Cataclysm Classic - too easy, needs buffs

I know hard raid encouters scares you we all know it.

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It was clear that they just want Classic to progress to Cata ASAP so they can have the mount/petstore in Classic as well and ā€¦special people will buy things they already bought once another time, genius move.

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Seriously how hard can it be to understand that x-pack marked the demise of world of warcraft it will be a huge flop , a lot of the community doesnā€™t want wow classic to die out and the old world to be changed.

Do you have to repeat the same mistakes over again ?

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The story of Cataclysm is the world change, if you donā€™t like it, donā€™t play it and stay on Classic ERA or ask for a Wotlk ERA.
Or ask for Chromie.

Changing the world is not a mistakes.

No kidding sherlock is it about a world change ? My youā€™re a genius ainā€™t you :joy:

Nice imput but youā€™re ten years too early also 920 bucks adding your reply :grin:

oh god itā€™s you kid
Let me /ignore your alt too

Let me just preface this by saying I think Cata is awful (itā€™s the worst expansion) and Iā€™m not overly interested in it, Iā€™d rather gamble on a continued WOTLK Classic + than moving forward with Cataclysm, which was the end of the world as we knew it.

Cataclysm Heroics got massively nerfed while classes got buffed (overall/broadly speaking). I levelled my Hunter first in Cataclysm rather than my Warrior, did a bunch of the launch heroics and they were completely fine and easy, then I levelled Warrior and tanked a bunch, completely fine. Forums were a different story, a million threads about them being too difficult.

The problem with Cataclysm HCā€™s is they were too hard to be used in the RDF with less experienced players, so they had to nerf them to stop casuals unsubbing en-masse. I fell out of love with the game shortly after starting raiding in Cata, didnā€™t enjoy the content and didnā€™t enjoy my class. I did try playing again in FL and Dragon Soul, the 3 dungeons were cool but the raid was a let down.

Cataclysm is the worst expansion to date, yes itā€™s worse than WOD, BFA and Shadowlands.


Ah, looks like we have a retail boy here to white knight for his beloved Shadowlands.
Shouldnā€™t you be farming Torghast instead of wasting time here on the classic forums and talking about a game you know nothing about and have no interest in?

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Considered i have just finished our usual raid night in naxx i think i have already done more than you lulplayer

How old are you? Given your attempts at communication Iā€™d hazard youā€™re around 15. If youā€™re older than that then God help you.


Considering than mine account is 17 year old you already wrong

The word you are looking for is ā€˜myā€™.

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If it makes you stop barking okey.

The only thing I want to read about ā€˜Cataclysm Classicā€™ is that it will never exist.

Selfishly, I agree with you. But that been said, if Cata Classic would make people happy, Iā€™d be OK with it - AS LONG AS there were WotLK Era servers (at least 1 PvE and 1 PvP) where I could move my characters. Iā€™d rather not delete them, but if I were forced into Cata thatā€™s just what I would do.


Nothings dead.

It depends of course : in example on some realm itā€™s already taken a toll but it is not dead yet that part is right though.

Can we please just have Legion Classic instead? I will prepay for deluxe instantly.

Your definition of dead is funny.

Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™m gonnaā€¦:face_vomiting:

me and a lot (majority maybe?) dont even want cataclysm. There is a reason why WoW went into a decline after cata launched. People dont enjoy it the same as WotlK. WoW classic will be finished after WotlK or they need to come up with some kind of classic WotlK+ but we all know that will never happen with the current state of Blizzard.