Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Also fine choices :+1:t2:

Tell him to bring some meat back home and label it as ā€œwork benefitsā€ once he lands a job in either of those fields.


I could make a humorous name there, but I fear I would get a forum ban :laughing::laughing:

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A joke is a joke

Ah, you mean ā€˜accidental demiseā€™

Sometimes the animals just so happen to die from unknown circumstances and disappear right after. Not your sonā€™s problem that it might happen at regular intervals.


I call her Breakfast, itā€™s the 1st thing I eat in the morning.


[quote=ā€œGekko-silvermoon, post:251, topic:320224, full:trueā€]

Nice name tbh

Was gonna say Oralabiaā€¦

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Dear lord no, what a mouthful !!!



More of a tongue twister ahem


nah not with my missus tbh

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Kissing somethingā€¦ eating somethingā€¦ should i eat whatever and feel no disgust if i eat something that i donā€™t like?

wouldnā€™t bother, OP hasnā€™t been seen for about 6 hrs now

If it has mayo on it, youā€™re excused.

or cheese or bacon :slight_smile:

Letā€™s say someone presents to you a chocolateā€¦ and says it has strawberry filling, mmm your favorite.
You place it in your mouthā€¦ smash that chocolate right between your jaws to enjoy that filling and what do you taste?
Bloody pistachio! Ofc youā€™re gonna spit out that crap.

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I know friends who swallow tbh


But pistachio ice cream is like my fav ice cream.


And thatā€™s fineā€¦ just donā€™t trick ppl that donā€™t like that.
Easy how that works. xD

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Thereā€™s a lot of chocolates with cherry or raspberry in them though. Yerch! Those never reach the stomach :rage: