Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

They recently changed the name of Finkle Einhorn, because it was a reference to a transphobic scene in Ace Ventura.

And rightly so.

If you find anything disgusting about a man kissing a woman with a p enis, you are a bigot.

But I think Blizzard overlooked something.

There is a character called Oralius in the Burning Steppes, who references a friend “Captain Winky”. Captain Winky is what Ace Ventura mentions upon discovering that the woman in the movie has a p enis.

“… thats why Roger Padactor is dead, he found Captain Winky!”

This is likely also a reference to that same transphobic scene. In addition to that, the character in the game seems to be imaginary therefore can not be seen. Remains hidden. Possibly like the p enis of the woman in that movie.

Also, the character’s name “Oralius” could be a reference to oral sex.

If you look up the wowhead entry, you’ll find tons of comments making the same connection to the movie and that scene.


Can’t we give it a bloody rest already?


There are two genders defined by dna, chromosomes, and organs.

And you have some issues if you find fiction offending you in game called World of Warcraft.

You might want to seek therapy to fight your insecurities and projections.


That has nothing to do with what I said.

The character is a reference to a transphobic joke.

Why does it offend you?


They should change the name to Captain Orange.


It’s transphobic.

Trans Rights are Human Rights.

Literally has everything y with nonsense you spew out.


So you have no answer then? You just decided to open a faux shock horror post for shock value?

No need to say anymore!


Sex. You speak about the sex here. Also in regards of chromosomes i would be quite careful given thole subject if you delve further it into it (its not as simple as just XX and XY for everybody). You try to make the topic more simple than it actually is (and scientists are very clear in their difference of what they consider sex and what they consider a gender. This is regardless of gender roles)


Are you trans?

Yes it is and I stated multiple things not just chromosomes.

I just wrote a reply, didn’t you see it?

Not that again! :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:


To be fair, your reply made no sense, the question was how it offended you, you just came back with no reply, just a phrase, question was how does this information directly affect you, and why did you feel the need to bring it up on here?


Which is why i asked him if hes trans.

Which garnered no reply, hence just another shock jock looking for outrage.

I don’t need to be trans to know if something is transphobic. Just like I don’t need to be black to know that the n word is racist.


The villain in Ace Ventura wasn’t trans.

So as i predicted. How about you dont feel offended on my behalf then? Its the one thing that really gets me pissed.