Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Procceeds to spam flag with alts you are clown should be banned.
Spam report with alts should not exist.
MODS should delete totally unrelated nonsense thread like this one.


I said that

That’s like asking why the n word offends me. Because it’s racist.

You however are in no position to be offended. In this specific scenario me and every other trans people have the right to feel offended. If it offends us. Not you.


Yes, she was.

No, why does it directly offend you? All you are doing is producing buzz words, give me your direct reasoning on why it offends you so much to come onto here and create this thread! Did you see the film and go ‘damn I’m offended by this’ and if so were you offended the first time you saw the film? Or did you decide to be offended fir the sake of this thread?

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Mizzie, there are alot of forums that debate all the social issues of the world, the internet is huge.
Go find them, people go there to debate such issues.

These are the WoW forums, so, do you mind talking about something related to the game?

Those threads are boring, as boring as it can get.


It was a man who disguised himself as a woman to take revenge on their football team at superbowl sunday.

They weren’t trans.


It’s not about whether you personally are offended or not. It’s still transphobic. Transphobia has a certain meaning. And pointing and laughing at trans women for being so disgusting that men have to throw up after discovering you were born a man is hateful and transphobic. Almost half of trans people end up killing themselves. Maybe you are part of the half that is unaffected by things like this, but that doesn’t change, that the other half suffers, so show some empathy.

No, that was a disguise.

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Please provide stats for this. Sounds…ridiculous


Like the cunning masks we get at Hallow’s End?

Show some common sense, this is a game forum, there is no need to bring it up here!

The idea of the transperson using their look as a disguise to fool people into believing they are the opposite sex is a transphobic trope and only confirms the transphobia.

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Not a transphobic joke.
A joke about a guy posing as a woman.

He wasn’t trans.

End of discussion.


No that is literally what happened in the film and has nothing to do with trans people.


It wasn’t a transperson, it was a criminal who stole someone else’s identity to cover up.

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Should we ban Mrs Doubtfire, the world famous family film? Damn that Robin Williams really offended me in that movie.

Oh bit of advice for you, don’t watch one of my personal favourites, The adventures of Pricilla, Queen of the desert, you may be scarred for life.


What I (and every other Trans) think about the subject is what matters. Not what YOU think. Thats how it is. You have no right whatsoever to feel offended on our behalf. You are not “our voice”.

I still dont give a poop about Finkle Einhorn in the game. At best it makes me remember the movie rather than trying to erase it from my memories as someone that forgets history is bound to repeat it. Again you have no right to feel offended on my or any other Trans persons behalf.

Again: YOU have NO right to feel offended on OUR behalf. Deal with it. The ones affected have the right to feel offended. You can support them if they do so but thats it.

And now bugger off.

Also this.


This is about NPCs in WoW and this is the official WoW forum.

Please make some sense next time.

Which I bet didn’t offend you until you decided to create this shock thread to feel special M

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