[Cataclysm] Blizzard, don't forget to disable Legendaries in BGs and Arenas

For any form of instanced PvP, thanks in advance.

Can you please learn to post in the RIGHT FORUM!

How many times have you posted Cataclysm stuff here in the ERA forums?

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It’s Wow Classic General Discussion, sorry to hurt your feelings, still leaving in the forums I see.

YOu should post here.

As that will change to the Cata forums once it’s released.

These forums are Classic Era forums.

Nothing here exists outside of Vanilla.

Hahahahahah, nice one.

All you are doing is showing your ignorance.

I honestly thought you might know better but it seems not.

Yeah sure grief fun for casters/rogs…TBC/WOTLk got legendaries and it was fine, hope they gonna keep them through Cata.