Cataclysm (Classic) is

I dont think the reason blizzard doesnt put any work in classic is because some people said something mean on the forums about them

Well, I could and probably will be the superdad here, but all these expansions can not (from my view) be seen fully seperate from whatever else was available at that moment.

When Wow released, it absolutely and entirely made quick werk of everything else that was available at that time, in terms of games.
But looking at it sec, it had loads of weaks points, the clunkyness. The balance issues. The timesinks. We would nowadays say: the boredom outside of raids. But not really then, then it was also a bit of a sandbox game. Ppl did fk whatever, and then also raided.

TBC solved some of the worst weak points, and added finally a real competive PVP game in the sense of arena: a ladder to climb. The raids sovled another problem of the much too ambitious 40 ppl roster. TBC also registered -in the time sense- as a game that really still was ahead of every thing else.

WotLK was already a turning point. Not only did WOTLK not bring all that much in game quality over TBC. It further improved, but competition start to show its face. There was LOTRO, there was KOTOR, there was Warhammer online. Not so attractive anymore, still good, but not enevoqually if thats a correct word, ahead of everything else.

Cata was the decline. It is where the game became ‘fair’ in comparison to competitors who started much later. It was ‘just a good game’ if easy MMO was your style, and not that one pick that proved everything else obsolete.

The one thing Cata did good (at least this time) is that you can work towards engame weapons (via archeology) for the next expansion, before the next expansion even launches.
I think that was just -golden-

Outside of that, it is what we can all see, our favourite game losing momentum in regard to its competitors.

Great game though, would play again.
Frankly, I kinda did like the original Cata. Kinda.

Which expansion doesnt have classes clearly superior to others tho? Also what we got Now doesnt really repeesent cataclysm as we’re playing last patch with first tier gear and well Its not balanced around that. + Its actually not that bad And yes you can definitely clear the raid even without bis raid setups. If you can’t youre just bad. Also according to logs there are few classes that are doing worse (i mean who cares about Frost mage rly, i dont remember Frost being superior like ever in pve + its good pvp spec i think Its fine to some spec being better in pvp and worse in pvp etc.). Ofc you can stack Broken classes however you dont need to unless youre pushing for world first or something.

Also who cares about lore rly. Personally i’ve never learned any lore from the game itself. I Guess wrath lore is kinda notorious however i would argue Deathwing has also decent character development, so does sinestra and other drakes. Idk about ragnaros but hes cool.

After playing most of expanses i can confidently say cataclysm is one of the best expansions imo when it comes to class balance and class design. Can’t compare raids rly as everything before cata is a joke as bosses are just dummies with more hp, cata is like mod - there are few abilities So you have to do something however Its not hard. Havent played latest expansions however theres not a single boss comparable with Sylvanas for example. So imo cata raids are kinda chill.
When it comes to pvp its 100% better than everything before and everything after wod (havent played mop and wod). Also game doesnt Force me to play 24/7 so i can do whatever i want.

Cataclysm suffers mainly from bad reputation as when it came out better games also came out such as lol. Also it suffers from awful schedule + low resources from Blizzard cos bugs that Are still in game are just embarrasing. Stuff such as missing pvp tab or correct pvp tab while inspecting others is just disgusting to see. Also for some reason there’s no official ladder nor armory for some unknown reason. Its disgusting and they don’t deserve my time for such a terrible produkt.

Can you tell me a expan prior to Cata, that did?

They don’t go on forever, nor do they need to. With “bis” dps you down the boss far quicker than ever done in retail cata, where we had far weaker versions of our classes & far harder raids.
Did you even look at the world first races for Cata back in the day? The MT was a WARRIOR. In a worse state than they are today.

And i say your view on Archaeology is subjective. I do agree that once you finnish Archaeology it’s no longer useful so to speak. With all achs/rares you don’t continue farming. I can & will argue that it has usage beyond the prebis, as it also gives mounts & pets and toys.

Again a subjective view. I say it’s not irrelevant. And it has had much more story than ever before.

None. And that’s exactly the point.

Most people don’t because he lore is poorly presented and never a promiment feature of WoW. Cata is no different. That’s my view.

If you love Cata good for you!

Yes it’s embarassing but it’s expected by any company; they treat it like a cash cow. Little development, rake in the cash.

None. But I did not say any of them did. I am only pointing out that Cata did not bring class balance. On the face of it, it might seem so but now we see it’s not true.

So what if he were a warrior back then? We’re talking about now. Warriors are the least logged MT.

Thank you for your subjective opinion on Archaeology.

Again, thank you for your subjective view.

All the best. Take care.

I feel like we’re discussing same thing in different posts :smiley:
If you wanna move it to primarily be here.

Can you describe to me, what “bringing class balance” means. Because having every single class/specc clear Sinestra, seems to be a good balance. That some standout is normal in every mmorpg since ever. An absolute perfect balance doesn’t exist.

Because it’s still relevant when you’re trying to say that some classes are bad. If they can world first with a warrior tank, during a time it was balanced worse, with bugged & far more difficult content, they might not be as bad as you think. Just not as popular.

Majority of players will always be attracted to the better performing version of their role, thats just how it is. That doesn’t mean that the less raid logged tanks are bad. Class popularity is a horrible way to see which class is the best. And DK is a much easier tank to get into tanking with.

More attraction to a certain class brings more theorycrafting, more work & the best of the best players goes to that class aswell, performing better than normal. Which makes the outlier bigger.

Same to you.

Same to you.

Class balance means not preferring a class/spec in high level raiding for their dps/hps/tanking output. This is not the case even in Cata.

Stop comparing Cata Classic with early OG Classic. It’s not on the same patch.

Better performing version of their role means lacking class balance.

If there was true class balance, the outliers would not be that big.

This is not the case in any expansion, in any videogame. Doesn’t matter if we talk Wow, ffxiv, eso, swtor, runescape, Age of reckoning, you name it.

But I mean valid criticism i suppose, but it’s not like Cata is new, you should know how the class balance already looked far before you played it & there was nothing on the horizon to tell you otherwise.

If you create a game with true balance, you should receive a noble prize, because no one has been able to do it yet, in 50 years or how long has gaming been a thing?

Well, I just think that the situation can be improved.

Nothing can be absolutely perfect. But it can be improved. Imho Cata class balance is not as great as some people think and it can be improved. That’s all.

You are insane, this is BY FAR the best expansion so far

The zones are amazing, the questing is fast and easy, no stupid low droprates or kill 30+ mobs quests.

Dungeons are the best EVER seen

And the raids are also top notch

Even PvP is well balanced now

Pvp is balanced ? Oh boy. rogues and fire mages. Less comp variety than wotlk and tbc. How is that balanced.


Hm! Can I have what … you smoked …4 days ago? Seems good stuff.

But…sure buddy, whatever you say :

It has the worst launch from all Classic(s). In just 2 shy months, is losing players like no other Classic Expansion.

I’ve said it and I will say it again : Is OK to like Cataclysm. Really , to each his own, but that doesn’t make it a GOOD expansion. Is a good expansion for YOU ( which is fine ) , but not for the majority of the players.

There are still people out there saying Metin 2 is the best MMORPG of all times. I mean … ok, but it isn’t.

Same here. Cataclysm is, statistically or…whatever, the worst of them all ,until now at least. WOD might win that.

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Actually statistically cata is one of the best expansions. Or atleast og cata was. Cata we got is a good game however it got 0 attention from Blizzard, there are tons of bugs, launch was terrible (cos of bugs), + it had kinda bad timing imo. However you can’t blame cataclysm for this, you can blame blizzard.

Statistically Cata is the time when WoW subscriptions started falling.

And considering the love around MoP, seeing that the subscriptions fell even further during that expansion, I find it bizzare.

Nope! I mean if “one of the best” you mean like the… 5th or the 6 or something, then sure.

Statistically is : Wotlk, Vanilla, Legion, TBC, MOP/Cata - All the rest. Unless you come up with some … better statistics?

Cataclysm was the very first expansion to lose players. And by losing players I mean losing BIG time. In its “peak” it lost almost or around 3 million players. No other expansion until that point, lost players, let alone that much.

Up until today, after Cataclsym, the only expansion to be rated high and actually have a pretty big increase in numbers, is Legion. Except that, every other expansion after Cata, was a pretty big failure, especially the Last Three ( BfA, Shadowlands and Little Dragons ).

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It doesnt make it bad expansion tho. There are many reason for this such as release of other, better games that are way bigger than wow even nowadays. Even today Mmorpg is not popular game genre. Market demand changed during cata thats all.

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Facepalm! Is that your excuse ? If you come up with this…idiocracies , at least come and say “Well , when Cata released X game was released which was far better” , etc.

But no! That’s a cheap excuse on your part. I didn’t say it was a bad expansion per se, but the worst of them all. Understand whatever you want from this statement.


Tons of people started playing lol back then for example, pretty much everyone i know actually - both irl friends and ingame friends. Obviously i dont have statistics how many people swaped games back then so i can’t prove it however the change in market was obvious.

Well since trash such as tbc (trash by nowadays standards) or legion, shadowlands exist wouldnt it make cata as worst of them all a bad expansion? If youre talking only about statistics (i was talking about statistics and game itself) then its still prolly #2-3 expansion overall when it comes to sub numbers so i fail to see how is that bad result?

Actually youre clueless its crazy. Why did i even reply to someone ignorant as you lmao.

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Legion and trash in the same sentence ?

I’m done with you LOL. Legion is like the 2nd best expansion ever, statistically or not speaking.

Geez. Putting a MOBA in the same category as MMORPGs?! WoW “Dude” or whatever you are. Just go and play your beloved Cata, would you? Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.