Cataclysm Classic - too easy, needs buffs

If Cata Classic will start with 4.3.4 talents and 4.0 content, it will be just as faceroll as Naxxramas raid today.
These changes need to be implemented:
-Reduce player healing and shielding by 30% in T11 / by 25% in T12 / by 5% in T13
-Reduce player damage by 15% in T11 / by 15% in T12 / by 5% in T13
-Increase boss health by 30% in T11 / by 15% in T12 / by 0% in T13

  • To accomodate for changes, Baleroc enrage timer needs to be prolonged to 6:30, Deathwing Spine Tendon health needs to be reduced by 10% (PRE-NERF STATE)
  • Changes to legendary staff DTR: proc rate needs to be HALVED or maybe nerfed even further. Heroic weapons from Madness of Deathwing needs to be as powerful or more powerful than DTR
  • DTR quest progress: Phase 1 quest item drop rate needs to be DOUBLED / Phase 2 TRIPLED / Phase 3 DOUBLED (this is done to prevent atomization of raid static groups, to ease minmaxed situations, when people are absolutely forced to have lege, but don’t have 9 other people to help them - they will stop heroic raiding or playing at all)

Without wide nerfs to accomodate for increased character power that happened in 4.3.4, raids will be a joke and players will get bored.
The above numbers are estimate numbers, you can nerf players/buff heroic raids even more, but gradually reduce the modifiers as the time passes, like it was with SSC/TK in TBC Classic. People are not supposed to clear Heroic raids at the first time available (second cd), even with minmaxed strats and setup.


Chill bro this is P1 wotlk classic.


Developers needs to look into it. If they will make the same mistake as they did with WOTLKC (release the first Tier with 3.3.5 talents), we’re not going to have a good time.

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Speak for yourself.

This is the type of content i enjoy more than any thing.

f your “Wipe fest for 3 hours is fun”

Content should be easy and accessible like this naxx is.

You can do Normal mode, it will be easy and accessible, even with the changes.

The only thing I want to read about ‘Cataclysm Classic’ is that it will never exist.


You just want prestige and be “better” than someone else.

I get that, you are a bully.

But Retail is there for you if you want hard and rewarding content.

You are wrong, this goes against the spirit of the old Cataclysm, where raids were so hard, no guild could clear them.
I don’t ask for extreme buffs, I ask for adjustments that accomodate to increased character power that came with 4.3.4 patch.

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aww you precious thing, thinking blizzard reads and takes feedback from the forums:)
You are in for one hel(l) of a ride:D

Buckle up for some interesting and entertaining changes!

I will try to spread the word. More people need to remind Blizzard that #somechanges are needed, especially if they’re going to release the content NOT as it was back then.

Did you see the raid participation for The Jailer raid?

It was rock bottom completion, so hard that no guild could complete it.

What you want is already available in retail

No offense, but do you think you are the first to try such a thing?
Just look at the RDF discussion, countless threads made every day.

You are talking about something that wont happen for atleast a year, and your changes seem to be affecting the casuals the most (which i dont really care about, since i mostly pvp)
But this game caters to casuals, if something affects them it wont be implemented.

What i STRONGLY AND UTTERLY WANT though, is to nerf the living shlt out of pve items in pvp… legendaries should have no place in it! Bring back trinket bonuses!!

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Why aren’t you in the frontline?

And no, Cata doesn’t need any buffs. They need to remove LFR and rework last raid tier and it’s an excellent expansion.

Also some classes need to be rebalanced. Unholy DKs have too much power, and restoration shamans have too little damage (yes, damage from LB, that gives you mana replenishment). But if you straight up nerf/buff that, Dragon Soul balance will be ruined. In T11 people will stack UHDKs, because the pet modifier from Strength has too much power… Imagine you are a casual player and like playing rogue, arms or retri - you will be denied a spot in raids.

Tier 11 and Tier 12 raids are the best raids of the expansion… Dragon Soul is maybe good, but not many people care about it. And you want those tiers ruined like that with 4.3.4 talents/skills, so minmaxxers will faceroll them with stacked hpals, uhdks and DTR casters equipped from split raids. They will force this meta upon casual players, nobody will get to have fun playing non-meta class/spec.

Is there a big difference between 4.0 and 4.3 balance though? Are you going to retune content because shamans gained spirit link halfway through the xpac? And where does that leave groups without shamans? Where does it end?

I believe the power got increased all across the board. For example, Unholy DKs have gained more power, Arcane Mages have gained less power, so they are borderline unplayable in T11.
The reason for me posting this, is that I have raided on a somewhat known server, where such adjustments took place. But it were more drastic: player damage and healing was reduced, as opposed to increasing monster health. This means, an average DPS has to do 45% more damage than it was in OG Cataclysm. Still, raids are cleared week 2 (week 1 you can’t go Heroic without the achievement). There are some shenanigans, though. Some raid comps are screwed, and Alliance is screwed, because they can’t meet DPS threshold to kill certain bosses (Alliance Baleroc first kills were after 6:36 mark, and Berserk is at 6:00 mark). I can talk more and more about the details, but I hope you get the idea.
And the idea is: we will not going to get Cataclysm Classic as it was released before. We will get an amalgamation of 4.0 content and 4.3 patch. And this amalgamation needs to be adjusted.

People are not supposed to kill ALL bosses in Heroic mode on week 2…get some gear first! Try new tactics! Ragnaros HC was unbeatable for so long in OG Cata - and it WILL be downed as soon as it becomes available! A very hard final boss, facerolled with zerg of buffed minmaxed toons, just like that. It needs not to happen, wake up!

Almost nobody will have a good time anyway as Cata is garbage.


You don’t want it, but Cata WILL happen. It’s free money for so little effort from Blizzard.
But I want them to put some more effort… a little more.

It prob will. And i will quit WoW when it does. And i am not sad about it either. It is time to move on when Wrath is over.

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A casual player can play with a casual guild, this guild wont follow the metaslaves and youtube guides and still have fun.

My guild is like this, we have warriors from Molten Core times still playing dps. We dont care and still clear current content and all the achievements so far with eeeeasssee.

The most important thing is to play what you like, not what some youtube guide tells you to play.

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