Cataclysm (Classic) is

name me 1 good expansion in WoW history , a decent balanced one
except few phases in WOTLK

there is none

What did Cataclysm bring besides revamped 1-60zones and LFR ? That people genuinely dislike.

Wotlk is far closer to Cataclysm than Cataclysm is even to Mop or WoD.

…it bring nothing. Absolutely nothing. It made things worst. It made healing worst in any expansion I believe. The dungeons are very , very weak. They have no soul in them. Nothing. The “open world” zones are a pain in the … butt. You can’t go from 1 zone to another like in literally every other expansion. You have to spend a lot of time to go between zones in Cata.

The quests zones are one of the worst I’ve ever encountered. They were made with flying in mind and … allowing flying right from level 80 was the worst decision ever ( that’s why we never seen this again ).

All in all, Cata has no soul, which made TBC and especially Wotlk , very good expansions. It doesn’t feel like WoW. You don’t step a foot outside SW. Literally.

So for me, yes, its the worst of them all … until now at least ( speaking about Classics that is ).

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It brought normalized 10/25man. It brought class balance that was almost non existent prior to it. Much harder raids & more mechanics. Archaeology. Tol Barad. It kept up with profs being useful, think this died in like WoD or Legion. Storyline is good, you get introduced to the enemies. Al’Akir i think was not well introduced, i guess semi through City of Tol’vir. Firelands is banger good & the enemies are well introduced, you even get to see Ragnaros in the intro to Hyjal.

What you think about the dungeons is personal, I think they bring alot. I mean if you care to read the quest texts for example. But theres no objective truth there.

Pain in the butt? You have an instant portal to them. The only “annoying” one is probably Uldum the first time & since theres no tp back.

Vashjir has a portal, hyjal teleport, twilight highlands teleport, deep holm teleport, Uldum you had to fly to.
I bet i can go from Twilight highlands to Deepholm, faster than you can fly from Crystal song to IC.

Deepholm is probably the only zone that actually needed flying, but Vash’jir had no flying. Twilight Highlands, Uldum & Hyjal could actually have been experienced without it. So i semi agree here. Wasnt worst decision, but wasn’t necessary either.

Besides the ways they introduced flying in WoD & onwards could be argued as far worse than getting it on release.

Tbc is absolutely horrible expansion. Wotlk was as mentioned by me before, hard carried by Wc3 Frozen Throne and Arthas being Lich King. But ye scourge, undeads is a cool theme, it’s very popular theme. Look at all the zombie movies/series and videogames.

But Wotlk suffered from 1-60 vanilla lvling zone… And horrible class balance, practically non existent. Always the same speccs, play one, not the others.


Yeah alakir is just a weird boss design. Sticking at your spots in P1 and just outhealing and ignoring every mechanic besides knockback and hurricanes… P2 is tank and spank with minor brainchallenge to not mess up addhandling, and p3 is follow the Weakaura or some raidleaders call.

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I played back in the original release and I still say it’s when WoW started getting good, I played from 2004 <.<

I love the levelling experience in Cata a lot more than prior expansions having you walk across entire continents 3 times.

I love the levelling zones, you knowing little to nothing about them is a YOU problem.

Story is also fantastic “I have no idea what is going on” is once again a you problem, learn to pay attention to the story instead of just clicking through stuff expecting to magically know. (don’t BS me I know you’re pulling the classic Runescape player and “holding spacebar through dialogue”)

“very bad dungeon design”, oh you mean the dungeon with bosses and enemies that can actually kill you WITHOUT having to CC spam you? Bosses and enemies that actually require you to play the game and not just do your rotation while the healer heals your dumbass of status effects? <.<

“It’s a hub game, all you is sit in SW” and here we see that you actually know NOTHING about Cataclysm, cause anyone with a brain has Dalaran as their hub, it has portals to both faction capital cities, portal to caverns of time, trainers, auction house, the best “crafting corner” currently in the game by a million miles… Who the hell is “sitting in SW”???

Finally and ultimately cause I’m sick of hearing kids spout this nonsense, RDF is not bad, the community is bad, RDF is a great feature and the toxicity and idiocy of the community is what has such a negative effect on it. If the community took 2 seconds to think “hey I’m playing with other human beings, maybe I should treat them like I’d expect to be treated myself” then RDF would be fantastic. It sure didn’t result in people just “sitting in SW” lmfao… People are not “sitting in hubs” any more than they did in ANY prior expansion.

Ok after reading this bit, I know your entire post is a troll, as I am also on Mirage Raceway and it is far from “dead”, the LFG channel is spammed to hell and SW AND Dalaran are populated even at night… Can a mod please delete this guy’s post? He’s obviously baiting.


Indeed, cata is a very bad expansion.

  • Leveling is way too long and quests are boring
  • Pvp is too fast paced, and uninspiring
  • Dungeons are extremely boring
  • Uldum, Vashj’ir and Deepholm are ok, but the other zones are boring, ugly and discouraging
  • Quest design is bad
  • The story is entirely bad
  • Alt unfriendly
  • TONS OF BUGS (try playing hunter)

As opposed to what version of the game? Most of those things you mentioned has improved since 2019 classic in my opinion.

This I agree with though, they’re not making Cata justice by not fixing certain issues, that affects pet classes in particular.

How is so ?

…but I didn’t said its dead. Is just that its pretty empty, at least vs Wotlk.

Sure buddy!

Here, just made this. 10:38 PM GMT+2 , so its a very good time for playing in Europe, especially for GMT+1 people and GMT +0 :

…and about the chat spammed to hell. Well, define hell?

I enabled the chat time stamp precisely to see the “hell spam”. I mean sure, it’s … okish, but literally, no where near “hell”.

About 10 messages per minute including “from the same guy or party”.

So I don’t know about you, but this doesn’t look like a “FULL SERVER” or anything like that. Mirage Raceway is far…far…FAR worst than in Wotlk Classic time. I know because i played the BiP out of Wotlk and in the first months, there were between 4-10 Layers. Cata barely and I mean barely goes 2 Layers.

But hey! Expansion rocks …

No, I am not! Stop acting like a little kid, who’s getting angry if someone doesn’t like his toy(s).

Are we…playing the same expansion? What bosses and enemies that can actually kill you? I do not understand this because HC once you get some gear, is easy pizzy.

Everyone? Hello! Tell me what “outdoor content” do you do in Cata. I’m waiting LOL …

Here I perfectly agree with you. The community its pathetic, which … sadly , it also makes the RDF bad.

I said that.

Also :

All selected realms


Last time I looked there were like 320k … 2 weeks or so ago. 30k raiders quit. That’s … not good at all!

Here, look at the population over, since Classic launched and see how Wotlk was and how …Cata is : . So from now on, it will always go down…way down. I assume in 2 months there will be 200k or even less. 6 Months into Cata … 50k LOL …

you know when wotlk dipped in popularity? in ulduar, when the raid required players to do 1 simple mechanic to kill a boss. People quit and went to Era/fresh/hc whatever cause its way easier for them.
Cata raids arent popular cause they are “harder” than all prev classic xpacs launched so far, so they just go to p4 sod and have prepared for it.
If the game is just not for you anymore just quit, no need to hardcamp over a month to still reply here, plenty of other versions of wow to fit your style of playing the game

Yes I do know! Look here before making fun of yourself !

I’m tired of hearing weak excuses as to why Wotlk was more popular. It WAS way more popular than Cata. Period. And based on the above link, it had almost DOUBLE the population of Cata.

Wotlk peaked at 629k ( raiders ) vs Cata 317k. That is INSANE.

I did!

Better leveling than the previous 2 expansion (not even debatable, outland and northrend are an absolute purge)
Leveling zones remake is good
Story is w/e
Better endgame pve than tbc/wotlk so far and again not even debatable, Pvp is okish and you have rbg so pvp participation is just way higher than what we had

There’s a reason why the player base collapsed in the original release of the expansion, it’s complete rubbish.

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  1. Class balance? DK tanks dominate. Holy Paladins are op with spammable Holy Radiance. Disc Priests are still shield bots by spamming PoH. Ele shamans, Unholy DKs and Fire mages dominate.

  2. Archaeology is a extremely boring. The only redeeming quality is BoA items. If they were not pre-raid BIS no one would do archaeology because it’s not fun.

  3. Storyline? There is one? I did not even finish all the zones. I was level 85 way before that.

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Theres always fotm, has existed since Vanilla to Dragonflight.
Every class has atleast 2 speccs being viable. Some even 3, like Paladin, druid, Death knight, priest.

How many classes had that in Vanilla? or tbc? or wotlk?
You can clear Cataclysm heroic even with underdog speccs, thats not even remotely possible in previous expans.

This is 100% your own personal opinion. Wow you’re telling me, that if a prof can’t give you something useful, you won’t do it? Isn’t that kinda the point of a profession? You mean you had endless joy fishing, cooking, mining, herbing ?
I’d still do it if there weren’t BoA, it’s like semi afk content that you can do while listening to a podcast, (Geekenders i recommend, love Jesse, Crendor & Dodger), watchin series. You get some cool stuff.

Theres lots of them. But if you don’t pay attention, ofcourse you miss it.

I am sure you can clear 13/13HC with only warrior tanks, arcane/frost mages, feral druids etc. lol

The point is that there should NOT be CLEARLY superior specs and classes. But there are. It does not matter if more specs are playable when you have specs that are clearly superior. Raids pile on the optimum specs and bring one of a spec that helps cover buffs.

This game is all about utility. People in their vast majority lean to professions that give them utility. If Archaeology had no BOA to offer, most people would not pick it up.

I paid attention to the quests I did. I saw barely any story that was worthwhile. FFXIV has a much superior way of presenting story.

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So using this logic, vanilla,tbc & Wrath are the absolute worst class versions of the game in the history of Wow. Cata/Mop did it best so far.
Druid had 1 specc, warrior 2, pala 1, mage 1, priest 2, hunter 1, warlock 1,rogue 1.
This continued into tbc with mage first fire then arcane, warlock 1 specc, pala had 2 now i think. But you get my point.

Just to specify on this one. Why are you stacking same class tanks? You can 100% do it with warrior + pala ye. Mix in a feral druid instead of a boomie, a arcane/frost instead of a fire, ye you can do 13/13hc. The dps is usually not the race most of the time.

Cho’gall is not a dps race until last phase, Atramedes, Chim last phase, are a few more dps heavy fights. Nefarian which is considered one of the hardest atm on hc, is not a dps race either.

The required dps is not as high as you might think.

And if BS did not offer 359 epics or gem slots, it wouldn’t either?
If JC didn’t offer gems, no one would pick it.
If Engi didn’t provide a 359helm or enchants it wouldn’t either.

I’ve got no idea to be honest, what you’re getting at here.

Because FFXIV invests heavily in to it. Why are we even comparing a different game?
Why don’t you compare Vanilla, tbc or wrath to ffxiv aswell? Vanilla can’t even compete with the first 10 lvls in ffxiv storywise.

Wow has never been story heavy by itself. Hold the earlier expans to the same scrutiny.

Ffxiv is pretty much a single player story game with multiplayer endgame. Even their dungeons can be done solo with the story characters.

If you want to argue that all power to you. I simply disagree that Cata has good class balance when you have classes that are clearly better over others.

All boss fights cannot go on forever with low dps and sub-par tanks. The raid will eventually bleed out. Especially in Cata where mana is a problem.

You argued that Cata brought Archaeology to the table. My argument is that Archaeology is nothing to praise Cata about. People think it is a chore to do just to get a couple of good items for pre-raid bis. Archaeology quickly becomes irrelevant as a secondary profession once you get the 3-4 items you want. The other professions remain relevant throughout the expansion because you can still benefit from even in the last phase. You still need gems for your gear, you still need repair bots and perhaps nitro boost and generally for the stats they give.

I did not argue that Cataclysm brought story to the game. I argue that the story in Cataclysm remains irrelevant.

Gotta love these kids that have no real life so they come on forums thinking their opinions is actually worth something. It’s like “I don’t enjoy it so it sucks” lol no wonder blizzard quit on classic. Most of the playerbase are a bunch of crybabies. There are some wow expansions I didn’t like but you don’t see me here making posts crying about it. Get a life seriously.

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