Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

Any evidence of this, like a court case or anything? Hmm, lacking… Doesn’t seem it happened by your own arguments.

Like you do about misgendering and human rights violations? ;3

You started it.

Nice, advocation for threats and all. Not looking very good for you.

Continues to post, disproving that hmm nice job disproving yourself one last time I guess? Maybe more.

Seems you can’t hold to your own words, I guess… Button time, though.

He also kidnapped a dolphin and beat up Dan Marino. Which are the real crimes.

I find it amusing that pickpawkit now picks a fight with Tahra after realizing everyone is against the vulpera in the other thread.

I find it amusing you will go from thread to thread just to post disparaging remarks towards me, furthering your status as a person engaging in targetted harassment.

Also funny people will make spam-off topic posts(Against forum CoC) instead of having a conversation.

This thread is now about rabbits. Because reasons.

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no its about ducks! :duck:


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Look, I maybe came off a little strong there…
Here’s a cute GIF of an orc and a vulpera to make up for it.


Nawwwww :3

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You were the one accusing people of all sort of things including pedophilia. Learn to deal with the consequences. Also dont make yourself more important than you are. Im in every thread and your fight with Tahra simply amuses me because of you vanishing in the other thread where you lost all support.

Youre not one to talk here im afraid.

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Never have, actually. Dae did that towards me in the first place.

Funny you claimed to ignore me (at least five times, so far… woops!)

Except I posted in that thread, and people never responded to it therefore I didn’t post yet another response.

Except I am, because I’m either responding to people or posting on topic of a thread and never in said cases am I talking about say, rabbits in a thread about something more serious. :3


I like rabbits.

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I really don’t like where things are headed with these changes.

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Oh yeah, me too. Totally.
There should be more rabbits in WoW, definitely.
Rabbit suits, rabbit mounts, rabbit hunter pets (and I’m not talking that mechanical monstrosity here!).