Can't trade currency, can't warbank bought items!

Why do you think it is acceptable to punish us for your inability to release working code to paying customers?

Sure, there are going to be bugs (it’s WoW after all) so you turn off currency trading but you don’t allow us to buy radiance items and put it into the bank for the alt that needs it, making us wait for the refund timer to elapse! Are you seriously going with this as a great way to treat paying customers?

Did you forget that ‘entertainment’ is supposed to be fun, and not a constant list of annoyances?

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I just noticed this aswell, I had all my pre patch currency and timewalking badges transfered to one character to make it more tidy and now its all stuck there, I hope it will be re-enabled soon.

Edit: just saw this Warband Currency Transfer Temporarily Disabled – August 14

I realize it’s going to cost you 30c per piece, but you can bypass the 2 hours by sending it by mail

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