Casters meta with free Precog is unpleyable for meles

Melee have never had this much mobility either, so it is not a fair comparison.

What caster does not currently have enough instants? Yes melees has very high uptime but casters currently has the tools to deal with it. 1 caster vs 2 melees is always gonna be awful just like 2 casters vs 1 melee is just as awful. Its currently a caster meta so lets not pretend casters need more tools or more instant casts.

Precog n instants that currently exists are fair game and makes sense but dont try to convince me that demo locks are struggling currently. The only lock spec that has struggled in this entire expansion so far is affliction.

Oh you totally misunderstood me. Precognition needs to stay, but if blizzard remove it. They should reduce melee mobility and instant spells.

honestly its comment like these that make me think melees don’t get how privileged they are and how easy their game execution is and has been for years
precog is a good design, most melees just smahs their head into keyboard throwing their dps rotation and all their ccs and defensives randomly, and achieve way too much.
specially dh and fury, ive tried both before, it felt extremely chill to just chase down a caster and smash everything into him while he is probably on the brink of uninstalling because he hasn’t castesd a spell in 5 minutes.

melees need less tools 100%

When you were on a DH or fury, you probably were playing vs casters that can’t effectively utilise their kit.
When you face good eles, mages and other casters, it can feel like an up hill battle

People acknowledge that Precog on Destro can break the game and cause them to win off it
But then they go on to say it isn’t damaging game health
The two aren’t harmonic
Casters hold more representation at the moment, boomkins can delete people, Destro too

You have your opinions. DH die in a stun without defensives and their damage isn’t effective damage, you have your burst that relies on modifies , then you have nothing and hope your partner has fully functional hands to finish the job

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The most played and most successful dps specs in arena PvP at 2.2k+ are currently destruction wl, balance druid, demo wl, elemental shaman and shadow priest. I am sorry, but the statistics are not on your side. Melees have a extremely hard time right now against the strongest dps in PvP, which happen to be all casters.

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melees have had more rappresentation for the past decade

So ironic from a mage lol

want me to show you the actual mage numbers from past seasons ? because ive saved them just for this occasion.

Gonna throw out some statistics from Season 11 before DH and monk was even in the game yeah?
What do they prove?

Speaking about historical statistics in a thread about precog balance ?

You know what is more important? The CURRENT statistics

GL reading SP patch notes they rework the entire spec every 4 months and make it absurdly OP at the start every time, then bury it after a month, conclude its the design that is bad, not the tuning, then rework it again - repeat.

This has been happening since at least 4.0, whenever the shadow orbs were introduced. Before that it was fairly stable.


If they just got rid of the haste buff from precog then it would be balanced.


As they should, the gameplan shouldn’t consist of typing “SP?” in the starting room and thats it, that guys getting trained down.

this only works because of how fast dampening ramps up. In actual arena training one target and never swapping requires either incredibly busted DPS specs like pre-nerf ret, or voice communication so you never overlap CCs.

It works in shuffle because dampening makes damage unhealable by the second minute mark. It also goes for wizards nuking melee too. Every single round is just ‘ret?’ or ‘warrior?’ or ‘dh?’ - you pick the weakest target, either mobility wise, defensive wise, or skill wise, and you train them until they get greedy, overextend and you delete them with wizard powers.

Much of this (along with healer frustration) would be alleviated if they just made dampening stack slower. You would not be able to zug zug down a SP in 1.5 minutes unless he is bad or you are really good or both, because the healer would be able to keep them alive while freecasting. Doesn’t work because of dampening, so you get degenerate gameplay for a minute, someone dies to the zug, you go next round, you type “sp?” or “ret?” and then you repeat.

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