Cap the seal of dawn at 6 please

Lost case spotted :sweat_smile:

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But what you are saying ppl should play as YOU want?

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nope, I’m saying that people have to play the way the game as been made by the devs, wich means no seals cap at 6 for hm 4 for EVERY players

end of the discussion and go cry somewhere else :wink:

You know they do changes alot in SoD? But I do understand it, your guild could prob not clear it without just having that extra rank lvls :joy: Some ppl are just afraid they need to pull their own weight.

Where do I cry when I start a convo with you where we can say you are crying? :joy: Are you mad for real my dude?

“Oh someone dont agree with me, THEY ARE CRYING”

Comon, be mature and have a normal conversation.

sure bud my guild is placed at 55 on wild growth for the fastest clear of naxx hm but eh keep coping x)

well I’m not the one begging for blizz to change a feature of naxx because “b-bu-but I’m b-better than everyone else h-here s-so c-c-cap the seal s-s-so I can feel better about my s-s-selff T-T”

Thats alright! Not bad at all, I just checked myself and seems my guild is 35 on Wild growth and we dont even go for speed clears, we even have atleast one 5 minute break before the 2 last bosses. But tbh, its not bad at all if you trying to go for speed.

But nice flex :wink:

I never begged for it aswell? Or can you please refer to where I did it? Do you think you talking to the same person on every comment here?

Are you having a stroke or something? If so I think you should call 911. 55 speed runner guild on WG.

first of all I’m not trying to “flex” about my guild, I’m simply giving you an answer to your pathetic attempt to devalue it by giving our position when we’re not trying to speed clear too

second why are you trying to derail my opinion if you are ok with the actual system ?

I’m going to repeat my self ONCE again

what I want is for people to stop crying for insignificant things, the op + the other druid are asking to change a CORE mechanic of the raid so they could feel better about the size of their virtual pp

they don’t want to do the raid the way it’s intended ? fine I’ve already pointed out what they can do to keep having fun the way they like it, BUT they can’t force their vision for every other players

there the end, is it too much to understand ?

When we will have r10 seal, it will be, probably, already next phase. And old raid should be easy on next phase, to allow people get catch-up gear faster. If we have some delay between r10 seal and next phase, then yes, i think it’s better to have 2 weeks on seal r8 and 2 weeks on seal r9, but on next phase i think it should be r10 seal to easier catch-up for alts or new players, or to get some bis pieces/atiesh/sapph enchants (that still will be bis, i dont think that blizz add new on next phase) in less then 20ppl groups

Thats just what you tried to do, dont say otherwise.
We are not trying to speed clear the raid, we dont care about it, many of our raiders arent even trying to parse etc while we have some that tries, you are trying to flex your guild is the realm 55 speed clears and we as a non speed runner guild is on 35, thats acually kinda funny!
I was acually asking you a question and you went from 0-100 right away. I now understand why the others gave up on having a normal convo with you. I dont know if its a language barrier here or if you are just this dumb normally saying my attempts to devalue stuff implying we are a speed runner guild too when we arent, why should we be taking breaks in the middle of the raid then? :joy:

I was asking you a question, but please refer to where I am begging blizz to change stuff. Please.

I think this must be a language barrier for sure or you might be very young. Prob both.

But they can voice their opinions on it, just like you do, but you are the one in here CRYING about it. Noone else here is “crying” more then voicing opinions, but if they dont agree with YOU then ppl are “crying”, grow up my dude :joy:

I hope you understand now just what I said. I dont know how you do in France but in other countries atleast its fine to have different opinions. Hope that is clear for you now.

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well then your question was :

I answered it by :

then you said :

wich I replied to prove it that it’s not the point:

(and by the way can you also point to me how can we be a speed runner guild when we have gray and green parsers in our runs ? )

now I want you to answer to a question too , you said :

can you point to me when did they made a change to make things harder compared to things that was already in place from previous update in PvE ? (except for bugs of course but ehe I hope that you would have understood that before replying)

I’m waiting

for now the only one who gave a valid opinion here is businkaa, they can totally delay the upgrade of seals for a week after all that’s already started for the lauch of naxx with the week 1 bringing 2 lvl up same for week 2 and now for week 3 and 4 just one, we can totally imagine that we only get a lvl up in two weeks for example

you on the other hand have brought absolutly nothing to the debate

But why do you even come here and b**ch about it?
OP dident think it should go over rank 6, and you come into the discussion that ppl are crying etc, you cant have a mature conversation. Why is that? Yes you have different opinions, but only yours are right, that how you get it to sound like with your comments in here, dont you see that?

Then you trying to flex about

And here with my “sh**ty” guild we are 35 in speed on the server and we not even trying to be, I am not the one started to say how fast our guild was on clearing, YOU did.

Sunken temple is one example on Shade of Eranikus.

You so dident think I would be able to answer your question :joy:

Yeah ofc hes the only one who gave a valid opinion becuase its lay more the way of your opinion, this is the prime example what I meant with what I said previslouy :joy:

Sadly by the time most people try mythic it will probably feel like normal. Doing mythic with rank 6 seal already feels as if it’s not the same thing it was two weeks ago…

Can you imagine how it will be with rank 10? Holy moly people will be able to clear normal and heroic in 10 man without a sweat at that point, and mythic will feel like what normal used to be.

I’m all for content to be accessible but this seems a bit much. Only a very small percentage of SoD raiders will ever get to experience Naxx mythic being hard at this point, it’s a shame.

Fights are already starting to be over before the boss does their main mechanic(dance, decimate etc.)

That might be it, you need to ask him about that becuase you just assuming atm right?

Oh you missunderstood me mate, I mean our guild is not that great overall, we couldnt even kill Cthun HM more then 1-2 times I think :joy: Thats the players we are dealing with in my guild, still we do a 35 realm speed clear.

My bad, I acually missread what you wrote,
MC - Heat lvls = Making it harder then normal content
BWL - Afflixes = Making it harder then normal content
AQ - HM = Making it harder then normal content
Naxx - HM, this is debateable tho, even if it makes it harder you have it also easier due to the seal rank but HM does make it harder then normal content.

See I can even admit when I am wrong. Imagine huh? :wink:

already did and he passed the question so it’s enough to me

again that is not what I asked, I want you to give me a boss or raid mechanic that has been BUFFED in SOD PvE compared to it’s previous update in SOD not classic vanilla

The hard mode have stayed unchanged or nerfed from when they where realeased

still waiting

But that is buffed in SOD.
And even the point you are trying to make, what does it matter if they done that before or not? Should everything still be a roll over?

That might be the case yeah, but its still buffed content.

What you w8ting for my dude? To be 54 speed runner guild?

I already told you what SOD have as buffed content and tbh with you, Naxx is gonna be so easy soon its gonna be a cake walk for everyone, yeah even your guild might clear it faster, that seems to be a big deal for you :joy:

Atleast you seem to have learned something today, that everyone who dont agree with you sometimes arent “crying” but those who agree with you are the only ones having a valid opinion :clown_face: (Yeah you avoided that before, wonder why)

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basicly if we get rank 10 we probably gonna have people doing 5 mans even i think rank 6 atm is a good place to cap it


So this ret paladin is saying “Play the game as the sod devs intended”.

Because we all know everything the devs implemented in SoD since launch has been flawless without any error so we should not ask for any changes!

This guy is totally cooked lmao.


Cap it at 6. I dont want to see everyone and their dog riding the hm4 mount just cause they joined a pug


I hope all this “cap at level X” andies will go play retail and stay there forever challenging what they want (their ego).

Then you go retail and stay there. Forever. Classic is always about killing bosses in 15 seconds and having fun.