Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

World would be a better place it is came to pass

Duck with Apple sauce? That’s a new one on me, orange sauce yes, redcurrant sauce OK, but apple with pork, yumm.

Plum sauce my choice with duck, but orange is often paired with it.

I’d use them with a well-done duck. But apple with pink :slight_smile:

He had surgery done. However it was done for the disguise part as it was coupled with identity theft+murder to achieve his quest for revenge, not because he was trans.

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Apple sauce sounds horrible. Don’t do it kids.

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Will have to try it out, but personally to me duck should only be cooked pink, yumm.

Apple sauce with pork does work well tbh, just like lamb and mint!

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I’d rather take my chance with mint.

Wrong, should probably get past 1st grade biology before you try to spout such stuff. Should really leave the conversation to those that actually studied the subjects. :3 I mean you’ll prob have more free time soon to do so!

How I am wrong.
In what stupid biology you learned there is something else than male and female.

Curious given how often you jump into conversations about a specific gender you’re also not a part of, in respect to Roux among other things in that case.

You jumped to ‘there are two genders’ which is incorrect, also in which you referenced dna, chromosomes, and organs. By those alone in the variation, there are more than 2. Even just for chromosomes there’s a lot of variation, and two OP didn’t mention gender at any point just referenced a character which references the very same character in WoW who had their name changed for being transphobic.

You also tried to insinuite mental issues, as bigots tend to do anytime trans is mentioned because you don’t even know anything about it in the first place. Maybe you’re the one that should do what you suggested for your insecurities and projections?

Wrong, and you can find many articles referencing the movie for being transphobic and for the ways it portrayed trans people.

Nice way to be incorrect(As usual) always commenting on something you don’t know the answers about.

You’re not the voice either, I suppose by your own logic.

Pretty sure you and friends started that, and then started to use masked language to evade the filters. Woops.

Actually, you’re not. Of course, you’re always doing what you claim others are doing. Always heavy projection. :3

Intentional misgenders from the same person that always does it, but also claims to be trans :thinking:

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So you failed to show where your nonsense come from and yet show me something else than 2 genders.

*derailed, which… forum CoC.

You failed to demonstrate your own claims in your original post, didn’t you? Oops. I can help, there’s this neat website called google where you can search stuff up on!

Futile attempt of yours im afraid. Roux being racist towards white males is irrelevant to the point for me not being a white male as i didnt take offense in what she did but judge her as the racist she is itself combined with the Values Blizzard states it represents. And there were plenty of people that were part of the “white male group” that started the rage against her in the first place i chose to support them. Would you have paid attention to this topic in general you would have realized the difference.

Also even if i would agree with you and say im a hypocrite here regarding my own actions it still wouldnt change the core message. Something you were told several times in others threads as well. Your whataboutism mixed with a strawman is once again amusing.

However we have long since established that you are not able to debate me even in the slightest.

Hes not wrong but correct. It was a disguise and the character of the movie was not trans. It was a disguise with the sole intention of getting closer to his goal of revenge.

I utterly dislike Tahra but she is not wrong here. You however are. “As usual”.

Read above.

I havent trolled. Nice strawman.

Learn what projection is. As to whos not welcome: Ye mate im afraid youre on the lower end of the “food chain” here.

Oh you wanna start this again? You already lost this discussion in a previous thread. Cant misgender one if i dont know ones gender in the first place.

Also i can already smell you going to libel again.


Another member of the Dunning-Kruger club. Have a day off, you’ll benefit from it.


FLuffy tiny duckling for a pet and a feathery mount one :heart:


Pickpawkit is nitpicking because you dared to say gender instead of sex.

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maybe even a goose, but thats pushing it to far maybe

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No geese! WoW has more than its share of monsters as it is.

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