What u want is a mobile game so go play it
I never said this buddy. But if i want to wipe 10 times per boss to pass it i will go and play retail because its fun there to wipe and start again not rebuffing for 2 minutes and drinking ton of alchemy pots and other consumables.
Ok just say that you want the hardest difficulty to be a pushover like the devs allowed it to be, in another week or so, and be done with it…
Why even play classic at this point? Should the pots have been like flasks never to expire on death? We already got world buffs in our pockets…
You know what, why even have consumables at this rate? Why not just pop a flask of the titans and it lasts forever, drink a mongoose elixir and your char forever has 2%crit and 25 agi. I am exaggerating but I’ll just say I don’t get you at all, and it’s fine, more power to you lol.
the prep work is part of the challenge as well.
you are being punished economically (and in time spent) for failing (wiping) on a boss through having to spend time/mana and consumables (and by extension: gold) to have another attempt.
some classes have it way worse than others in this regard btw.
lets just say you should be happy you “only” need physical dps consumables, and that you don’t play i.e shaman tank, who literally uses every available consumable in the game every single wipe.
and don’t even get me started on the bag space issues this creates…
my priest as healer uses like 3-4 consumables (some last through death, like brilliant mana oil) while my shaman uses like 15+ different consumables… physical elixirs, caster elixirs, tank elixirs, dragonbreath chili, firewater etc. - all of it.
as a warrior you have it very easy, as essentially all you need are physical dps/tank consumes.
Naah u clearly do. The moment u said u wanted seal 10 to be a thing u wanted 10 sec bosses. Because thats how it’s gonna end up, specially with all people getting 6pc and were gonna go up 155% more dmg/health. A lot of bosses is already dying at 1-2min mark on hm4 some bosses even under 1min.
This is also in your imagination. I am against capping it to level 6.
What you say makes sense, however the only way to actually incentivise people to do harder difficulty is to hide more loot in higher difficulties. If you do this, then people will be compelled to do challenging content so as not to miss on loot, and an option will become an obligation, which means hello to meta gaming and toxic gatekeeping.
I made a thread about this back when they made MC heat levels. I was made fun of but everything I warned about came true. Now we are swamped with a continuum of difficulties, each new level not only giving more loot but also offering unique loot unavailable at lower difficulties.
The fact that there is only 1 difficulty and that it is beatable by regular andies is one of the best things about classic, I really wish they hadn’t changed that. Make content that your playerbase will beat, do not cater to the 1% of tryhards
Well nope it’s not and we gonna see if we go rank 10
“muh 1%”
fallacy galore.
cope harder.
git gud.
skill issue.
Sounds good, guilds can bring less ppl and get more gear… win win for everyone… no wait…
U waiting on loot? there drops so much already? sure maybe if u struggle on no hardmode it must be really hard getting loot.
Strugling? Cant say i do…
I have been trying hard to have a meaningful conversation with you for many months now, but after this NPC comment you are going to the ignore list.
Ideally this is how things should have been, one difficulty only. But I think they missed the mark with Naxx by a very big margin by allowing the seal to go this far.
Even classic Naxx and WotlK Naxx felt more threatening than week 1 heroic SoD Naxx.
How our first run(heroic) went:
Anub didn’t get to use swarm;
Faerlina melted - got cleaved will all her adds and people didn’t even move out of fire;
Maexxena couldn’t get the tank to 50% hp even though we transitioned poorly(ZUG brain);
Noth teleported just once and barely any adds came;
poor Heigan didn’t even get to dance once…;
Instructor didn’t even got tanked by MC adds, a regular tank tanked them all, massacre;
Four Horsemen - horsemen in the back got “tanked” by casters;
Patchwerk? we must have killed him since we got to KT, I might have thought it was a slightly larger trash mob.
Grobbulus - people were getting dispelled in the raid, didn’t make a difference, healers healed…
poor Gluth didn’t even get to cast decimate;
Thadius is very simple once you check your debuffs, no issues.
Sapphiron - cakewalk; KT - cakewalk…
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: this simply feels like one of those poorly scripted private servers where the “devs” are trying some home brew version of classic.
Ok fine with that, especially since the 1% of the SoD player-base(that is left) probably is represented by two of the hardcore guilds and their alts…
But who then are we actually catering to right now? people that are disabled? (I really mean no offense to anyone with severe health issues, just gotta illustrate this point somehow)
I never thought I’d see the day(in WoW) when people cheer for bosses to not do their abilities…
When seal 10 comes around you might as well put a vendor in Stromwind/Orgrimmar and activate it around evening time(when most people raid) to sell Naxx gear, and spare everyone a trip to EPL, call it vendor raiding…
In the same vein , bugged week 1 C’thun was FUN , felt like a real hardmode with the tentacles spawning throughout the whole fight. Took us 3 tries to get him down, the following week when it was fixed it was just…boring.
while loot may be alot my guild still haven’t seen certain items drop like the tank ring form instructor and the druid teir chest token from 4hm
Cant wait to 10m naxx HM4! gonna be so much fun ditching half the guild roster or be bored to death and clear the whole raid in 1hr. Cap it at 6 please, its already feeling too easy.
not sure if this is a troll post or if op is badly braindamaged , probably both
nice argument, thank you for your contribution
Whew, peak spite from the human paladin.
Yes please to cap, retroactively if possible.