

Can’t log in on my character on Mograin, it was dc’ed with the ddos attacks while I was in Zul’Farrak. It’s been an hour blizzard, queues are starting to fill up.

And still no offical answer!

Try logging in to another character and then back to your main, sometimes that resolves it

I will try it mate, as soon as I get through the 2k queue I was put in. Eventhough I was online the whole time since ddos started.


had the same problem yesterday… found out that one add-ons messed all up

Its because of the ddos, a lot of people with the same problem. But we are still to get a response from the company.

Exactly the same problem, got pass the queue (where i was for an hour) and finaly on character screen i log into game and get stucked on 90% loading then get DC! Useless blizzards cant even get us a real answer. Meanwhile saturday night is ef-word gone

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Yupp, we are not alone. A lot of people are having problems. But ALOT is in happy and playing. So I DONT KNOW…

Im really pissed of…after week in work i was looking forward for some game time at the weekend and blizzard ofc ruined everything again and best part is…we actually paying them money for DCes and queues!!

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