Cant log in "WOW51900201)

Those minutes take suspiciously long btw.

Edit: right, I just went from 1 minute to 2 minutes. It’s counting up instead of down…

its the blizard mafia selecting their prey to keep out

Would be nice to have a statment here from blizzard since it seems this is not just affecting wow players, all their games seem to be having problems with logins

All this just makes me glad I got out of working in IT so I don’t have to deal with nonsense like this anymore :rofl:

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actually there is a statement in the launcher login screen
so why post here when u can see it actually in the launcher, IQ 5000 people here

Why are we paying for something that we arent able to play? I Dont get much time to play and this is what happens when i have a hour or two to spear. We should get refunded the time we are unable to log in. Blizzard is a joke at the moment.

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Just restarted my Bnet app hoping it would go better. Now I am atleast getting the following message ->
We are aware of an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in slow or failed login attempts. We are currently investigating the cause and will provide updates as they are available. Please follow @BlizzardCSEU_EN on Twitter for further updates.

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I wonder if this is what the maw is like in shadowlands xD

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Same issues here. Can’t log into BattleNet. Been trying for last 2 hours.

i just wish they would sticky a thread on general or something.
not everyone uses twitter.


Maybe the Jailer took the login server captive? :thinking:


I mean people are staying to stop moaning and just wait and log in later, we have 3 set raids per week at 21:00 server time where we have 20 people all logging in. This happened yesterday and today some people get in and some dont so we have to cancel 2 raid nights. we cant just log in and play later people have work in the morning so cant stay up all night.

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“the maw servers are currently full”

Ah, makes sense then. If “the Maw” is full, might be why they’re not saying anything. It’s good manners not to speak with your mouth full.

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anyone tried this

More like, the maw is experience heavy traffic. Please stand in line for a couple of hours before we eat your soul. x)

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I did try this and it had no effect at all, not for me atleast.

Ok I’m in. I guess they are doing something…

I just got in

wtf can posibly make this happen? atleast show us a queue time/position in queue