Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

The cherry-liquor ones are my fav!
They are mine… ALL MINE! :yum:

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Sure, have them! Doing me a favour really.

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You monster!
Pistachios is like God’s greatest gift to man!

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Was just an example… i like eating roasted pistachios!
But i prefer my icecream to have vanilla flavor for example. :stuck_out_tongue:

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*Slides pistachio across table to Rayzens *


Now that would entirely depend on the teen in question. Can’t really group them up as one and presume they are all the same now can we?

I thought I was :cry:


Don’t worry. You’re our forum pistachio.


Green nuts??? Last time I saw them, my GP gave me antibiotics :laughing::laughing:


Mmmm… antibiotic ice cream…


No, he wasn’t. Unless you don’t understand what the word means.

Believe it or not many men are straight and they will feel that way. Sorry to explain to you real life things.

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That doesn’t change it’s transphobic.

You are straight phobic.

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That’s not a thing.

Why bump your first thread, you’ve already been proven wrong in this and tge other.

Really sad individual looking for acknowledgement.

Why not are you sexist as well?

Except you did, before. Not only that, Blizzard does too. Hence, the changes to offensive character references and said characters being in game that are references to such things.

Sorry, I don’t really think advocating for poor treatment or in the cases of LGBTQ people; likely maiming or worse is ‘fine’. Perhaps you should educate yourself in regards to equality and fair treatment? Might be too much reading for you.

My character isn’t talking, I am.
Your character isn’t talking, you are. Sorry, just because you’re posting online doesn’t change that.

You threw out quite a few yourself, including “LGBT spectrum” while missing parts of it because of your own feelings while not going against anyone else in this conversation that stated incorrect things. It just shows Blizzard has a long way to go before they actually enforce their game rules of equal and fair treatment.

As you tried to put it on me, prove it or it can’t be true; right? Because you in this very thread go very much against LGBTQ+, make homophobic remarks consistently… whoops. Maybe you’re headed down the same route as Milo? :3

I googled it for you, but you couldn’t figure out how to open the link. As predicted.

Yes, actually they did. Because of all the articles posted prior to this thread.

Already given, person that can’t type proper sentences.

Citation given, open the link.

You cannot, you’ve proven you cannot. Time and time again, every conversation on this forum… Even down to the markings on your ID.

Citation needed. Oops, you always accuse others of things with no evidence while when others actually give links and evidence you go ‘aha so you have nothing’ because you don’t know how to highlight and open in new window.

Feel free.

Nope, since you were the one to make the claim that it wasn’t… You’d also have to prove your initial claims in this thread in regards to your status(you won’t) because you never give any links, just as you put it throw libel at people right?

Nice continued misgendering, and actually yes you did. You told them their voice isn’t allowed to speak.

Learn the definition.

Yes, it is. You should learn the definition of that too. The forum CoC, and all.

Yeah I’m aware you’ll continue to intentionally misgender and harass those that are actually part of the LGBTQ+ community, thanks.

Alas, that’s not good enough if you read the EULA and CoC.

Yes, which makes it masked language. Go ahead, go make asterisks at mods and GMs and see what it gets you.

*I’m afraid I did.

Actually, it isn’t. As already explained, you know by someone that actually takes part in the LGBTQ+ community and fights for rights. I corrected you, and told you not to use that in reference to me and you continued to do so because you prefer to harass people inside of the community instead of doing anything remotely to help. :3

No, I didn’t actually. I actually specified exactly which terms to use in reference to me, also that’s on you to prove or else it’s libel.

I am up to date with it, though I guess by your definition since your name is not in those dictionaries and your ‘status’ combined with it you are neither yes?

Oops, your misogyny is showing again.

Everyone else disagrees with you, in regards to the LGBTQ+ community and trans in general. :3

You do that a lot, don’t you?

No, I don’t have to ‘deal’ with your misogyny.

Not if you don’t want to continue to be harassing, misogynistic, and transphobic.

Yes, because you are.

and yet another CoC rule broken.

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No, is not transphobic, any person has the right to feel disgusted under any sexual act upon them that they don’t want, including kissing a transgender person. You can not force any person to want to kiss anyone that you want against their will. My body, my rules, not yours. We are not talking about straight men being disgusted on the idea of two other men kissing, we are talking about straight men disgusted on the idea of kissing themselves who they don’t reflect their own sexual attraction.

If you are trans or gay I am not transphobic nor homophobic for saying the idea of kissing you disgust me, you can’t force me to want to kiss you. Any sane person, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, would feel disgusted by the idea of kissing someone they have no attraction to.

And by the way in the movie the character was “showed men being disgusted and puking at the thought of having kissed what they believed was a woman”, it was showing being disgusted and puking because they have actually kissed what they believed was a woman without being informed that he is actually a man. So, essentially in the movie Finkle Einhorn commit sexual assault, because Ace Ventura was deceived before kissing him, any sexual act doing upon false premises even without consent is still sexual assault or even rape if it wasn’t just a kiss.

EDIT: Finkle Einhorn is not even a transgender person nor even gay. In the movie, he is just a straight man who disguised himself as a woman to commit a vengance. Is the cliche villain who commit sacrifaces for his vendetta. Go watch the movie because in no moment he showed liking to anything he did nor real attraction to other men, he just did what he believed was necessary for vengance.


Yes it is actually.

Except Ace was happy with it, until they decided to make a laugh at the expense of those that are gay/bi/pan, since you claim they’re ‘not transgender’ despite the director stating otherwise…

Kinda are tbh. Shrug