Yeah. So for someone like you, there’s more often going to be something on the TP that you like. Right?
Cant deny it, but ive gone several now that were not too big of interest except the latest steampunk perhaps.
I imagine we will get forsaken/scourge type themes eventually there aswell
Anyway… The trading post has made me very happy for the last 2 years.
Finally as a hunter I’m getting all these cool/funny/weird items that we’ve never had. It was ugly tier set again and again for many years.
I think its perhaps the best addition they have made for while aswell. Adds cosmetics and gives possibility to unlock them from various contents of the game. I think its good design aswell.
I used to pick up alot more in the past than I do now.
Maybe because I have learnt that I don’t need so many Hood Cloaks, even if they come with face masks now. The shoulders cloaks, and the long gloves and skirts all look ridiculous in my opinion. But I guess someone likes to collect all the colours.
And I’m not really a massive fan of unused low resolution weapons.
I like that they create new things. But I just want the new things to start to appeal to me.
Bought all of the cloaks so far, also realised at some point that do I really need all of the cloaks. But can one really ever have too many cloaks that is the question. Atleast the ones that we do have bought so far do look quite cool
And that is absolutely fine and understandable.
So why drag in the nonsense that ‘everything is cute and fluffy’?
Your above statement is fine and can stand on its own without making up more ‘reasons’.
Yeh I kinda stopped when they started bringing out the bright Yellow ones and I realised that I was never going to use them.
I realised that every transmog looked the same, just a different colour.
I think there was one I missed that I’m still waiting to come back up. So maybe tomorrow I’ll see something in the “clearance”.
I’ve bought all the ones with the scarf. That is a versatile piece that can be combined with loads of things.
I’m not fond of the new one with the hood and the mask.
I like the new over-the-shoulder cape more than the old one though. Just waiting on some good colours.
Same with the war skirts. Won’t buy them all; just the nicely coloured ones.
I’m curious which items will be returning tomorrow. And also what exactly they mean with ““Trading Post Inventory Clearance Extravaganza!””
Clearance generally means discounts. So here’s hoping…
Oh that reminds me… I’ll go park my main at the TP.
The 500 bonus tender is also a lifesaver
Makes perfect sense Could you give examples of items that you think might appeal to you? For me, I’d like more simple, clean designs for plate armour sets for example, or a ‘real’ hunter set that’d envision the archer style more than the traditional WoW hunter sets. I love things like sleek bows, and an inbuilt quiver like the Legion artifacts but much more plain in design would be so amazing to me.
I’ll admit rightaway I often prefer the more grounded aesthetics, while WoW usually prefers to go with fancy and sparkly the more special an item gets so that is definitely my problem
I feel exactly the same.
The only difference is:
In my case, I want it to be more Beast Master style and not archer style.
But they should definitely stop doing the weird ‘ranged knight’ sets for tier sets. The upcoming tier set is even worse: It’s ‘ranged death knight’ now. When are they finally going to make actual hunter themed tier sets?