Denying makes it sound worse than saying I disagreed. This is something out of nothing at this point. I am allowed to disagree…
Why are you like this? Trying to elude as if I’ve done short responses to grief you or something? It’s just a replying style… have a day off
Yeah no idea what you are seeing tbh with you , no offence
It wasn’t the use of quotation marks that made it seem passive aggressive my friend, it was the part where you said “just don’t make assumptions”
This is taxing
Still talking about just 1 spec in the game I see
I can’t speak for all specs and scenarios. But saying 95% up-time is just disingenuous at this point as there are so many variables. You’re better than this… common dude
As a DH I will peel for that spriest to the high heavens and try to create pressure as best as I possibly can . Hopefully the spriest has a brain and tries to stand on top of the enemey healer for easier fears and so I can focus interupt ( short range )
When you start thinking… you soon realise that it’s a 3v3 , not a 1v1. Yes loads of DH are smooth brains and can only tunnel, but not all are like this my friend
Funny how you mentioned mage tho… doesn’t poly remove your dots bro? haha
Just save yourself the hassle of this back and forth and don’t say SOME in place of ONE , or being specific - Shadowpriest
I read fine thanks , and I read your post very well , you just left a little troll trap for me to fall right into
Just to throw it back in my face
now… if only you’d lead with this in the conversation and opened with this statement
We wouldn’t have had to type such walls of text
Hopefully you and any others reading can see I try to be reasonable
U wot? Every class is fine and decent, you can make everything work. Stop making excuses and rather improve. I dont remember myself crying about destro being bad in sl or in bfa S1 why would you and everyone else insta cry when you actually have to perform instead of playing full mongo.
Could be seen as worse, I just see it as another word. Just me personally
And I never said you werent allowed to disagree?
I am like what? I just respond the way you respond… So im not sure why you are targetting me and saying I need a day off? I never implied you griefed me either? Are you trying to trash talk me now?
Warning: Obv ment as a joke.
Ofc you cant see what I see, we are different ppl and my computer screen is not yours x)
When you intentionally explain things like this:
When I told you destro dont need precog, thats you intentionally make what I write worse to prove a point. Why would you otherwise bring that up and also say you disagree when I said destro dont need precog?
You said afterwards you werent, just saying arena experience, but it were your answer to precog in discussion with destro not needing it.
I can bring up more examples, but it would be too much for a forum post.
So saying “dont make assumptions” when you somehow made it sound like I ment give SP more instants is passive aggressive… Huh. It would been easier to just ask “what do you mean?” or maybe not…
And yet again, I already explained it to you above, but you either intentionally ignore it or you have short memory. I gave the sight of SP which ive been doing quite awhile, while also saying some specs dont need precog.
I also explained why I didnt talk about every other spec, but I guess you also intentionally ignored that.
If this is not trying to make things sound worse, I wonder how interesting it can be
Yes, 95% might have been an exaggeration every now and then, would you say you have lets say less than 80% uptime then? or what % uptime do you believe you actually have?
And this has nothing to do with you PEELING for your SP though? Everyone can peel and help in their own way. But its also almost like you are implying the SP has free will as long as you do. Being slowed while the healer can walk away…
If he can be at the enemy healer perfectly, then yea its quite obv he should be close to there so ppl can cleave and he can use his CC rotation.
Implying I did not write in 3v3. Interesting
Slows. Roots. Polys. They remove dots but give abit of freedom so you can walk further away yea. You believe mages only have poly?
SOME LIKE SP, but sure. I could also have written it as “one like SP” but you wanted to make it worse
If you did read, it would have been self explained x)
I do not want interrupts to be gone, that would make the game extremely boring for both parts. Being allowed to just free cast over and over… Like some specs can do currently… sigh
Depends on how you look at it. I looked it through the eyes of hard-casting spec like SP while you look it through the eyes of melee.
But we both def agree making precog free was not the move, and giving it to specs like destro etc that can abuse it was bad. Its a band-aid for SP while abusable for some specs.
And if you wanted to sound “reasonable” you wouldnt have tried to make what I write different and just asked what I ment x) But personally, I know its quite difficult to do that on the forum so not rly putting it on you. I have the same issue sometimes.
Yes it does. It was in reference to you making out it was spriest vs the world
Completely redundant response really
Please re read
nah just write
Shadow priest. not some
Isn’t hard or complex to fathom
I play caster + melee
yeah you do and you don’t … sprie sprie sprie
Stop the U-turns please
I can see english probably isn’t your native tongue but sheeesh I haven’t twisted anything. You just don’t like being called out for some of your statements lol
I’ve been nothing but reasonable
Or you could also have just understood it as “SP” when I talked about “SP”.
Isn’t hard or complex to fathom
You clearly are mad somehow and I dont understand why… Did I grief you somehow? Is it you being reasonable?
Ive said from the start precog is “fine” for hard-casting specs like SP. You keep thinking I mean it for every spec somehow, so obv I need to keep clarifying what I mean since u keep changing it. So I dont rly make any “U-turns” as you believe I do. Just you having short memory.
And I can see writing, discussion and understanding is not your strong point either, you have twisted some things though, and even tried to play the victim by implying
which to me is just kinda funny x)
If you explain why my statements are wrong in a logical way or with actual understanding/knowledge then I have no issue with thinking different, you see, I can change how I think if given proper information and not just random “lol destro killed me in precog”.
Theres some ppl on the forum who have actually been quite helpful with some of the things I lack in information, while some ppl outright cant explain or just say “trust me bro”.
TLDR: I have said precog is “fine” for hard-casting like SP.
I have said precog is not fine for casters like destro.
Comments like these makes me believe you arent rly “reasonable” but instead want to prove points with “twisted” meanings. Ive said several times the same things and you just randomly started telling me to “Stop the U-turns please” when ive been on the same line the entire time.
Most likely the better for you, since it starts looking like you are starting to become upset. Like you told me before, you might want to take a day off.
Wanting to keep Precog for your under represented spec , while acknowledging it’s busted on destro which is quite saturated to put it gently, is hillarious
A spriest with Precog might be able to do something to play the game
A destro with Precog can straight up win the game off it
Hopefully you can think this over rather than clinging on to your pov bias
So saying its “fine” for one spec means its “fine” for another specc according to you. Man, you really want to twist the words! Great job! I Never Said Precog Should Exist As It Stands But You Still Want To Keep Up With The Word Twisting As Normal
I even said, I agreed it shouldnt exist but since it exists its fine for hard-casting casters like SP but I also said its busted for destro.
According to you, am I not allowed to have different thoughts for different specs now? Can I not believe something for one spec but something else for another? I can not have different opinions? Sorry but, with this point I dont have bias.
You are acting exactly like the ppl who kept saying I defended rets during 10.0.7 when I never once did.
I’d argue that faking somebody actually takes more skill than pressing melee mobility.
So it requires bit more “brain” to do so.
It also promotes good gameplay.
Mobility with melee is so high it promotes bad gameplay actually, because you can waste half of your mobility and it still doesn’t matter, because you will connect to your target no problem with the other half.
Like it or not, in order to activate precog, your enemy has to screw up and you have to outplay them.
Well some people here defend that playing caster is easier than playing melee. Caster’s downtime is gettting LoSed, microCCed or interrupted. Melee downtime is getting outranged.
Precog helps for this for casters, but requires skill (faking).
Melee requires pressing mobility buttons (less of a skill).
Therefore playing caster with precog is still more difficult than melee.
If you’re saying “well it’s obvious that you’re right”, then maybe it tell it to them, not to me. I also consider myself right, so it’s useless to tell me what I already know.
Fake casting in itself is a skill, it doesn’t need any extra rewards, especially now that all kicks are nerfed. And the heavy punishment for double kicks caused by precog is not fine by any means, as that isn’t even anything the caster did. A double kick is very much a punishment by itself.
But useless to argue about this really, casters think precog is fine, and others do not. We will see who is right when/if it gets nerfed.
It does. The duration of the lockout isn’t the main issue, it’s every single other micro CC… you fake kick, start casting well → grip, ministun, silence…
and before you rotate through that kick is back on CD and you casted off nothing. Despite the other person actually failing to kick you, you still couldn’t cast.
It’s not like “well he kicked into nothing, so I got his kick so now I can cast”… usually you still can’t.
Sure, because things get nerfed based on who’s right.
Like nerf to frost DK… and people apparently were wrong about FDK placing it in bottom tier, since it warranted nerf.
I play all roles. Melee dps, ranged dps, healer. I’d not say precog is fine, but it’s an answer to melee mobility. And that needed some response. Nerfing it would be better way, but I dont think Blizz will go that route, since that would affect PvE.
Still expect the haste component to be removed at the very least, there is zero reason for that to exist. The purpose of precog is to grant some breathing room, not to almost let you kill someone for free.
However, I absolutely agree that mobility is the root of the problem. I would prefer to see us return to the traditional dynamic of less mobility for melees, and less instant casts for casters. But I suppose none of that will happen, because pve people gotta go fast I guess.
I primarly play melees, currently fury warrior and i for one dont want to return to the old days where warrior had one charge and no heroic leap and the entire gameplay consisted of “please dispel me, i cant move” and having unironically 80%+ downtime.
There is always a tradeoff, if melees has virtually 100% uptime like they do currently, casters needs to be able to play the game too and instants n precog allows that. I dont see why so many people think precog is such a gamebreaking feature, it rewards good fakecasting and punishes morons who feels compelled to ape out kicks whenever its off CD just because its not on the GCD. The fact that it took blizzard this long to implement a punishment for getting fakecasted is the real shocker.
So long as you´re holding on to your kick you have preasure by default, if the caster wants to sit there n fakecast for 15 secounds im fine just holding on to my kick. This topic purely exists because people are so used to not being punished for using their kicks in terrible ways.
Infact i´ve trolled people in bg´s using vrykul drinking horn and people try to kick it because “omg its a cast!”, i´ve done this on my warrior! I for one welcome the fact that there now is a bigger difference between terrible and decent melee players. We dont need another SL where you cant tell if the fury warrior you´re fighting is 1.5k or 2.5k rated.