Cata Classic is dead

Never mon. Berny does not need to say name in every post to remain true to the troll.

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Wotlk was even worse, you need to understand that most people are just playing what is currently hype and that amount of players for a old game its actually nice.

And do what play vanilla for the rest of our lives xD ? and do we delete classic era just bcs it has low number of players ?

Still loving classic Cata, Especially encounters like Council, Chogall and Sinestra. Feel like modern fights and warlock is super fun on them with all the multi targeting and dot spreading and such.
Wish if Blizzard fixed bugs more.

Cataclysm is a RAIDING simulator so there is no need after initial progress to further log in…you just needs to log in on raid night.

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yes it will be dead but it dead will be slow 1 cata not made open world content it raid raid and more raid

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“classic players are the worst kind of idiots” - You are including yourself right?

NOT even close lol.

In Wotlk, it needed 1 and a half months for the population to start dropping. In Cata it started to drop 3 weeks after release.

So its very safe to say that in Wotlk, until people actually started to raid with more than 1 char, didn’t happen until at least after 1 month, while in Cata … I believe in first week lol.

It was time consuming to raid with 1 char in Wotlk Classic, let alone 2. I personally started to raid with 2 chars almost at the end of phase 1.

So yea, but no! NEVER compare the pathetic Cataclysm expansion with Wotlk. Never! :slight_smile:

Lmao what naxx was prolly the easiest raid in wow history, bosses even after buff died before using 1st ability, you could invite worst people in the universe and still simply hold W and kill everything without issues. It took like 2 Hours max to clear all 3 raids even with undergeared people. In toc people raided with 10 chars cos it took 30 min and then there was nothing to do.

If you find wotlk classic raiding time consuming then idk youre Once again trolling or youre just terrible at the game.


What the poster above said, basically.

ToGC aside (also peak WotLK raiding btw), phase 1 of WotLK was the easiest time in WoW history to raid on several characters. The content was a joke difficulty wise, every mouth-breathing keyboard-turning clicker with 7 wifes, 14 kids and 4 jobs could raid and be successful. My guild at the time cleared full world tours including Sarth 3D in under 2 hours, often with less than 25 people due to people quitting the game. So where exactly do you mean this content was time consuming? Just because you personally didn’t do it, it doesn’t mean that it couldn’t be done in an efficient manner.

I’m not saying that WotLK was a bad expansion btw. It’s one of my favourites of all time. But I do question your ways of creating false narratives to suit your own vague agenda.

…at the beginning I meant , of course, in the first month or so.

If you raided with 2 chars or whatever, well … the majority didn’t.

Yes and i described how easy first tier was in this first month or so. People i knew got Insta bored and played multiple characters.

Listen : Your pathetic expansion is falling faster than any other expansions. Literally.

Secondly, all your excuses to make Cataclysm look ( somehow ) better, are useless. I don’t care you think people were alting raids in Wotlk in the first month. Yes, there were. But not many at all. I was in a guild with over 100 online, and maybe few were actually doing that in the first month or so. About say 30% didn’t raid because “reasons” and the others had only 1 char to raid. Alt raiding was not allowed in the guild I was and as I know, in many others. Not until maybe very late P1 / early P2.

So yea! Cata bad!

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You don’t have to like Cataclysm. Nobody is forcing you to either like it or play it.

But you have still failed to explain to us why your beloved WotLK was more time consuming than any other expansion launch. “YOU LIKE CATA, YOU PATHETHIC! CATA BAD!” is not an argument.

I’d argue it’s the total opposite.

WotLK Classic was released 26th of september 2022. And the raid release was actually not until the 6th of october, so even for week 1 raiding, you had over two weeks to prepare your main and potential alts. Which is plenty of time for a vast amount of the classic playerbase.

Secondly, there was basically no need to pre-bis farm at all. You could jump into the, at the time, most difficult raid content the game had to offer and still win no preparation and face little to no resistance.

You know logs still exist on WCL? I can tell you my guilds week 1 logs. The raid consisted of average item levels ranging from 176 to 200 (for reference, 187 is equivalent to full normal dungeon gear, full heroic dungeon gear is 200). I was still in 50% TBC raid gear, mixed with random blue items I gathered while leveling. We did a full world tour in 2 hours 40 minutes, with the only whipes being 1 on Razuvious and 4 on Sarth 2D. Then our progress raiding was basically over for the phase.

Now again, please tell us why WotLK phase 1 was so time consuming and alt unfriendly?

More time consuming? Well … we are playing an MMORPG. Of course it must be time consuming.

The best expansions in the history of WoW were time consuming, big. Vanilla , the most time consuming. TBC and Wotlk also time consuming.

Legion, very time consuming AND hard content. All this are the best expansions in the history of WoW.

Is the perfect argument because I gave reasons why I think so pretty few times in this forums and… you know it.

…right! Says who ?

We usually stayed around 3-4 hours a night to try to finish Naxx. First few weeks, well … we didn’t. Pre-Bis was needed.

I don’t understand your question. Is it a remark actually ? Or literally a question? Or both?

If both, well … I don’t know why, but I and many others liked it that way. Happy with the answer?


This sentence tells me everything I need to know. Sorry, but if you struggled that hard in, arguably, the easiest raid content WoW has ever seen, it’s a good thing you’re not playing Cataclysm. You wouldn’t stand a chance.

And no, you still haven’t explained to us why WotLK raiding in phase 1 was time consuming. Perhaps it was for you as an individual, but that still says more about you than the expansion phase in itself.

My 3-4h remark seems legit as we didn’t push it and took pretty good breaks.

LOL. Do you even hear yourself? Chill guild doesn’t mean bad guild. Wtf is this? I can complete any content in any WoW versions, be it Classic or Retail. Stop acting like your beloved bad expansion is hard. Is pathetically easy.

Oh boy!

You are useless, sorry. Just … embrace the truth. Cataclysm = Bad . Wotlk = Good.


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Gonna call copium on that one, lol.

Tbh, I really see no point in-depth discussing raiding with someone who self-admittedly struggled to clear the easiest raid of all time for several weeks. It’s hard to take seriously.

I also don’t see what that Reddit link does in your favour of your stance? Most posters seem to be more lenient towards what I’m saying. One of the top posts literally says “3-4 hours if you’re bad, ~1.5 hours if you’re good.”

Yes, because I carried the whole raid and because of me it took that much … :man_facepalming: - Its hard to take you serious.

2-3 hours. But prepare for worst case, 4-5 for few weeks if you invite randoms

1.5 - 3 hours depending on your group.

Our raid tonight is planning on 4 hours to do Naxx, EoE, and OS. We’re between casual and hardcore but I’ll edit this comment with how it went.

EDIT: We completed all 3 within 4 hours- couple of wipes here and there on 4 horsemen and Instructor while we figured sht out- it’s an absolute cakewalk otherwise. We can probably get all 3 down to 3.5 hours

If you stop and talk about every fight then maybe 3-4hrs.

Naxx will take ~2 hour for either 10 or 25 mand provided people are paying attention. Maybe 3-4 on your first couple weeks.`

I mean … if you insist, here you go :

As I said, my guild was a chill group, we talked, we laugh, we took breaks.

Now off you go.

I mean, keep telling yourself it’s normal to whipe for several weeks in there, I’m not gonna butthead about that. I know what I need to know already.