Casters meta with free Precog is unpleyable for meles

Zero Shadow Priests above 2400, 1 boomkin, 2 destro locks and 0 demo locks. ‘Dominated’ :rofl:

Seems to be getting worse
I’ve said most melee that i’ve seen post here seem to be a lot more reasonable
However the amount of casters that just chat and chat and chat pure :poop: :poop:
Like yeah let’s gut DH mobility. Cool let me just sit in roots and go 100-0 so you can feel good about yourself

More like let’s put polymorph on a CD and do something about roots DR

Works both ways
Back to precog though
It isn’t needed despite the claims. Spriest needs more tuning and some melee need their mobility tuned down, but then the amount of disgusting instants for casters needs toning down

You able to let me know what it’s called
I cba to dig around on WoWhead and the likes

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I don’t play BM. But yea, casters have always been viable without some broken training wheels effect. If you can’t play caster properly, then play melee instead since it’s so easy.

It’s actually the biggest meme that casters would be any harder to play. And you always see these typical individuals jump out of the woodworks in full defensive mode whenever some broken training wheel experiment gets temporarily added to casters :joy:

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Unkickable ranged class hunter talks about people switching their brains off to play in a season where hunters are just as dominant as any wizard, where hunters are often considered a counter to wizards

You heard it here first folks

Where are the 3 dominating hunter specs on the ladder when they counter all these wizards?

At pretty much the exact same representation as mages, which is all I care about when you lump my class in with ‘casters’ and ‘wizards’.

Just because all of the fotm rerollers are flocking to warlocks and balance druids doesn’t make what i said any less true

just as dominant as any wizard, where hunters are often considered a counter to wizards

Can’t make something that isn’t true in the first place any less true. Sure BM might be one of the easiest specs to play, but calling hunters dominant because they counter another underrepresented class (mages) is just trolling.

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Must be hard spamming Ice lance as a mage I must admit

trolling like saying ‘casters’ and ‘wizards’ when you mean specific classes and specs?

Also interesting that warriors are the most represented class in 3v3 @ 2.2k + :smile: I guess by your logic warriors are the real counter to wizards

But we wont talk about that because we only want to look at solo shuffle and evidence that supports whinging about casters

@slinks playing a class that makes bm hunters look complicated calling me out on frost when I play all 3 specs. Gotta love it

It’s no longer 2016 DH isn’t quite as simple as it was before
Speaking of simple
Would you like some Lances of Ice with that ignorance?

Yes, I’m sure its very complicated playing a demon hunter. Keep trying to convince everyone :smile:

Not enough Ice lances

ye it is rough, if I was a demon hunter ice lance would be baked into my auto attack

Something is baked that’s for sure :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Your brain after furiously spamming 2 hotkeys all day?

small sample size issue. It’s like saying outlaw is broken when you check 2400 solo shuffle.
3s ladder is about comps, shuffle is about specs. Everyone knows that turbo is stupid and broken, but warrior is not the reason for it. It’s the caster disrupting (and obliterating) enhancer. 3s ladder is dominated by caster cleaves and turbo.

Singes a tiny bit
Nothing compared to the nuclear meltdown of your Ice Lance smesh though :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea:

Why are you being so defensive and cringe? This topic is about precog being a broken and trash addition, and you spewing nonsense about other classes doesn’t do much.

Yea obviously the fotm caster specs are the real problem (I shouldn’t have to type out every offender), but that just means the weaker casters need some other form of help. You can’t just universally give something like precog to every caster.

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everyone knows destruction and balance is broken as well, that doesn’t mean precog shouldnt exist in the game

I actually also hate precog and spamming instants, but unless melee loses mobility the game is unplayable without those things.

Since we have melee with mobility like demon hunters have it’s not really possible to play anything else. Especially since outside of their mobility they also have how many interrupts and cc to stop casts? it has gotten stupid. all other melee gets buffed gap closers to somewhat compete and casting is a thing of the past