Casters meta with free Precog is unpleyable for meles

not doing anything you arent doing nomatter how hard you try to pretend you’re better

This is where you lose any shred of credibility in your posts lol :face_with_monocle: :joy:

Is this where you explain what you mean or are you just going to pretend you said something smart?

It shouldn’t need explaining
Do you play this game at all btw?
Gen curious

Have you not realised that as a demon hunter you are unkiteable with multiple dr’s of instant cc etc? Did you bind more than 1 hotkey?

Please put frost nova on your bars
It’ll massively help you

and nah
I click from my spellbook man
New meta

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Why I say its fine is more on the line of, like I said, SOME casters who needs it like SP if you are trained. Can they for example silence you so you cant do anything?

Are you on purpose trying to make it sound like I said something different? lol.

So is there a caster equivalent for SP to keep casting on you without being interrupted if we remove precog? If you really want to go that way we can lol.

Why say some to then go and list ONE

Not at all , just giving an example of something I experienced in arena
and listing points as to why I don’t think it is good for game health
As I said , you agree it is a “fix” for a problem that in turn has created another problem
We don’t need to go at this like it’s twitter my friend :blush:

Sorry I don’t understand. Can you be direct in what you are trying to ask?
Are you saying give more instants to SP?
Then no , I don’t think that’ll do it

See here

I meant 2.2k but in any case
7 casters to 2 melee at 2.4k
140 casters to 70 melee at 2.2k so yes it domination. I’ll await your apology :wink:

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Since you are so good at counting, can you count the 3v3 stats @ 2.2k+ for us? We can wait.

Coz they should be balancing around representation and specifically around solo shuffle representation right?

PS. before anyone gets their undies all in a bunch I’m not saying destruction warlocks, balance druids, or the ignite bug shouldn’t be fixed.

Damn y’all are getting giga baited by a multi challenger mage


https ://

Nah I’ll wait for yours.

Yet still has more credibility than hiding behind a level 12 alt

so for the top 1000 rated players in the US in 3v3 there are 278 melee and 380 casters and for EU its 262 melee to 391 ranged, Fairly definitive I’d say

9 players is hardly representative of the state of the game

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Data can say pretty much whatever you want it to, depending on which data you try to extrapolate… This isn’t complicated and it’s the same reason social justice warriors went crazy over the ‘wage gap’

You seemed to think 9 players mattered when you asked for an apology

Yet you think the first week of the season is when tier pieces aren’t prevalent, nobody is fully conquest geared, Fire Mage exists deterring people from queuing and where people are waiting for the r1s to get to a higher rating before they queue because they’re ‘gatekeeping’ :clown_face:

Alright now I see you are purposely trying to make it sound worse.
“like SP” means casters who hard-cast most of their casts, I guess I need to explain that more. Sorry if you didnt understand.

I said it was “fine” for now until they fix it and you denied it. I said some casters like destro dont need it and you gave an example of destro doing it.
Yes, we dont need go on like twitter x)

So you didnt understand it, thats fine, just dont make assumptions.
What im telling you, with the uptime you have and the only way for SP to lets say, make you deal less dmg to us (outside of defensives like everyone has) is by using scream or stun.
Equal to your stuns and imprison, dont know if you have more.
So you have most likely 95+ uptime on the SP, remove precog and there will be 2-3 ppl who will keep interrupting you over and over without any need of thought about any kind of punishment, basically making the uptime for the SP quite low in comparison.
So in the end, what I said is, for SP to have the same or close uptime as melee, would it be fine to remove every interrupt in the game when u face them if you remove precog?
This scenario is with actual balanced caster/melee meta, not with overtuned destros etc.
That was my example. And no, I dont agree with what I said so dont try to use it as something else.

Partly agree but question becomes then, what do you mean with Spriest needs more tuning?

But all in all, I believe we both feel there are specs who are currently overtuned and need to be tuned down, precog isnt perfect but its “fine” for SP, not for many other specs since its abusable and I agree on that part.

I am not trying to make anything sound worse on purpose. The second or third time I have said this…

No problem I will wait

I didn’t deny it… I said I don’t agree with it being fine ?? lol

I’ve been polite and I can see the passive aggressive tone coming out
Not sure why
but perhaps ask yourself why I had to assume something in the first place?
Because… oh right… you didn’t explicitly explain what YOU MEANT :smiley:

So you’re now talking about CC and uptime?

x2 stuns , fear and imprison. Technically 4 but I don’t take the 2nd stun of fel eruption personally. the fear has a delay before activation. minimum 1.5minute CD , usually 2minutes…

So you’re condescending towards me about using assumptions, to then go on and make bolder ones yourself?
Brilliant this is

Is the spriest 1v1 ? or 1v2? or 1v3 in this situation?
Potraying the scenario like they are a helpless blind new born animal getting teamed by 10 players.

So in the end your WHOLE argument and discussion STARTS and STOPS with shadow priest - one Specialisation, and this is the foundation for your counter argument over Precognition yeah?
Solid mate… solid as a rock

If casters had the " same uptime " as melee do , melee would get melted giga fast no doubt, and in your realm of harmony , melee can’t interrupt them :joy: :joy:

Great now you tell me
What a interesting read that was

being brought in line with what other specs are able to do.
They don’t have enough mobility / instant casts / defensives - IF THE CURRENT GAME STAYS IN THE SAME STATE – Very important to note this

Ideally, other classes / specs need to be addressed first. Warriors have a slightly overloaded kit, can do great Dmg and don’t have trouble sticking to targets
Destro instants, Fmage instants, boomkins, Enhance shamans 1 tapping 2-3 players with lucky procs, DH fel lance (has been nerfed i think)… Hopefully I don’t need to continue. Sub rogues ST etc etc etc etc

Either bring spriests up to speed so they can compete in this clown show or start tackling the current over performers and overloaded classes

but back on topic
Precog shouldn’t have been added
Or… just give it to shadow priest

Alright since u wanted to make so many short answers ill do the same xd

But you ignored what I wrote to make it sound worse though? You might not have wanted to do it, but the way I saw it you did x)

Yea sorry I did.

Denying precog to be “fine” is the same as not agreeing it being “fine”.

Ah sorry if the “.” made it sound like passive aggressive, ill start using emotes to show its not anymore. :smile: And I did explain it if you kept reading instead of kept saying the same thing twice now :smile:

Precog is meant to give SP more uptime. CC reduces uptime. Interrupt reduces uptime. Something you didnt understand? :smile:

Yea, I mean, DH are supposed to be the kind to have alot in my opinion and mobility. Just too many has too much. :person_shrugging:

So you are telling me the SP teammates will keep both of you away from the SP? If its a frost mage I could potentially see it happening once in a while. But because the SP do not have the mobility, you will catch up quite fast again which is why I said 95+ uptime unless you switch target.
Can you tell me a proper scenario then on how much in a 3v3, ppl can remove you from the SP while also saying specs that can do is so often its not 95+ uptime for you. :smile:

The best part is, Ive already said some dont need precog. But yes, I talk with the line of SP because I know them more, should I explain on the path of not knowing if lets say arcane mage needs it or not when I havent rly looked into how many/less instants they have for example?

and I knew, even if I told you I dont agree with my own scenario I said before, you would still use it to counter argue :joy: Clearly shows you dont really read :joy:

You didnt read, which can be shown quite alot :joy:

I agree with this though, I personally dont want SP to get stronger, id rather they start tuning down other specs. Since we def do not need SP to get overtuned aswell at this point.

I agree, it shouldnt have been added as a “band-aid”, they should have actually tried to fix the underlining issue to begin with.

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