Captain Winky and Oralius Problematic Transphobic Jokes

According to the OP if I go to a halloween store and buy a female wig and put it on my head I’m trans? I’ve actually done this before. I didn’t know.

Also it’s not transphobic to have sexual preferences and not liking something that way, Doesn’t mean you’re against transgender people.


Oh! Was it you at the bus stop last year :rofl:

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This is about some people projecting their insecurities onto any- and all things in the hopes of ‘canceling’ said things so they can feel better about themselves. It has to stop.

Equality yes. But if someone can’t make a joke about being trans, then why should you be able to make a joke about having a beard, or walking slow, or drinking tea in the morning… etc.

Jokes are fine. You can choose to not find them funny; that’s cool.
You can’t tell people that the joke should be removed from history. That’s not cool.


Finkle Einhorn isn’t even a joke, the npc was a movie reference. Same with Captain Winky.

Meant to remind us of a pretty fun movie.

That is incredibly ignorant, it’s a well-known figure.

There is, if the game itself contains transphobia. Stop whiteknighting for Blizzard. Blizzard makes mistakes.

Even if in the context of the movie he wasn’t actually trans, it was still transphobic, because it showed men being disgusted and puking at the thought of having kissed what they believed was a woman, but has actually turned out to be a person with a p enis.

Trans people know how hard it is on the dating market and what it feels like to be seen as a freak.

And in any case, Blizzard has already decided that it’s transphobic, that’s why they changed the name of Finkle Einhorn. This is about consistency and there are more characters related to this that they probably overlooked.

Well, different trans people feel differently about this, so how do we solve that conundrum. Also no idea if you’re actually a trans person, anybody can claim to be on the internet to win a discussion.

The character didn’t just put on a wig. He had enough surgery done to actually look like a woman, to the point where he was played by a female actress. Please, stop trying.

It’s a reference to a transphobic joke, which is pretty much endorsement of everything the joke stands for and at the core of this joke is the idea that trans people are disgusting.

No it’s not. Stop spitting lies.
Is the number too high? Yes. One suicide is one too many.
Saying it’s almost 50%. Stop

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They wheren’t transgender , they did it to achieve a goal. You didn’t even watch the movie or understand the refrences you’re complaining about. You’re the same one spourting “trans rights” about a joke, Do you understand what that term means? Having rights doesn’t apply to jokes, it applies to having the same human rights in life as everyone else.

You don’t even understand the phrase you’re sprouting.

You don’t even understand what transgender is yet you’re sprouting off about it. If I dress and get surgery to look more feminine for the sole purpose of commiting a crime that doesn’t make me trans, Same with me dressing as a female for halloween. Feeling like I should have been born female is.


Ray Finkle wasn’t trans. They literally disguised themselves as a woman to get revenge on their football team.

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Jesus Christ

Ahh here we are, has no grounds to stand on, so starts with the ‘whiteknighting’ phrase, it’s quite pathetic really, you didn’t answer my query, were you offended by the film the first time you saw it, and did these NPC’s offend you before you decided to create this thread, I’ll await the answer.


What?? He was trans?


Doesn’t matter, the joke is still making fun of trans people. You know it’s true, so stop pretending.

That is why Blizzard changed the name of the NPC. Keep up with the news.

Are you for real? Are you really pulling the “maybe youre not trans” card right now? How disrespectful do you want to be? Its not exactly “hot news” to ANYONE of the regular forum posters here that im trans. Its infact widely known among them.

And again: YOU have no right to feel offended on our behalf. Thats simply how it is. If someone wants to you represent them sure go ahead. Thats called support. Otherwise no. Also where were you all these years ago? Finkle Einhorn is not exactly a new NPC at this point. Now that it became news on wowhead people like you dig out of their cave to gather some likes and its absolutely disgusting.

Not to mention this sort of behavior is absolutely counter productive in regards of having us more accepted in the general community as you are effectively annoying the living poop out of people and as a result cause them to go into a defensive stance. So thank you for making it harder for us.

Also you comparing NPCs like Finkle Einhorn with our suicide rate (where many factors play a role. Most importantly the lack of acceptance within ones own family and friends) is absolutely disgusting on top of it.


True, but that itself is kind of a joke.

People should stop being so damned sensitive about any- and everything.
A joke’s a joke. Don’t find it funny; cool. Just ignore it and move on.

I have several things that make me ‘me’ and those things are all things people can and often do make jokes about. I make jokes about them regularly. Sometimes I don’t find them funny and sometimes I do. I’d be ashamed of myself if I suddenly started crying about such things.

I don’t want to share what those things are because I don’t think they’re relevant on a forum about a game.

Then that’s on you; you’re misunderstanding it.
If anything that joke is homophobic because it’s about a guy being grossed out because he found out he kissed another guy.

And that’s indeed sad. But that doesn’t mean the world revolves around you and nobody can say anything ‘not nice’ about you ever again. That’s not how the world works.
Be confident. Rise up without forcing others to bow down. That’s the way to move forward.

Blizzard is following a troubling trend in the world where extremists on social media all of a sudden get to say how things should be. This trend needs to end.

I am for equality. But equality doesn’t mean ‘to be treated with velvet gloves’. It means you have the same rights, privileges, but also duties as everyone else.

It is very dangerous that extremist views are being normalized in society.

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How was it making fun of trans people when the character in question wasn’t trans? Again should we have boycotted Robin Williams for Mrs Doubtfire, I assume you were completely outraged when you watched that!

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Ah now the trolling starts. Adorable. Negate what i said or shut the beep up.

You are not welcome here. Neither by us trans people nor by the ones that arent trans and its more than clear.


Yes, it actually does matter. Context matters.

Tone deaf developers are changing everything right now. So it’s not surprising that they completely miss the context of Ray Finkle/Lois Einhorn and assume they’re a trans character.

When in fact they were a homicidal maniac who went to insane lengths to get revenge on Dan Marino for ruining their football career.

According to some people you aren’t allowed to have sexual prefrences anymore.


Sorry but what hax Kretias got to prove? Why do you feel the need to get affirmation?

Well, according to me that is an insane stance to take and I will not comply. :man_shrugging:t4:

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