Celebrate Two Years of the Trading Post Under the Lunar Light of February

Celebrate Two Years of the Trading Post Under the Lunar Light of February

Join us for the second anniversary celebration of the Trading Post in February and shop new and previously released items at special vendors in Dornogal. This month, bring in the Lunar New Year in style with the Ensemble: Ornate Pink Lunar Festival Attire.

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We’re celebrating the second anniversary of the Trading Post in February with an extension to the Reward Bar this month, allowing you to earn an additional 500 Trader’s Tender through a variety of activities and expand your spending power on a wide variety of selections—including previously released transmogs, mounts, pets, toys, and monthly rewards.

Extra TENDIES!!!


Oh that pet is supercute :heart_eyes:


I might get the mount if I don’t look ridiculous sitting on it.
Show us the rest!

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Thank the Light, no pink! Looks like a pretty cool month, curious about the rest :slight_smile:

To make my number of Tendies to carry over for another month even bigger.


I’ll rant about how this shouldve been on the lunar vendor tomorrow maybe…

Free tender yay :no_mouth:


I know some struggle to spend theirs but I’m the opposite!!!

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I was surprised when the only update we got on the vendor was a mount.


kk so only mount may be worth spending tenders this month .

they lower they qiality of those items / mount so badly in last couple of months.

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I actually like the basic idea of that mount, but I don’t like how ‘blood elf-y’ it looks. :sweat_smile:

I have to say: Their previews have been really lackluster for the last several months. Not talking about the items themselves, but the list we get. Why not a complete list of the entire month’s stock anymore like we used to get?


I suppose I like the element of not knowing. Getting up and seeing what’s new is a thing of a bygone era… before the dreaded datamine. We are too used to being spoilt now.


I still try and keep avoiding anything that might be a spoiler, whether for the Trading Post or the next expansion or anything at all ingame.


It’s a Silvermoon named mount

True. I just hope we’ll get a Stormwind Sweeper or Boralus Sweeper too at some point. :wink:
I like the model, but it just doesn’t make sense for 99% of my characters. Or I’m going to have to make up some reason.

Yeah, I mugged this blood elf paladin and stole his bike. I mean broom. I mean broombike. :sweat_smile:

Anyway… The very specific blood elf aesthetic will probably keep me from purchasing it, if I’m honest.


meh, nothing to cry about,

  • think the extra 500 should be added every month
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this months trade post is kind of a let down.
ill maybe get the rocket cape transmog & thats about it for me

The helm on the monthly reward is something i will never wear looks really bad on a panda :frowning:

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We literally just know about a small fraction of it. :thinking:

Honestly, I think it looks bad on any race. :sweat_smile:

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In before it’s another horse. :racehorse: