It’s confirmed Poland Vectra/Multimedia issues, not Blizzard. My friend with different isp provider connects just fine. Vectra/Multimedia is made aware of the problem and trying to fix the route.
That’s not Blizzard, thats Vectra/Multimedia provider issue. They are working on it, I called their technical line to learn this.
Really? Lol. What the Vectra replied, any estimate for fix ?
Vectra, Poland.
As above.
Troubles, issues since at least Friday - creating YET ANOTHER thread, maybe the tittle will finally attract some necessery attention we all waiting for.
I was stuck countless times on loading screen ending with “World server is down” communique after I was returned to character selection menu.
Then when I could finally log into my character I was stuck in one location, could not teleport anywhere, communique on chat was “Transfer aborted: instance not exist”.
I have sent countless messages to customer service - employees blaming it on my network connection, especially funny one was when GM said that it is definetely problem of my network’s speed (everything related to using network connection works except WoW xD). Used all of the troubleshooting methods suggested by customer service - nothing works.
Also have sent bug report, like twice.
I’m calling for an official statement. OFFICIAL STATEMENT from someone form BLIZZARD who can actually adress what the hell happened, because being silent for 3 days when we all pay for expansions and subs is just riddiculous. Especially since Blizzard is not a small indie company.
That’s not true, I can play any other online game just not World of Warcraft
VPN does not work either
Te issue affects 3 internet providers in 3 different countries. Do you really believe Vectra Poland can fix Sweden and Cyprus internet :P?
Bump. CS support agent told me yesterday they were working on it and that u0dates would qppear on the forum. It’s been nearly 24 hours since, where are the updates Blizzard?
having the same issue, sadly dont know how to fix it.
Maybe they will fix it while doing maintenance on 11th.
Same problem here. Vectra Poland also. I was waiting 2 days for solution and finally decided to buy PoE 2;] . Good job Blizzard.
Don’t mislead people that it’s not blizzard’s fault because people who have other providers than vectra in poland have the same problems.
Im also from Polandand i thought that this aborted was because of me spamming portal to Dalaran in dreamgrove so nextly i just tried flying there but it has warped me back every time and after that i couldn’t play WOW on any of my alts
I cant even access the Blizzard support websites - all show timeout despite everything else working fine
Well I was conversing with Vectra person and other people emphasizing that they’re from Vectra. My information was outdated, sure, but you didn’t speak until now so how was I supposed to know that. I also called Vectra and they confirmed THEY have issue. Currently Vectra has problems not only with Blizzard services but also CS:GO and Roblox.
So it seems 3 different errors happened at the same time. Issue with Vectra started this friday.
From what I’ve seen it’s:
Tele2 & Bahnhof - Sweden
Vectra - Poland
Cablenet - Cyprus
Just canceled my sub until it’s fixed, it was ending today an I’m pretty confident Blizzard isn’t going to give any bonus days to the affected players anyway.
As far as I’ve heard only those who use Vectra’s infrastructure. But I could be wrong, I’m only repeating what Vectra itself told me when I called customer service.
They said they should fix it by 10pm, but it could take longer.
You know the issue affects 4 internet providers from3 different country and they just lied to you ?
Let’s bump the post.
hey, I have the same problem (Vectra, Poland). Can anyone tell me how to use VPN and whether it can be done for free? I’ve never used it
Same here. Problem started when I was using Vectra (my regular connection). I switched now to mobile hoping that maybe that would work (Orange), but it’s the same.