Cant log in "WOW51900201)

It dosent work!!

Pls say something Blizzard, are everyone on a long yogabreak?
Dont you have anyone monitoring this forum?

Getting fed up trying to repeatedly log in. No improvement on yesterday. With15 years under your belt I would have thought you could get it right.

The saddest thing is not as much that it doesn’t work, but the lack of updates.

Two people in the same house on the same internet connection - one connects immediately (to both Battle net and WoW) - the other is placed in a queue for Battle net, nor does WoW work (gives the disconnection error).
CLEARLY something is wrong on Blizzard’s side. DEAL WITH IT

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Yea, sure, and a nice item lv 500 to say they are sorry :joy:

Same issue in our house, one connects other doesnt

Maybe our money back ?


Can we get this fixed ASAP or at least an official update provided (other than the twitter post 50 mins ago)? Most of us only have limited time during the week to play this game…

guess all the free beta testers for WC3 reforged is kommin home from Blizzcon and Blizzard was not ready for the mass activity.

As a paying customer like many others in here, i must say that. No, you haven’t fix it and you are failing to deliver product we have paid for?


Ehats even better the account thats working has just showed in chat section that my account has come online but clearly not even logged in. This is a joke.

Same issue here. Switched from one pc to the other and now suddenly I have a queue and get constantly disconnected.

We have two pcs, one connecting and playing fine working on wifi and one which wont connect keeps getting put in queues then disconnected when its on ethernet connection to the hub - was working fine for a few hours but as soon as I logged out to put dinner on I cant get back in /sigh

its not fixed, please refund game time! dissatisfied

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Blizzard. To quote somebody else : You just - keep - failing !

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How many people should write here that can’t connect, for Blizzard to say something…

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2 days in a row. If ISP in the uk did this we would get a refund on what we are paying.

Same here. Cannot login. Fix this ASAP.

Just lost my Ragnaros loot…Well done bliz.