Can't put decent title because I will spoil next patch

Potato, potato (this works better actually spoken but I hope you get my point)
I’m not gonna discuss elf origins because we’ll have to conclude that all elves come from trolls and nelves are traitors.

Your feelings about Sylvanas, Forsaken, burning of the tree and more are all welcome in this thread, I’m more than happy to listen (well, read) to your opinions. My only question in this is that you too respect my own opinion and viewpoints and that we can have a civilized discussion while agreeing to disagree. Wanting different things can make for very interesting discussion, but only when all parties are open to listen to the other’s opinions and not dismissing them as invalid because they are not their own.
I’m not asking people to agree with me here, there’s little I hate more than yes-men.

There will be no peace with the Alliance scum until Rastakhan is avenged.

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No, because Night elves and High/blood elves are very different in terms of history and culture. You may as well compare Blood elves with the Drakkari trolls.

One can respect your opinion, while pointing out you are wrong in terms of established lore.


Morhgel really said everything I wanted, but way better!


I wasn’t talking culture, I was talking heritage.
And please do correct me if I’m wrong but as far as I’m aware, a group of trolls split and became night elves, a group of highborne nelves moved away and became high elves, most high elves renamed themselves blood elves, and the few high elves that weren’t interested hung around with alliance.
Now I don’t know the exact timeline of all this, and I’m in no mood for researching it tonight but to me it looks like that if Sylvanas hadn’t been turned into a banshee way back when, she could today be any variant of elf.
Sure, elves are nothing like trolls anymore but claiming one cannot compare a blood elf to a night elf I think is taking it too far.

That… is like literally impossible.

There’s thousands of years between troll to elf and night elf to high (blood) elf.

It is literally impossible for Sylvanas to be anything but a high elf (or blood elf)…

That’d be like saying Talanji could just as easily have been a high elf. Or Thalyssra a dark troll.


This linking of such spanning legacies reminds me of that whole 'All Land IS X Land!" argument again.

A whirlwind of devolution that turned into:

Elf Land vs. Troll Land.
Troll Land vs. Human Land.
Human Land vs Animal Land.
Animal Land vs. Azeroth Land.
Azeroth Land vs. Titan Land.
Titan Land vs. Black Empire Land.

Black Empire Land vs… Land.

Even if we will play her game, and will agree that Sylvanas was one of the Highbornes 7,500 thousand years ago, according to the Lore, Highbornes were actually happy to be exiled.

“The druids could not bring themselves to put so many of their kin to death, so they decided to exile the reckless Highborne from their lands. Dath’Remar and his followers, glad to be rid of their conservative cousins at last, boarded a number of specially crafted ships and set sail upon the seas. Though none of them knew what awaited them beyond the waters of the raging Maelstrom, they were eager to establish their own homeland, where they could practice their coveted magics with impunity”.

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Ok yeah it’s my bad, for some reason I thought it had been a lot longer ago that Sylvanas was made a banshee.

And it’s not quite like saying Talanji could be an elf and Thalyssra a troll, I wrote (but you conveniently only quoted part of my post) that elves and trolls are nothing like each other anymore.

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