Cata Classic is dead

you are tying to sell your opinion as the ultimate truth a mistake many classic andys do. PVP is indeed amazing in Cataclysm and the first two tiers of raid are actually well done aswell. And if we consider Cataclysm dying during it’s last 2 weeks of phase 1 while still having more players then era. then we can consider classic era being on lifesupport at best…

But during Cata’s run, the total number of subscribers fell by 2 million. So even if it sold well, it was not necessarily good. Cata has often been referred to as the start of the decline of WoW.

When it comes to Classic, Cata is the least played classic version. By far.


I actually don’t care what other think about this game. My favourite is WOTLK, when I want to play I have toons in the right place.

I just want to play something different for a bit. Is the que for bgs around 5mins? If they are, I am fine.

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Where are those Wrath naysayers, who glorified Cata over the expansion that peaked at most playerbase vs. the expansion that almost killed WoW when subs went twice/thrice down? All cowardly vanished. You gotta be mental to step on the same rake again. If old garbage gets recycled and becomes new garbage it doesn’t change the fact it’s garbage. Cata is garbage!


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