Cata Raid BoE's should be personal loot

Every PUG raid in LFG seems to do ‘BoE HR’d’ runs, where the leader takes every BoE drop. This is just unfair to players who join pugs and don’t organize their own raids, Most of these aren’t even guild groups, it’s just one person making a raid.

Some people argue leaders deserve ‘compensation’ for organizing the raid, but consider this: BoEs sell for 3k to 35k gold. With WoW tokens in Cata priced at 12.5k gold, leaders pocket 1/3 of a token for the cheapest BoE or 3 tokens for a single BoE, even if compensation was warranted, that is just excessive.

To put this in perspective, it’s like getting 134k/1.2m gold in retail just for making a normal raid. It’s just nonsense, especially since the other raid members don’t even get a chance at the gold themselves.

anyways… rant over teehee

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Nobody is forcing you to join pugs with hard reserves.


Where did I suggest I was being forced to join these pugs?

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You seemed to be complaining about your pugs having boes hard reserved. Anyone has the right to set the rules for their raids how they want, just don’t join the raid if you don’t like them, simple as that.


Yeah, I don’t join them. But i’m bringing it up on the forums because it’s getting harder to find fair raids.

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they are bunch of dadas selling gold irl dont join = dont support them

Start your own raid then.


Then don’t join those pugs?


This aint an issue, there are multiple answers to this like stated above.
Join a casual guild, dont join the BOE hr groups, make your own groups.

You cant have your cake and eat it too.

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That’s not true ratio because retail token can be converted to bnet balance (not only sub) and it has more real value then classic token. According to black market gold prices (where most of those raid leaders sell gold), it’s something like 50k/600k in retail equialent. Which is ofc still very big, but classic always was more RMT version then retail, because its auditory is mostly “dads” (that have money but not have time).

But what does it matter if you aren’t joining them?

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Organize your own group then and advertise that you’ll raid-roll or MS>OS them or what have you.
Don’t like it, don’t join those groups. But I can only imagine the reason you’re not making your own group is that you understand how annoying it can be at times?


so … dont join those groups ?

make your own group with your own rules and make BOE raid rolled ?

nobody is forcing you to join groups with HR.

Depends on what you consider fair, but chances are you won’t find many pugs without BoEs HR’d, let alone good ones in trade/LFG chat. The better pugs are organized on discord, just like GDKPs.

I can guarantee you that if you were to run your own pugs, you’d quickly understand why very few, if any, run simple MS > OS pugs anymore.

Majority are MS/OS on Bop items.
Most of them also BoE HR, the ones who don’t do HR on boes just RR.

I mean… eh you have a reason and a solution right there.

There is nothing unfair in taking boe loot as a reward for organizing pugs. Players who don’t make them have no idea how big of a chore it is. And all that so someone else can take that rare boe drop and sell it in AH?

Or you know because it’s their BiS. Most of the PuGs are at least on Mirage Raceway Horde guild groups needing to fill a slot - most commonly a healer or a second tank. They need that person as much as that person needs them. After all if you don’t fill the required slots you’re not raiding

Is there more than 1 bis from BoE? Thought only Angerforge was the bis. Rest is just good.

Ngl tho, having boe or even heroic dungeon items be bis is a bit lame.
I will keep my blue trinket till Firelands.

Afaik the staff from BoT is a very solid gear for spellcasters if you’re not planning on Heroics (otherwise 1h + Offhand win due to Ilvl). Lot of the gear as far as I can tell serve decent purpose unless you’re on HCs.

“LFM To4W 10man Normal! 350 Ilvl&link Achiev! (boes Hr, Token Gbid)”
This is what i saw yesterday…imagine reserving 25% of loot from 20min raid while expecting every1 to be also geared and know the fights just so u can sell it for gold.