Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

But a male with a surgically implanted womb is not the same as a female who naturally developed it, throwing in cloning is just confusing the argument for no actual reason.

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If its a womb that behaves just like a biological females womb then yes its the same. Its just not naturally the same but you would be able of the exact same things. It still doesnt mean that you have to be attracted (since someone else brought that up) the same to said person if you have said background information. If they grow it from your dna its even more closer to if you were born a female (afaik that would drift towards the natural or not topic again).

I threw in the cloning as an example because a clone would be the exact same as you from top to bottom, while also not being natural, and be biologically the same.

Its the same but not the same? I don’t even need to read further.

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Biologically the same =/= naturally the same.

That doesn’t make sense.

You had my curiosity, but now You’ve got my attention.

On a side note:

Imagine for a second, being offended with what fictional character said in a fictional world.

I’m a 2 meter tall guy, and if you ask me (which I know you did not) trans females scares me. Not because I’m afraid of them, instead the uncertainty of their psychological state is kinda out of place from reality.

For ex.: There was a video on YT (amongst many others related to the topic) where a trans woman (biologically speaking man) who seemengly looked tall as me dressed up in skirt and stuff, approached an old man in a store because he was offended by smth on the showcase.
The old pal is a veteran by the way, from Vietnam if I remember correctly… just imagine, you fought in a war, lived your life, you are in your prime living peacefully running a small store. Then suddenly a tall guy in women’s dressing approaches you aggressively, demanding smth you don’t care about and being offended over some nonsense stuff.

Peak of evolution at it’s finest


But the difference isn’t important. 2 random men are going to have differences too. All of us are a bit different. So why state the obvious? I know why, because you still haven’t adapted to thinking of trans people as ‘just humans’. It’ll take time for people to adapt.

But yes; the extremist and aggressive stances that are being taken by some people who belong to that part of society are not doing them any favours. Yes, we should be more accepting and less ‘this is different so I’m uncomfortable with it’. But so should trans people; be more accepting of people who have trouble accepting this - not everyone is the same and has the same ideaologies/principles.

Unfortunately history is full of examples of humans being horrible to other people who they deem ‘different’. It’s very much a big human flaw overal.


He put a sign in his front window saying “if you’re born with a (blank) you are not a chick” Wouldn’t exactly say that’s “nonsense” stuff. It’s along the lines of putting a sign up saying gay people shouldn’t be a thing or something, Here you are complaining about the trans person who complained about that. Imagine walking down the street and shops have signs up saying you shouldn’t be a thing and you are wrong. Why put the sign up exactly? What does it achieve? Also as a shop owner it’s such a stupid thing to do.

Just because someone used to be in the army doesn’t mean they are correct about everything and people should bow down to them when they act like idiots.

Do you agree with signs in shop windows aimed at certain groups of people to make them not welcome there? That would be going back to the horrible times we have moved past.

Internet rule 30: There are no girls on the internet.
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Ace was quite happy about everything, and only went and plungered their mouth and all after they found out said person transitioned. So yeah, they did say yes and they didn’t even say no in the moment or even later. Shrug

Actually, you’re not legally required to tell a person you transitioned in pretty much all first world countries (In which the movie takes place)

No, your opinion is irrelevant actually.

They didn’t deceive, if you were happy with the relationship up to the point of finding out they transitioned at some point all it makes said person is transphobic. Shrug

Sure, it’s in your post history. Feel free to go back to it on your other character.

and no, you assuming it’s not there doesn’t deny proof.

Well guess what? Read the post above you, they’re not treating trans people as equal but instead different.

Guess what? Until someone is treated equally by everyone, certain things have to be in place… Just like what happened with other movements in the past and continues to happen today.

You can make jokes without disparaging someone simply for things they can’t control, some of those can be controlled but it’s funny you compare them to things that cannot be.

Got a citation to make there, don’t you? Ah, woops just like Kretias you never back up your claims but continue to libel as they put it.

I advocate not to make DISPARAGING jokes to those for things they cannot control, especially those that CONTINUE to be downtrodden by humanity currently.

Yeah, not allowed to harass, continually demean, make threats and the like or are you saying everyone should be able to say anything at all times no matter what it contains? :3 Does that mean you’re trying to enforce the right to harass people?

We’ve conversed on said forums, I’ve given my pronouns and all previously and yet… you continue to harp on about my Vulpera, who’s gender you don’t even know yourself and you’ve NEVER interacted with in the first place.

Should probably go take some biology classes past your 1st grade from whatever year that was from, because you’re quite a bit behind!

Yes, it is actually. Trans women are women, trans men are men, etc. Sorry, biology supports this.

Yes, congrats on the misogyny.

I’m afraid my knees are rather dry, sorry.

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No. Link the post to me. You made a claim.

That’s not how it works.

I know some people do. And I really would like things to be different; I really do.
But you can’t FORCE people to just accept any- and everything. That just doesn’t work; in fact I dare say it does quite the opposite.

‘certain things’. That’s nice and vague.
Care to give some examples? Because; sure, I can agree with ‘certain things’ but not with other ‘certain things’.

There’s lots of good and lots of bad stuff going on. So again; don’t be so vague.

Well those are just examples. It’s my opinion that you can make jokes about ANYTHING.
Even very incensitive ones. People also have the right to not find it funny and sure they even have the right to feel offended. But at the same time other people have the right to say ‘I don’t care that you’re offended’.

You CANNOT force others to care. You just can’t. That’s not how things work.

  1. Okay. I advocate to make disparaging jokes about ANYTHING (including a couple of boxes I’d fit into myself - because I’m not an oversensitive snowflake).

  2. ‘continue to be downtrodden by humanity’ is hyperbole. There’s plenty of people who are in favour of fair and equal treatment. But that ‘fair and equal treatement’ does not mean you get to shut other people up. ESPECIALLY when it comes to humour - which is about as subjective as it comes.

No. Harassment is something else entirely. Getting threatened is something else entirely.
There are already laws in place that protect EVERY HUMAN BEING from that sort of abuse.

Because I don’t care. You can call yourself whatever you like. It’s all good with me; I don’t care. And do you honestly think I’m going to remember some time you’ve ‘given me your proper pronouns’ amongst the tens and sometimes hundreds of posts I read on a daily basis? You’re not that special, sorry.

And that’s often what it comes down to, honestly.
People wanting to be special. Wanting to be noticed. Acknowledged.
Sorry; you’re just another face in the crowd. Your gender (or lack thereof) doesn’t interest me in the slightest. Your sexual preference (or lack thereof) doesn’t interest me in the slightest. You do you. But this is a forum about a GAME. It really is as simple as that.

You made a lot of posts prior to that, link yours first.

Sure it is, in your world of logic. Don’t like it? Don’t use it.

You’re the one that was vague in the first place?

Of what you disagree with in the first place? You won’t.

Read above.

Kinda can, it’s why workplaces often have said training in place in regards to treating others fairly.

You say that because you’re not part of a marginalized group. :3

Kinda does, just like people are not allowed to spout SS stuff anymore without action.

Which are often not enforced when against marginalized groups. :thinking:

Yes you do, hence why you went after for me for such things in the first place.

Yet, most of your posts are not about said game. Curious.

Okay, now you’re just trolling.

Definitely not. I’ve clearly stated what I think.
The only thing I was vague about are my own private ‘things’. Because I don’t want to share those on a forum about World of Warcraft. You come sit with me in some place and we can have a drink and talk about anything. Not doing it on the WoW forums.

Keep not answering my questions and requests. Really shows that you’re just full of nonsense.

No. Because that’s wrong. That fascism.

And that’s where you’re completely, utterly wrong.
And no; I’m not going to give you details. You’ll just have to trust me on this one; I belong to SEVERAL marginalized groups. But I don’t make a drama out of it every chance I get.

Yes, there’s a big difference between ‘inciting hatred or violence’ and making a joke.
A huuuuuuge difference.

They should be.

I DIDN’T. Jesus h Christ.
You are so full of yourself and your ‘identity’ that you think everything revolves around it.
I already explained to you why I said what I said. And you just keep ignoring it.

Nonsense. Most ARE.

Some are about nonsense such as this, because people keep making threads about nonsense such as this.

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Ace say yes because he didn’t have all the information. That turns the yes into a no, because consent with deception is not a consent. If someone trick another person to have sex under a court it wouldn’t be admissible that the sex was consent, it would be considered a sexual assault and/or rape. No is no. Yes with deception is also No.

Actually, you are legally required to have informed consent before engaging sexual relationship in pretty much all first-world countries (In which the movie takes place) So, if telling a sexual parter you have transitioned could turn a yes into a no you are required to inform of it, because if the other person found that later she/he could accuse you of sexual assault or rape.

Finkle Einhorn didn’t have informed consent, so Finkle Einhorn commit sexual assault. So, maybe in perspective is good they change their name, it does not do any good to trans people to have a character named based on a movie trans person ra-pist. He is not just a villan who kill people, he used his trans condition to assault and rape people.

Called deception, called hidding information, because they didn’t offer all the information needed to obtain consent. Having sex with no consent or false consent is rape. Said person is not transphobic, is the other person who has committed sexual assault and/or rape. Trans persons does not have the right to rape.

Every opinion on this aspect are irrelevant actually. Because we are talking about what is in the movie. That is a fact, not an opinion. Opinions are not magic that would change the facts. So, is irrelevant what you, me or the director opinion. In the movie is what it is.

Both are biologically capable of the same things and made of flesh and blood. One came into existence through natural means and the other through artificial means.

Hardly, unless you consider yourself to be?

Haven’t, instead you were vague.

You just did that to me, oops.

No, it’s usually used against those that use fascist thoughts. :3

Afraid not.

Said ‘jokes’ are often thinly veiled threats or acceptance to push said groups into being ‘not human’ or treated as such.

You did.

By %, nope.

He had all the information, they just didn’t like the outcome later on. They never filed charges either, it seems. Curious. :wink:

He didn’t like the outcome later on when he found he was sexually assaulted. And by the way, how do you know if they didn’t file charges? Finkle Einhorn was arrested at the end of the movie precisely for using sexual assault as a mean to commit murders. I am sure the methods he used to help his murders,deceive other men to rape them and then murder them, will appear in the court in the case. And given that is a fictional character whose story ended on the moment he was arrested you have no way of knowing what happen to him after the end of the movie.

Finkle Einhorn in the movie was a murderer and a ra-pist.

I’m only going to react to this part of your reply post because the rest; I don’t care. You can keep denying things until the cows come home; most sane people see right through you and your nonsense.

But this… How DARE you. You have no clue about me and my real life issues.
Yet here you are calling me a liar.

I am done with you. Go spread your negative, insecure nonsense somewhere else.
You are a horrible representation for ANY marginalized group and you deserve everything you get flung at you.

We are done talking.