Cap the seal of dawn at 6 please

Nothing in WoW classic should be actually challenging. And if something is challenging after all, it should offer no extra rewards, not even cosmetic ones.

ok neither side imo is being ridiculous here, BUT i will say this i play sod to enjoy myself i play a bear tank in sod and i for 1 like the increase in rank but if you get to use a extra 2 ranks per orb clicked that’s the point in ranks 9 and 10? as far as im aware there’s no 5th orb. personally i say cap it at 8

What’s fun for you might not be the idea of fun for someone else. Go to retail arguments betray a level of intellectual laziness that is not desirable. There are players who like classic and like a modicum of challenge in their content.

Saying “go to retail” as a blank statement solution is similar to saying “don’t like what you like”. Such players might not like retail.

Bosses dying before they do their main mechanic on mythic(crypt swarm, decimate, dance, teleport, etc.) with the already available seal levels is just poor content.

Why not at this point just have bosses be blocks of HP with no mechanics, loot pinatas?

Variety is the spice of life as they say, it’s fine and fair to have a system where the content can be cleared even by the most new/casual players for almost entirely the same rewards as the seasoned players - and we have/had that now already.

Can we not keep a mode that is supposed to be challenging, for the players who prefer a challenge, remain so? Where’s the harm in doing so?

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Imo the the raid is absolutely perfect with seal rank 6. Never had this much fun in a raid in SoD. If you want a little challenge you go HM4 or you can just blast at HM3 for a quick raid. Even if blizz cap it at 6 the raid will become easier with time as people gear up more and more.

Even now some fights are sub 1 min, going higher with the seal would make it feel more like a trash mob than a boss.


Nothing in WoW classic should be actually challenging.

Who are you to say that lol

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bragging about speed clears and parses on wild growth pve andy server is giga yikes.
number 55 on that server?
yeah well, its practically a dead server, so what you are doing here is the same level of cringe as a dude bragging about winning a boxing tournament for people in wheelchairs… like good job, you got 55 spot for fastest clear on a server with like 60 guilds total, some of which probably don’t even raid and/or only do normal modes…

which is last place on wild growth? 57?.. like… bro.

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Those comments here are better content than the nightmare dragons.

already did and he passed the question so it’s enough to me

so if people dosent answer your idiot question, it means you are right ? xD

i know this is hard for you but, again read my first post, i wanna see some mechanics (that blizzard inclued in the game)

god damnit please these word are simple, make an effort after that maybe we can talk like mature ppl :slight_smile:

If you actually look closely you will realise that classic is a game where you progress by doing chores and slowly putting effort into building up your character power. It’s not a game like Dark Souls where you overcome mechanically challenging content.

There should only be 1 raid difficulty and it should be realistically beatable by the average player.

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There should only be 1 raid difficulty and it should be realistically beatable by the average player.

if you actually look closely im saying that we will kill boss in 15 second avoid every mechanics that blizzard inclued in the game,

can you see the difference by “Beatable” like you said and loot pinata ?

please ppl cmon is it hard or…

You are exaggerating. Yes you can brute force through some mechanics but most mechanics still need to be followed.

If you do not dispel on Noth, you wipe. If you do not organise the fight right on Loatheb, you wipe. If you do not follow polarity on Thaddius, you wipe. If you do not coordinate targets on Faerlina, you wipe. If you do not spread on Sapphiron, you wipe. If you do not distribute your group mindfully and coordinate damage and targeting on Gothic, you wipe. The list goes on.

And I am not even talking about fights like the Four Horsemen and Razuvius where you need to surgically perform certain actions and 1 wrong move by 1 person can kill the entire raid.

And the raid still takes 2+ hours to beat even if you do not wipe at all. If you make it hard it will take 3+ hours to beat with wipes, which is a no-no for many.

Also please remember, if you post on forums then you are statistically a tryhard, so things that appear easy to you probably are not that easy to the average player.

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If you do not dispel on Noth, you wipe. If you do not organise the fight right on Loatheb, you wipe. If you do not follow polarity on Thaddius, you wipe. If you do not coordinate targets on Faerlina, you wipe. If you do not spread on Sapphiron, you wipe.

Yeah atm with the seal rank 6, but for example if you kill noth in 20 second then curse wont happen, on loatheb ? it will be the same, seal upgrade our HP to 18% per sanctify, at rank 10 it will be 37,50% do you even realise ? + if the tank is full geared we wont need any external to keep him alive, Faerlina ? we already full single target the boss and completely ignoring adds, (my guild isnt a tryhard guild we are just average) so imagine with the rank 10.
Even on saph he will not do any air phase we will kill him before, and even if there is an air phase, no need to spread because of 37.50% hp per sactify with 40k hp average we will litteraly ignore evey single mechanics.

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Perharps you are not doing the appropriate HM level or bringing too many people? Lvl 6 seal means you need to ~20 man HM+3

we are 20 in hm 4

Then this is the explanation:

I honestly don’t get it, even private servers tried their best to make boss abilities work. It was an issue of scripting there, obvious reasons. Servers where boss abilities worked as close as possible to their intended function were the most popular.

While we on the official realms have some people that want to have bosses that roll over before they manage to do their signature mechanic even… what even…

At this point I am baffled to say that the most challenging content was MC heat 3(back when people weren’t geared yet) and BWL black trial. Naxx with 4 trials with lvl 8-10 level seal will feel easier than normal.

Why can’t we have both? An easy mode where the boss get’s looked at and starts vomiting loot AND a mode where you can fail or are threatened at least?

Does someone get hurt if options exist?

We have both. You can have the latter by simply disabling your seal of dawn or activating a lower level one

Good luck convincing your dps players to tank their logs by going with a lower level seal just so bosses can do mechanics…

People will follow the path of least resistance obviously. To make content not a snore fest is not one of the responsibilities of the players, I’m sorry.

There has always been a mechanic that makes raids easier with time, it’s called gear.

What the devs are doing with the seal mechanic to Naxx is as if in MC heat 3 you would need 25 less FR each week.

What will be the next suggestion to make SoD content difficulty not brain damaged level? don’t play with runes? don’t wear gear? come on now…


“players will, if given the option, optimize the fun out of the game” - some game dev.

the nonsense on display here is flabbergasting.
yeah you can just turn your seal off… good luck getting 20+ people on board with that idea…

you know what else you can do? delete all your gear and not use any runes, talents or spells.

now get 20+ people on board with that idea too.

you’re forgetting the number 1 golden rule of gaming:
if its available and it makes it easier, people will use it.

would the game be better if everyone was handed 10 million gold from an NPC upon reaching lvl 60?
would everyone take the gold?
because why not.


Just say u want hello kitty adventure diff it’s fine because if we get cap 10 we gonna be doing retail numbers