Cant log in "WOW51900201)

ok thanks, I wont bother then just wondered if it had helped anyone

That’s a possible solution if maybe one person was having problems not hundreds, thousands…

I’m in now

A Radius\Authentication server goes down without adequate backup, so certain accounts not replicated to another server means only part of the player base can log in as technically the other accounts temporarily don’t exist…for a simple explanation. Those things take time to get up and running again…absolutely hate them.

Same here. Blizzard do something please?!

Indeed. It’s just frustrating for those who have limited time to play and blizz not just posting something that they are aware of it on the forums, they like to stick with twitter for some reason :smiley:

I’m in!!! cya later boys!

Just wait until they start trying to be hip like Wendy’s in the States and begin flaming their players and other games :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Haha wouldn’t be surprised tbh! Well I finally got into the game again so time to get back to grinding :smiley:

Flushed dns rebooted router restarted pc trying to get online via the exe file over the bnet app but nothing works

Can’t login to either Classic or Retail and this is the same problem as yesterday evening. No fix so far.

Got in now, thanks for that… :smiley:
But will it be the same tomorrow evening?
Is it fixed or just duct taped?

Greetings! o/

The problem causing these issues has been resolved. If anyone is still experiencing problems, please, let us know all the details in a new thread.

Oh look, the problem has returned, yay…


no you didn’t solve anything third night in a row we cant play and you aint doing nothing about it ffs.

And here we go again!!! :——

Different day same stuff thanks… Yesterday I have waited and hour and 45 minutes lets see how long it takes now. And just to remember I pay to play this.

3rd night in row, and here I we go again.

Why are the CS so slow posting on the forum? 7h hours ago they answered saying the issue from last night were resolved. Shame.

Yea and now I also get logged out of and put in a endless Que there. Thank you blizzard