Can't put decent title because I will spoil next patch

Yes. Like all orcs are. Deport them to dreanor or something.


Yeah, execute all the blood elves, orcs, tauren, trolls etc.

They’re all cucks.

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Ah, the insanity has kicked in to another level.

The death of this thread is imminent.


To be fair, I usually never really disliked someone.

Erevien is the first one who’s name fills me with loathing for the person behind the screen.

And I hate that his idiocy made me do that.

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You can read some of his posts in US Forums as well.
He posts on a level 10 character with the same name.
It’s funny to see how the US community reacts.



And I will not stop until I get what I want from the story.

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So it’s all about what you want the story to be then? Quite egotistical of you.

Apparently it doesn’t matter that others both pay and have different opinions on the story.

Like I said, you’re egotistical.

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Loving the US responses.

They spit him out as much as we do.


That’s a relief. I’m sure if he tried in the other language forums, it’ll be the same.


GTFO to alliance please. Sylvana was right all along and the furtherer into the expansion the more clearer it’s becomes.

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1: what’s with the botched quote? What do you think I’m saying?

2: explain to me the signs of Sylvanas being right. Because I haven’t been playing SL to the fullest of my ability.

3: NEVER will I go alliance. I got an alliance alt I cannot bring myself to level it ugh the highhorsery of that faction makes me SICK.

Alliance isn’t too bad, they’re just the same as the Horde.

convinced of their right

Alliance sucks. They are Blizzard’s pet faction. Alliance bias ruines the game.

Fixed it for you (again).

No worries buddy, can keep this up for hours.

Your mocking will not change the truth

Have you even played Horde ever? Horde is all like ‘we done bad we can’t change that but we’re here now so lets make the best of it’ while alliance be like ‘human superiority trumps all’

That’s… arguable. The Alliance is conviced of their right - the Horde is convinced that they must win, once they have made a decision. Not quite the same

Yes, I do actually mainly roleplay Horde side.

And the majority of people I meet are like, “night elves got what they deserved” or “For the Horde” etc.

Admittedly, that might just be the circles I roleplay in? My AU orc was abhorred when he learned about the War of Thorns, my troll was indifferent and my blood elf lamented the loss of so many elves, to her it was exactly what happened to her homeland.

I was honestly mostly talking about npc’s. I did a bit of leveling on alliance side with an alt and it happened mostly I think with quests from Stormwind/humans that gave me this feeling of alliance (or just humans) feeling superior to hordies, and other non-alliance (or non-human even) races.
Yelling For the Horde to me seems more like faction pride but ofc I have no context. Sad that players will say nelves got what they deserved. I absolutely do not feel that way. However, I can imagine feeling this way after having read so many discussions at least here in the forums where nelves get really one-sided and hate everything that is Horde simply because the burning happened and how it seems that this one bad thing makes all of Horde irredeemable forever. It’s extremist to think that way and as such I am lately having a really hard time feeling empathy for nelves anymore.
I mean, Horde got batrayed by their warchief, Forsaken got betrayed by their (our) matriarch. But because Sylvanas ordered to burn the tree this doesn’t matter to nelves, and most alliance players I discuss the subject with.

Also, eta, I don’t look at it from a 21st century earthen perspective. It’s more medieval. It’s a fantasy game about war. And it’s mostly to have fun. Ofc burning a people’s home is not okay by today’s earthen standards. But Azeroth is not today’s earth. Fantasize a bit, loosen up, it’s ok to be ok with this happening in a game while still not condoning it in real life.
I roll my eyes at anyone that impersonates Hitler, but ingame this character will still follow Sylvanas.

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