Cant log in "WOW51900201)

cant log in either NEVER had this issue before playing wow

Trying to log in to Battle .net but after 2 mins of waiting it disconnects me. Fix it already !

The game is broken

Apart from very specific cases MVPs add nothing than defending Blizzard imho… lower your expectations

dead game dead :confused:

That’s a bit underwhelming. I have four sub-accounts on which I tried to log in perhaps to find some window of time. Yet none of them did. I hope you will fix this issue soon.

Its the same as yesterday :frowning:
why in raid time? 20% of the raid cant log in :confused:

Seems they are doing maintenance in 8hours or so…

Over 90 minutes of trying to log in. Same error message. Over and over and over again.

@Blizzard : No, no it isn’t fixed. No, it is not my computer. No, it is not my cache, database or whatever else is usually copy-pasted to delete (rename always) and restart.

Still got the issue here as well

It’s not bad enough that BFA is a joke on it’s own and now this? Give me a break. At least give us some information that you are aware of the issue.

Same problem, using the launcher just takes longer.
Odd thing is, two other accounts in the same household are working juuuust fine. But I’ve told them not to log out!

Yep, I got the same problem here. Been trying for over an hour and a half, still nothing. I tried scanning and repairing the game, but that didn’t fix my problem.

nopeeee can’t log in at all

this is the 2nd day in a row that I am trying to log in, at least an hour today. fix this problem or you will lose customers

i m paing 12 euro/month and cant play for 2 last dais…what i have to do? abbandon my subscription? And it’s not only my problem

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Any updates on the issue? Really anoying that you aint updating if you trying to fix it or whats wrong with loggin servers

2 min queue and then login error … Again and again …

when I try to open my Bnet window it says I’m in log in queue with an estimated time of ~2 minutes. after 5-10 minutes it closes the window and I have to start the process over. Got in once but then I can’t log in to the world and just get DC before I get to character screen.

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This is just starting to get sad!
But it seems does not even care enough to keep players informed!