Cap the seal of dawn at 6 please

So we got Seal of the dawn rank 6 this week and I think this is the perfect scaling to do Naxxramas mythic. The raid is challenging atm, and we have to play the mechanics to kill bosses.

I’m afraid if we get rank 7+, cool mechanics like Heigan dancing will be avoided :frowning:

even the enrage on patchwerk at 5% will happen 2 second

I understand that some guilds may still have issues to clean, but HM3 is doable by everyone and you still get a lot of a loot. Also, if people really wanna do mythic they can go at 20+ players in Naxx. For those reasons, I expect that rank 6 seal will be our last.


Then don’t upgrade your seal to keep having your fun and don’t try to force your opinions on others ?


Yeah thats a great way to not get invited, solid advice lol

Just play in your guild then ? You know that you don’t have to delete your previous seal do you ?

So what does it mean you ask ? Well it’s really simple Little one it means that when you play with your guild you put the old one (so lvl 6 in this case) and when you have to pug you use the biggest

I know it must be really hard for you to understand but I know you can do it !

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I dont think you understand, but i wont bother trying as nobody wont get trough that thick skull anyway.

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If you wanna increase the difficulty you click on orb, not on seal.
mythic mode is supposed to be challenging, if its too hard for you turn off the orb.
thats how activate or not Hardmodes :slight_smile:


The thing here that YOU want to change the way the raid is designed for not me, people don’t have to play the way YOU want

You apparently have found a way to do naxx at max difficulty without it being too difficult for YOU by using the lvl 6 seal of dawn so play with it with your guild and stop trying to force YOUR vision of the game on others

Want it or not the game as been advertised for casual players from its announcement so deal with it

(+ you’re not fooling anyone the only reason you’re crying here is because you don’t want your parses to be surpassed by other people using seal 7+ )

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no thats not MY way, and even not MY vision, thats how blizzard call it : Activating hardmode is by clicking the orb, i understand now if naxx is too hard for you when you cant understand simple word :slight_smile:

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Except that each difficulty is caped by seal levels :o

Lvl 0 = max 2

Lvl 1 = max 4

Lvl 2 = max 6

Lvl 3 = max 8

Lv 4 = max 10

And YOU are asking for it to be changed for it to be caped at 6 for YOUR vision of the game Little Guy not me when you don’t know what you are talking about just shut your mouth

Plus don’t talk about naxx being too hard for me bud I already full cleared it in guild max hm for now and got pink parses on few bosses when the raid had a cap at seal 5

People saying to downrank seal should feel ashamed. If I want a challenge and If it doesn’t have any impact of the capacity of casual players to clean NM or even HM3, where is the issue ? If you aren’t good enough to clean mythic, then don’t go, but don’t force the other to downrank a seal and say goodbye to their parses, and have 0 fun. I wanna play the mechanics too, that’s why mythic mode have been made.


Wow, you are a really ridiculous person here Eleguard. If you brag about pink parses, why do you say to downrank seal lmao ? Can you understand that with seal r10 boss will die in 20 seconds hello ? How that can be fun to do that ? Think a bit before talking.

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thats not my vision bro, activating HARDmode should make the game HARDer, again, simple word, still cant understand hahaha :')

Simply because I don’t fu** care ?

I don’t play the game to just kill bosses and have a medal with parses I play the game because I’m having fun with my guild mates, I know how to play my class and have nothing to prove

And sorry but I’m not playing the game for me to hit my head on a wall because of bosses, with this set up it permit to clear the raid in guild while having a good laugh on vocals

What’s wrong Little Guy you’re out of ammo :’(

So go in NM and let other people have challenge in mythic, ty :slight_smile:

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Same as the other one you’re the one wanting to change the raid not me

im not out of ammo i have to repeat simple word again and again because apparently this is hard for you to understand…

He is right. I want it to change too, I dont want to go higher than rank 6 to save the diffulty of the raid. People who don’t care about too short fights and who use 40 players instead of 20 shouldn’t care and accept to not go in Mythic. That’s it, we just want the choice : a challenge or not.

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i can see your 40man heroic raid on this character with a pool of 100 dad paladin ret yes, but no mythic 20 man, so yeah i understand now why you dont agree with me, but this is your job to turn off the orb, not by us downranking seal, you are taking the problem with the wrong way my little boy :slight_smile:

Brag about it for days if you want

But nothing is changing Little Guy :wink:

You have a way to do it as you want so do it and stop bothering others :wink: