Cap the seal of dawn at 6 please

Then maybe you should see a psychologist if the game makes you feel that way. Its just a game and we are here to have fun.

yeah i feel like it hurt the game if we goes towards retail numbers and bosses dies in 10 sec

Then maybe you should see a psychologist if the game makes you feel that way. Its just a game and we are here to have fun.

Maybe just maybe go back to your classic era and go fap there

allow me to repeat: “if its available and it makes it easier, people will use it”.

guess what happens when something isn’t available… its not an option, so people can’t use it.

seal lvl 10 available? people WILL use it.

you seem to fundamentally misunderstand the point here.
its not up to players to create their own artificial difficulties.
that’s the job of the game devs who are on the payroll.
its on the devs to restrict players ability to roflstomp the content they produce.
if they give players the option to roflstomp the content, the game is going to get boring because there is no challenge, and if there is no challenge there is no fun, and if there is no fun there is no reason to play the game.


And you know better?

You got two two difficulties(normal, heroic) where you can do just that- burst bosses down under 30 seconds.

Is it too much if we have a difficulty where the raid resembles at least slightly how it used to play?

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Because you want it does not mean its intended to be. I understand ur frustration, yet we still stomped the entire Classic and Burning Crusade running 40 min speedruns for Nax and Sunwell.

Was it intended? No. Was it fun? Yes.

Yeah but barely being able to do your rotation? with seal 10 is kinda gonna be really fun :smiley: #not

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No. But i am not limiting other people playstyle as you wish. You see the difference?

  • if we are getting seal 10 it’s gonna be 300% dmg increased and health :stuck_out_tongue: god damn maybe we get 1 swing off and boss is dead

Who is limiting your plystyle? AGAIN, you have normal, heroic where bosses will die probably in 10 seconds against a fully buffed/geared raid.

10-20 second fights, such fun.

But AGAIN, have at it, if anything you are the one dictating a one-size-fits-all style of game, not me.


Then play with seal level 4. Such fun. Why not? Same soultion as u give me your own.

bro you wouldn’t believe what i had to deal with on this forum when phase 4 was announced and blizzard’s initial idea was to give better item rewards for completing higher raid difficulties (heat 1, 2 and 3) and ended up settling for more loot of the same quality instead.

some people were actually on here, unironically arguing that getting more loot (note; not better loot) for higher difficulties was “unfair” and “outrageous” and claimed that the challenge was enough reward in and of itself.

just pure unhinged selfishness like you wouldn’t believe.
literally “i can’t do it/i don’t want to do it, so you should not be allowed to either”.

its like telling a professional football player that because you are wheelchair bound and unpaid, he too must be unpaid, and have both his legs broken so he can’t compete on a professional level.


your bar for “fun” must be set extremely low.
sorry, but some people actually enjoy puzzles and having their brain stimulated when playing games.
what’s the fun in stomping content because its brain-dead easy?
why even bother? like… there’s a reason puzzles for toddlers consist of like 5-6 pieces while puzzles for adults consist of about 500-1000 pieces.

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You are either arguing in bad faith or you are slow, sorry to say. It’s been pointed out numerous times why that is not an option for some people.

A lot of dps players are playing the game more or less for parses, I don’t and I don’t care, whatever keeps them coming online to raids…

You won’t be able to convince these people to play with a lower level seal.

It’s one thing when everyone plays by the same rules and when you are forced to make your own to fix a flaw in the design of a feature.

I know I’d be happy to have the raid go 30min longer if that means the fights are actually engaging and not feeling like boss fights you would see on random, obscure private servers ~2008 that had bad scripting.

Nice that you trying to insult me. Still feels like some kind of looser trying to assert himself in the game because he’s accomplished nothing in life. Hope its not about you.

Not to take this discussion too far off topic but I more or less accepted the fact that harder content will just reward the same loot, at best more of it.

During Vanilla for example I was in school and barely raided(some weekends every now and then) and my character entered TBC with mostly blues and a couple MC/ZG epics and I was fine with it.

I would have liked better gear but I knew I just didn’t commit the time to obtain it.

People nowadays would probably go berserk if something like this happened. It’s the WotLK mentality, “I pay the sub, I deserve everything that comes with the game”

i’m not trying to insult you.
i’m trying to illustrate for you, why i harbor the opinion that i have.
if you feel insulted by my insinuation that your bar of what constitutes “fun” is set extremely low, that is on you for taking offense to a notion based on objective fact.

i was using the toddler/adult puzzle metaphor to make a point.
the point being, that if an adult was to do a toddler puzzle, it wouldn’t be fun, nor would it be a challenge, nor would it stimulate their brain, because its simply too easy for them.

that’s why there’s puzzles for adults - because its supposed to be harder in order to stimulate the part of the brain that is in charge of (guess what) puzzle-solving.

Great that you understand it. This rules is dictated by WCL and other platforms and we should fit in it even we dont want. So the same for me, the entire raid wants to see their front page mythic logs (because everyone goes mythic), yet you tell me to go normal to stomp.

Thats the point. You dont have fun with level 10 seal and stomping raids, i dont have fun killing same bosses as during vanilla 19 years ago or classic 4 years ago and spending 2-3 hours for raid.

So maybe we should look for some solution which is fine with you and me and others without dictating how to play?

I must say if u really want 10 sec bosses then why the f even have the raid just put the bosses on insta spawn rotation in major cities and make them give insta bis.