Cataclysm Classic - too easy, needs buffs

Then you are not casuals, you are hardcore players who want to bend meta and have some challenge! While I respect that, I think that you are wrong about casual players: they WILL follow the meta, they WILL get locked into certain classes, they WILL NOT have fun.

Interesting, can a literal dad guild be considered hardcore just because we do achievements and stack whatever people want? :sweat_smile:

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Nah, maybe not. You will probably have problems with Heroic modes in next phases…But I can call you “brave”.

What? There’s enough private servers with a 4.3.4 client and phase 1 was insanely hard, especially heroics. Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?

If you mean the same pserver as I think about, there are even more brutal player damage/healing reductions already in place, they are so brutal they break the intended mechanics, such as Restoration Shamans can’t regain mana with Telluric Currents, as they don’t deal enough damage for the original and unchanged mana cost…

I don’t think Cataclysm need custom buffs or nerf.
They just have to put the pre nerf content, no more.

Maybe put a +20% HP on boss and adds but not more. I hate 5min+ boss fight.

Well…Sinestra, Ragnaros and Madness of Deathwing are 10+ min in their unaffected state.
Prolonging the fight is not the reason for tweaks. The reason is to not let players skip the mechanics. For example, BWD first boss, Magmaw. People with minmaxed pre-raid comp in minmaxed pre-raid gear can defeat it in Heroic mode with ease if they time their BL and bursts for the head at 31% HP. They can burst it to almost 0% in 30 seconds, resulting in a mechanic skip (3rd phase - heavy raid damage). The same way people skip Illidan Metamorphosis.

I agree that skipping mecanics is not good.
I don’t remember well if we could do that on pserv.

Classic is already officially #SomeChanges:


When World of Warcraft Classic first launched, it followed a very strict design pillar: #NoChanges. At Blizzard, we faithfully recreated World of Warcraft as it existed in 2006, with as few changes as possible, while still making it able to run in the more modern environment of 2019.

However, as we re-release these expansions, we find the design pillar #NoChanges isn’t sufficient anymore.

The World of Warcraft Classic team has given this a lot of thought, and we would like to share with you today our design pillars for what we call #SomeChanges.

And this is what they officaially say abot making changes:

Each time we consider a change to the Wrath of the Lich King experience, we will keep these pillars in mind: Nurture and Protect Social Experiences , Approachable and Familiar , and The World is the Main Character . If the change doesn’t serve them, then we won’t make it.

Yes i think Cataclysm should get somechanges like :

  • Pre nerf
  • Chromie to permit to play in the old zone
  • Reworking Dragon Soul raid and giving us a big huge end fight
  • Reworking again Dead Mines and Shadow Fang Keep
  • Re put vanilla Zul’Gurub/Zul’Aman and all stuff like that because deleting content is never a good solution
  • We get a lack class identity since the buff compression/supression. Wotlk was great with their large of buff/debuff from each class/specs. I think a mix between Wotlk and Cataclysm should be great because on Wotlk it wasn’t easy to get all buff every time because very dependent of your luck with the recruitment.
  • Some old RP stuff and design ? I play Hunter i don’t think deleting amo and quiver is a good idea but it was also annoying to get less space in bags and wasting many golds to craft amo. I think that we should get our Quiver as a additional special bag and buying amo to the NPC maybe via a reputation like TBC.
    I think all class could recover some RP stuff like that without recover the annoying inconvenience.

Make the game better.

Casuals can still have fun, stop with this nonsense. :sweat_smile:

Old wow is easy, its just fact, if you want chellenges and hard pve just play retail

If they did that, I ‘might’, under very specific and limited circumstances allow one of my alts to play the expansion for the sole and explicit purpose of doing dungeons etc. with my guild. I’d use whatever speed-boosting garbage was made available so as to skip as much of the the ghastly Crapaclysm levelling and world content as possible, and didn’t have to look at it and just use that alt for the purposes of group play, nothing else.

It still wouldn’t be a great experience with the truncated, cookie cutter talent trees, removal of reagents and RPG mechanics etc. but at least it would be playable and I could still chill out in the old world.

What I really want to see is either no Crapaclysm at all, or at least one permanent WotLK server that I could actually enjoy the game on with the rest of my alts.

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No one ever said that in 2010.
I don’t want to make it “harder” I want to stop making it “easier”. Look at percentages I proposed - in T13 it’s measly 5% reduction, which very well could be 0%, unchanged from the original Dragon Soul release. The changes PRIMARILY should affect T11 and T12 to make them at least enjoyable.

You will have your LFR soon enough. And I hope they will do Flex raid from the start in MoP “Classic” so normal players could play normals.

I agree, Blizzard must provide a Wotlk ERA

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At least this one is over a month after WOTLK launched. Similar was posted after Wrath was out for only a week.

No one knows yet if they’ll even do it afaik.

Cata on it’s own it’s already enough to kill 60% of the pirate server andy that played only classic/tbc/wotlk.

I can already see people getting killed by Halfus Wyrmbreaker.

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And its already dead. Funny, eh?

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I’ve never played on a ‘pirate server’ in my life, and I certainly don’t want Crapaclysm.