Castsequence macro


I think that castsequence does not work properly. Macro look like this

/castsequence reset=20 Stormstrike, Lightning Bolt(Rank 1)

Problem occurs when you fakecast Lightning Bolt. It will not reset castsequence and you will have to finish one bolt in order to use Stormstrike again.

Is it a bug? I think castsequence should reset on time no matter if I finished followed spells or not.


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Its not a bug, reset=20 means that the castsequence resets, after 20 seconds of not pressing the button

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I dont think so. When I am finishing bolts whole 20 seconds then it use Stormstrike again. Problem occurs only when I dont finish bolt.

If you cancel the cast of Lightening Bolt you haven’t completed the /castsequence, so it won’t reset until completed or 20 seconds have elapsed.

Try it without reset =20

Thats because the spell itself has a 20 second cooldown as well. This is whats happening, you press your macro, and it start casting lightning bolt, you interrupt it, then you need to wait 20 seconds for it to reset, regardless how long after you’ve used stormstrike you pressed to start your lightning bolt

With reset=20 you need to wait 20 seconds since the last time that it pressed to reset it if you do not finish your cast. If you do finish your cast, your sequence, is back at stormstrike and you “only” need to wait for its cooldown to be able to use it again.

Castsequence did not exist in vanilla and perhaps they have disabled or altered it in Classic.

try a lower reset of about 4 or remove it altogether.

Thanks for correct answer. I thought reset timer starts on first spell in castsequence, but countdown starts after last macro press. Thanks again.

In this case castsequence is pretty useless for me, rip.

edit: would you have solution for me? You surely know what I intended to do. Thanks

I suspect those were from TBC then, since that’s when castsequence was introduced. Well, perhaps you consider the TBC-patch to be vanilla.

a simple double cast macro should work:

#show Stormstrike
/cast Stormstrike
/cast Lightning Bolt(Rank1)

Won’t that stop when stormstrike fails? Also isn’t there a global cooldown problem with it?

This one works fine for me:
/castsequence reset=target Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Embrace, Mind Flay, Mind flay

So castsecuence does work.


no, it won’t and if it does you can change /cast Stormstrike into /castrandom Stormstrike

Under normal circumstances, it should go to the next line if a particular line is not available (either by conditions or cooldowns)

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