Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Futile attempt of yours im afraid. Roux being racist towards white males is irrelevant to the point for me not being a white male as i didnt take offense in what she did but judge her as the racist she is itself combined with the Values Blizzard states it represents. And there were plenty of people that were part of the “white male group” that started the rage against her in the first place i chose to support them. Would you have paid attention to this topic in general you would have realized the difference.

Also even if i would agree with you and say im a hypocrite here regarding my own actions it still wouldnt change the core message. Something you were told several times in others threads as well. Your whataboutism mixed with a strawman is once again amusing.

However we have long since established that you are not able to debate me even in the slightest.

Hes not wrong but correct. It was a disguise and the character of the movie was not trans. It was a disguise with the sole intention of getting closer to his goal of revenge.

I utterly dislike Tahra but she is not wrong here. You however are. “As usual”.

Read above.

I havent trolled. Nice strawman.

Learn what projection is. As to whos not welcome: Ye mate im afraid youre on the lower end of the “food chain” here.

Oh you wanna start this again? You already lost this discussion in a previous thread. Cant misgender one if i dont know ones gender in the first place.

Also i can already smell you going to libel again.